Satra B.E.N.Z. feat. Golani - Carabinieri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Satra B.E.N.Z. feat. Golani - Carabinieri

Pun ochelarii mei, Gianfranco Ferre, da
I put on my Gianfranco Ferre glasses, yeah
Cand eu-s in cartier, nimeni nu indrazneste sa deschida gura
When I'm in the hood, nobody dares to open their mouth
Zdreanta ta ma place, garda ma cunoaste, n-are ce sa-mi faca
Your girl likes me, the cops know me, they can't do anything to me
Poa' sa-mi suga p, n-am nimic in casa, nu
She can suck my d*ck, I got nothing in the house, nah
Daca fratii mei n-au incredere, s-ar putea sa traga, yeah
If my brothers don't trust, they might pull the trigger, yeah
Ca ce facem noi, ia vezi, look-uri, firme, asa, mai bine taci
'Cause what we do, you see, looks, brands, like that, you better shut up
Alo, stai, ba, c, hai, fi baiat destept
Yo, hold up, hey, c'mon, be a smart boy
Nu vorbesti de bani, deci nu misc un deget, nu
You don't talk about money, so I don't move a finger, no
Vorbeste frumos, las-o moale, incet
Talk nice, take it easy, slow
Prea mananci c, vezi sa nu te inneci
You eat too much sh*t, don't choke on it
Hai, pofta buna, sa nu-ti ramana-n gat flowul meu
C'mon, good appetite, don't let my flow get stuck in your throat
Ca tot ce ating frate, vinu-i aur
'Cause everything I touch, brother, turns to gold
Pregateste fierul, frate, ca la noapte merg sa-i caut
Get the iron ready, brother, 'cause tonight I'm going to hunt them down
Am fost plecat, dar vin acasa
I was gone, but I'm coming home
Sunt golan de prima clasa
I'm a first class hustler
Scena trap stii ca-i a noastra
You know the trap scene is ours
Pune banii pe masa, marfa jos, suma grasa
Put the money on the table, goods down, fat sum
Cumpara, taie, vinde, stii ca garda nu ne prinde, ba
Buy, cut, sell, you know the cops can't catch us, yo
Cumpara, taie, vinde, stii ca garda nu ne prinde
Buy, cut, sell, you know the cops can't catch us
Cumpara, taie, vinde, stii ca garda nu ne prinde, ba
Buy, cut, sell, you know the cops can't catch us, yo
Cumpara, taie, vinde, stii ca garda nu ne prinde
Buy, cut, sell, you know the cops can't catch us
Sunt golan de strada, nu vezi?
I'm a street hustler, don't you see?
Sunt golan de strada, nu vezi?
I'm a street hustler, don't you see?
Sunt golan de strada, nu vezi?
I'm a street hustler, don't you see?
Sunt golan de strada, nu vezi?
I'm a street hustler, don't you see?
Dacule, suna-l mancati-as pe Luca sa vina cu Satra ca acuma dam pe ei
Dacule, hit him up, I would eat Luca to come with Satra because now we are hitting them
Nu mai dau bile din 2012, da-s afiliat cu cliqua GOLANI, fa
I don't give a f*ck since 2012, but I'm affiliated with the GOLANI clique, man
Satra Benzito, Romania, Italia, banii se dubleaza la ei si la noi
Satra Benzito, Romania, Italy, the money doubles with them and us
Doua familii, bagabonti loiali
Two families, loyal thugs
Imi bag p-n zdup, nu bag marfa pe gat
I don't give a f*ck, I don't swallow drugs
Pistolu-l fac, iti bag terori de golani (?)
I make the gun, I put hustler terrors on you (?)
Oh no, no, nu, stii ca esti in top
Oh no, no, no, you know you're on top
Grrah, grrah, grrah, felul de golani, stii ca esti pa
Grrah, grrah, grrah, the hustler type, you know you're done
Prr, prr, prrrr, Satra Benzito, toata banda, fra
Prr, prr, prrrr, Satra Benzito, the whole gang, bro
Yeah, yeah, yeah, me carabinierii, garda, cioara
Yeah, yeah, yeah, me carabinieri, cops, b*tch
Si tarfele astea se uda diseara
And these hoes are getting wet tonight
Oh, OG, mi sa che che siano capito di cosa si tratta frate mi sa che un attimo di sfiga stamattina
Oh, OG, I said che che siano capito di cosa si tratta bro I said che a little bit of bad luck this morning
Ti va
You want
Iar ma deranjezi, futu-ti m-tii, cand vad cum comentezi
You're bothering me again, f*ck your mother, when I see how you comment
Am invatat ca baietii true sunt acolo si cand nu-i vezi
I learned that true boys are there even when you don't see them
Daca vrei sa ne intalnim, vezi ca m-am batut rar
If you want to meet, you see that I rarely fought
Dar cand am facut-o, in mortii lor, i-am trosnit exemplar
But when I did, I crushed them exemplary, on their mothers
Cu fratimi-o Killa prin '98 cand ascultam "De Cartier"
With my brothers, a Killa in '98 when we listened to "De Cartier"
Am mers cu tiganii la razboi, topoare reci, d-alea de fier
I went to war with the gypsies, cold axes, those made of iron
Si aveam 13 ani, coite, stiu saraci, dar si cu fite
And I was 13 years old, chicks, I know poor, but also with style
Vrei s-o dam si stiu de ce, cu aia tari toti vor sa-ncerce
You want to go for it and I know why, everyone wants to try with the strong ones
Vattene a fanculo va
Vattene a fanculo va
Atata dai, atata primesti
You get what you give
Nu conteaza de-unde vii sau cine esti
It doesn't matter where you come from or who you are
Suntem toti egali in fata Domnului
We are all equal in the eyes of God
Voi sunteti toti egali in fata drogului
You are all equal in the face of drugs
Actiune ca in filme, ma, sa-nceapa drama
Action like in movies, man, let the drama begin
Fumez un blunt in timp ce ma tatueaza Hannah
I smoke a blunt while Hannah tattoos me
Sunt atent, stochez informatia, intensitatea actiunii
I'm paying attention, storing information, the intensity of the action
Arta reflecta realitatea
Art reflects reality
Eu merg dupa reguli, g-yeah, ca eu fac bine
I go by the rules, g-yeah, 'cause I do good
Deci nu ma fute la cap si nu ma face s-apelez la principii
So don't f*ck with my head and don't make me resort to principles
Intinde-o ca Visana ca te scuip ca llama
Stretch it like Visana 'cause I'll spit on you like a llama
Te dezbrac de valori ca pe Rosia Montana
I strip you of values like Rosia Montana
Saruta-mi frantuzeste capul p, javra
Kiss my head french style, you b*tch
Guta Bercenaru-n golaneala aia grava
Guta Bercenaru in that serious thug life
Dacule, vino, coite, aicea pan' la nava
Dacule, come on, chicks, here by the ship
Ia peretele cu plasma sa dam pe ei, ei
Take the wall with the plasma, let's hit them, yo
Plow, plow, plow, mr
Plow, plow, plow, mr
Fuge gandacii astia ca de Raid
These cockroaches run like from Raid
Eu sunt deasupra, atat de high
I am above, so high
Cu OG Eastbull, fumam niste sky
With OG Eastbull, we smoke some sky
Ai bani la tine? Azi nu mai ai
You got money on you? You don't have it anymore
Wait, wait, wait, vine politia, in pa mea
Wait, wait, wait, the police is coming, on my way
Intri-n plasa ca Dobrin, inaltimea sa
You get caught like Dobrin, his height
Cu Satra Benzema, rrr, gol, me
With Satra Benzema, rrr, goal, me

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