Satoshi - DVYZH - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Satoshi - DVYZH

La noi în țară-i plictiseală
In our country, it's so boring, baby
Toți pațanii cată sare
Everyone's looking for a thrill, maybe
Dimineață până seară
From morning till night, they crave the high
Veselie, zaviseală
Joy and envy fill their eye
Treaba-i de sine stătătoare
The hustle's self-sustaining, dear
Din hotare în hotare
From border to border, far and near
Cine-mparte - parte are
Finders keepers, that's the rule, it's clear
Prin raioane și sectoare
Through districts and sectors, year after year
La noi în țară-i plictiseală
In our country, it's so boring, baby
Toți pațanii cată sare
Everyone's looking for a thrill, maybe
Dimineață până seară
From morning till night, they crave the high
Veselie, zaviseală
Joy and envy fill their eye
Treaba-i de sine stătătoare
The hustle's self-sustaining, dear
Din hotare în hotare
From border to border, far and near
Cine-mparte - parte are
Finders keepers, that's the rule, it's clear
Prin raioane și sectoare
Through districts and sectors, year after year
Eu pot scriu un eseu
I could write an essay, girl
Despre cum Dumnezeu
About how God, in this world
Nu observă mereu
Doesn't always see the swirl
se consumă la greu
Of heavy consumption, the unfurl
Ori vede, dar și el e-n dole
Or maybe he sees, but he's in on the deal
Cu Satana-mparte polii
Sharing the poles with Satan, the real
Sub sutană procurorii
Prosecutors under the cloth conceal
Scapă tații și feciorii
Fathers and sons, they always appeal
Moșu-aduce în sac
Santa brings in his sack, sweet treat
Bombonică, bezea
Candy and meringue, can't be beat
Copiii au în ruczac
Kids have in their backpacks, discreet
Tot ce-i foarte nelizea
Everything that's illicit, can't retreat
Dar cine îi vinovat?
But who's to blame, darling?
Grădinița din sat?
The kindergarten in the village, sprawling?
Unde-i paznicul beat?
Where's the drunken guard, calling?
Părinții care-au plecat
Parents who left, stalling?
Caut vinovat, ajung oricum la mine
Searching for blame, I always end up with me
Uneori nu trag, deși puțin rămâne
Sometimes I don't indulge, though temptation's glee
Uneori nu fac, deși pot fac bine
Sometimes I don't act, though good I could decree
Nu te supăra, da-i tot așa la tine
Don't be mad, honey, but it's the same for thee
Nu știi biștari, tu știi muștar
You don't know the real deal, you know the cheap thrill
Nu știi mișcări, te știu puștani
You don't know the moves, I know you're just still
Nu știi biștari, tu știi muștar
You don't know the real deal, you know the cheap thrill
Nu știi mișcări, te știu puștani
You don't know the moves, I know you're just still
Nu-s eu mare culinar, dar cred e prea multă sare
I'm not a great chef, but I think there's too much salt, my dear
În orașul ăsta alb nu numai străzile-s murdare
In this white city, not only the streets are unclear
Linguri, conștiințe, drumuri
Spoons, consciences, roads, astray
Lingăi, vene, bonguri, fumuri
Sycophants, veins, bongs, fumes in play
Telegrame și colete
Telegrams and packages, they convey
Comandați - avem di tăti!
Order up - we have it all, come what may!
Ascunde-n babe de omăt nu vadă poliția
Hide it in snowdrifts, from the police's sway
Bacul la geo pe cinci, dar știu geolocația
Failed geography, but I know the location, hey
Botișorul tău îl lingi, apoi cauțo soluția
You lick your lollipop, then seek a solution, pray
Nahuia acu te plângi, tu dar era krutoi pațan!
Now you complain, but you were a tough guy, they say
Ori nu, ori da
Either yes or no, sweetheart
Prin pori, prin parc
Through pores, through the park, we depart
Prin flori, tufari
Through flowers, bushes, a work of art
Prin guri himari
Through mouths, whispers, a brand new start
Prin străzi hipari
Through streets, high horses, playing a part
Prin bani primari
Through money, mayors, a corrupt heart
Prin gări școlari
Through stations, schoolchildren, a world apart
Prin ochi coșmar
Through eyes, nightmare, a painful dart
La noi în țară-i plictiseală
In our country, it's so boring, baby
Toți pațanii cată sare
Everyone's looking for a thrill, maybe
Dimineață până seară
From morning till night, they crave the high
Veselie, zaviseală
Joy and envy fill their eye
Treaba-i de sine stătătoare
The hustle's self-sustaining, dear
Din hotare în hotare
From border to border, far and near
Cine-mparte - parte are
Finders keepers, that's the rule, it's clear
Prin raioane și sectoare
Through districts and sectors, year after year
La noi în țară-i plictiseală
In our country, it's so boring, baby
Toți pațanii cată sare
Everyone's looking for a thrill, maybe
Dimineață până seară
From morning till night, they crave the high
Veselie, zaviseală
Joy and envy fill their eye
Treaba-i de sine stătătoare
The hustle's self-sustaining, dear
Din hotare în hotare
From border to border, far and near
Cine-mparte - parte are
Finders keepers, that's the rule, it's clear
Prin raioane și sectoare
Through districts and sectors, year after year

Writer(s): Vlad Sabajuc

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