Sassja - Za Raju - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sassja - Za Raju

Za Raju
For The People
Ne hvala neću sandale daj mi te ljetne čizme
No, thanks, I don't want sandals, give me those summer boots
Čitam sve portale kažu sada inn je sve od čipke
I read all the portals, they say now everything's made of lace
Pa sam nabavila čipke za torbice i za štikle
So I bought lace for bags and for stilettos
Takve su cure sad sexy sigurno, rek'o mi Zike
Zike told me women are so sexy like that now
Idem poslije do Emine da mi snimi neke zike
I'm going to Emina's after to have her take some hot shots of me
I na mob aplikaciju da skine mi za slike
And have her upload an app on my phone to edit my photos
Kaže da mi je bezveze to što ne koristim filtere
She says it's useless that I don't use filters
I ima neku pjesmu između duba i džigere
And there's a song somewhere between deep and bass
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Idem svratit i do banke valja podić neke pare
I'm going to stop by the bank and withdraw some money
Vidim cijela ekipa za neku akciju tam daje
I see the whole team giving to some cause
Ne znam je li za bolesne, il' za štete od poplave
I don't know if it's for the sick or for flood damage
Na plakat će donatori, sramota da me ne postave
Donors will be on the poster, it’s a shame they didn’t include me
Postave znam Barcine od nastanka kluba
I’ve followed Barcine since the club's inception
Moj ih momak obožava pa ih gledamo skupa
My boyfriend worships them so we watch them together
Nisam gotivila taj fudbal, a sad mi nekako furka
I didn’t used to like soccer, but now I kind of dig it
I on mi kaže da trebamo baš sve raditi skupa
And he tells me we should do absolutely everything together
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Idem tam gdje idu poznati jer poznate poznaje
I go where the famous go because the famous know the famous
Poslije partijanja uvijek na afteru ostajem
After partying I always stay at the after-party
Srolam što se srolat da, povučem 5-6 dimova
I do what's done, I hit 5-6 blunts
Izvučem par linija da mi je ekipa zanimljiva
I snort a few lines to liven up my crew
E pa, nisam ti ja papak
Oh come on, I'm not a wimp
Ko Edo teniser što u jedan ide spavat
Like Edo the tennis player who goes to bed at 10
Pritisla ga cura 100%, lafo ba ide za poslom
His girlfriend pressured him 100 percent, so he goes to bed to get busy
Baš je smorko pravi mali, penzioner pravi post'o
He's a real loser, a teenage pensioner
Kad me žena iživcira, odem malo do Dijane
When my wife pisses me off, I go to Dijana's for awhile
S njom je sve bez obaveze, ona ništa ne pita me
It’s no strings attached with her, she doesn’t ask me anything
Savjest mi je čista ba, to su laži male
My conscience is clear, man, those are little lies
I svi drugari imaju nešto sa strane
And all my friends have something on the side
Idem za parama lagano pare da dignem
I'm chasing money, slowly making money
Okrečim ti stan i za boje te zakinem
I'll paint your apartment and leave you with the paint
Jer je život danas skup i težak u našem gradu
Because life is expensive and hard in our city
A savjest mi je čista, uostalom, svi danas kradu
And my conscience is clear, after all, everyone steals these days
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go
Šta ćeš piti, pijem to što pije raja
What will you drink? I drink what the people drink
Šta slušaš, slušam to što sluša raja
What do you listen to? I listen to what the people listen to
Šta misliš, mislim to što misli raja
What do you think? I think what the people think
I ja se ne izdvajam, idem gdje ide raja
And I don't stand out, I go where the people go

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