Sassja - Njemica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Njemica - Sassjatraduction en anglais

Neka narod samo ide tamo gdje god sreću vide
Let people just go wherever they can find happiness
Od elite do klošara i uglavnom jeste zbog para
From the elite to the homeless, and mostly for money
Al′ i za put treba para treba znanja i elana
But even traveling requires money, knowledge, and enthusiasm
A ja ti nemam ništa od tog za ostvarivanje plana
And I have none of that to make my plans a reality
Para na paru a opet nemam za kafu
Cash on hand, but still not enough for coffee
I vazda stojim u redu odgađam sahranu svadbu
And I'm always standing in line, postponing my funeral and wedding
Jer ništa neće za marku jer tako gledam na platu
Because nothing will cost a mark, that's how I view my salary
Kad nešto lupi napolju vazda čujem granatu
When something goes boom outside, I always hear a grenade
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Šta mi je to u srcu a šta mi je u glavi
What's in my heart and what's in my head
Stomak voli onu zemlju što ga kvalitetno hrani
My stomach loves the land that feeds it well
Meni moja ulkus daje i razne psihičke probleme
Mine gives me ulcers and various psychological problems
Nemam pare za sedative pa uzmem vest goblene
I don't have money for sedatives, so I take Gobelins fabric
Od moje nene i igle su njene
From my mom, and her needles
Išla bi al' mi muka kad se spomene
I'd leave, but it pains me when it's mentioned
Novi jezik novi ljudi i novi grad sa rasvjetom
New language, new people, and a new city with streetlights
Ja sam tako navikla na mrak
I'm so used to the dark
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Gore se udaju i žene vole postarije žene
They marry early there, and women love older women
Školuju se i gotive žive kulturno i zdravo
They get an education and prepare themselves, they live cultured and healthy lives
Komšiluk mi je tamo umjesto pozdrava se lajkamo
My neighborhood there is like my family, instead of greetings we like each other
Vikendom sa društvom umjesto pijanke skajpamo
On weekends with friends, instead of drinking we Skype
Kako ko ode svoje sve rođake vodi
Whenever anyone leaves, they take all their relatives with them
Gdje je sigurno kontam da mi se sutra dijete rodi
Where it's safe, I plan to have my children tomorrow
Ja pogledam okolo ovdje osta sve pusto
I look around here, everything's deserted
Bila je promjena tu al′ je neko na granici ukr'o
There was a change here, but someone took it at the border
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Danke, danke, viel danke
Danke, danke, viel danke
Danke, danke, Deutschland danke!
Danke, danke, Deutschland danke!
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling
Iz škole u školu do zore za kurseve nove
From school to school until dawn for new courses
Štedim prođe sedmica
Saving, a week goes by
Svjesno i jasno ni ljevica ni desnica
Consciously and clearly, neither left nor right
Opredjeljujem se biću majko Njemica
I'm deciding I'll be a German, darling

Writer(s): Ivan Andrijašević, Rok Kovac, Sanela Halilovic

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