Sassja - Jemen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sassja - Jemen

Muziku volim odmah rimam na taktove
I instantly rhyme music with beats
Previše je sveta zika da je dijelim na žanrove
There are too many types of music in the world to break it into genres
Klimam istom glavom bolan i na riffove i dubove
I nod my head in the same way to riffs and dubstep
Tako i za ljude buraz imam slične stavove
That's why I approach people, even ferocious ones, in the same way
Dobri i loši, znaš da ne gledam zastave
Good and evil, you know that I do not judge based on nationality
Ako nisi čiste naravi, nema dalje rasprave
If you are not pure of heart, there is nothing more to discuss
Naš i njihov, ničiji, takve priče ljude rastave
Us versus them, belonging to no one, these types of stories only tear people apart
Pa prave naprave za borbe i ratove
And also create reasons to fight and wage war
Svako svoje gura hoće na bolje
Everyone is trying to push in front to get what they want
What's best
Možda da se pomirimo tako je
Perhaps that is how we can bring peace
Lako je
It's easy
Smijati se drugom zbog tog' kakav je
To laugh at others because of who they are
Svi probleme imamo
We all have problems
Svakom njegov put hrapav je
Everyone's journey is difficult
Svako svoje gura hoće na bolje
Everyone is trying to push in front to get what they want
What's best
Možda da se pomirimo tako je
Perhaps that is how we can bring peace
Ja bih ipak tamo negdje najprije
I think that is where I would rather be first
Slobode i ljubavi
Freedom and love
Samo toga da mi je
If only that were possible
Al džaba to govorit kad od školjke dalje ne čuje
But there is no point in saying that because you can't hear me any further than a seashell
Svak' u svoje stado i sa tuđim se ne vezuje
Everyone sticks to their own group and does not form bonds with outsiders
Gluhi za tuđe nevolje, pa tuđe ne vole
Deaf to the troubles of others and therefore do not love outsiders
Al došlo vrijeme ludo pa mrze i svoje redove
But crazy times have come and now we even hate our own ranks
Pa mrze svakog ko je drukčiji od njih
We even hate anyone who is different from us
Svi od drugog pametniji pa se mrzi uspješniji
Everyone thinks they are smarter than everyone else and so they hate more successful people
Pa kad nema šta drugo onda mrzi se i lošiji
And when there is nothing else left to hate, then you hate the weak
Jer nije na nivou on je gluplji i ružniji
Because he is not on our level, he is stupid and ugly
Neće ljudi da uče neznanje pravi barikade
People don't want to learn, and ignorance builds barricades
Pa pogledam u prošlost sve balada do balade
So I look to the past, where it's all just one ballad after another
Duša tada zaboli i danas sve to rade
My soul aches when I think about it and today everything is the same
Iz neznanja ulažu u bombe, barut i granate
Out of ignorance, they invest in bombs, gunpowder, and grenades

Writer(s): rok kovac, sanela halilovic

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