Satra B.E.N.Z. - Coraçáo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Satra B.E.N.Z. - Coraçáo

Radem hahahaha ca Smiley cand facem banii
Rad like hahaha Like Smiley when we make money
Facem recoarde tati grasane ca Okapi
We set records like the fatty Okapi
Suntem in Casa B. U. G. Midiots ca si Baby
We're in the House B. U. G. Midiots Like– and Baby
Noi Satra Benzito haladiti fa haladito
We Satra Benzito haladiti fa haladito
Mi se spune NOSFE si-mi bag pla-n ma-ta
They call me NOSFE and I'll stick my dick in your mother
Niciun stres la mine Hakuna Matata
No stress for me Hakuna Matata
Stresul e la astia de ne-o dau la barfa gata
Stress is for those who gossip about us enough
Ca niste copii alintati nu nu ne face cearta
Like spoiled kids no no don't make us fight
Hata in genunchi si gata
On your knees and ready
Nici n-avem aceiasi fani si tu dai cu cearta
We don't even have the same fans and you're arguing
Cand am aparut noi parca v-a disparut harta
When we showed up it's like your map disappeared
Scena se uita la voi si rade ca sparta
The scene looks at you and laughs like Sparta
Plata se face la urma pentru toata ceata
Payment is made at the end for the whole crowd
Visurile astora sunt ca sageata
Their dreams are like an arrow
Trec prin mine si la urma ramane doar pata
They pass through me and in the end only the stain remains
Sange sange sange frate ramane doar Satra
Blood blood blood brother only Satra remains
Era un timp cand o rezolvam in strada
There was a time when we solved it in the street
Acuma-s tarfe te dau in judecata
Now you're whores I'm suing you
Se dau bagabonti cu caie n-au cioara
They pretend to be gangsters with no money
Eu-i chem la balamuc si ei suna la garda mie
I call them crazy and they call the police on me
Daca am blugii skinny nu inseamna ca-s soft
If I wear skinny jeans doesn't mean I'm soft
Sa vezi cate bancnote din ei o sa scot
You'll see how many bills I get out of them
Sa vezi cate lame o sa scot si-o sa te-ngrop
You'll see how many blades I'll take out and bury you
Invidia prematur te face sa te coci
Envy prematurely makes you mature
Sa vezi cate julituri in coate o sa ai
You'll see how many cuts on your elbows you'll have
Sunt nerabdator sa ascult strofa mea ah
I can't wait to hear my verse ah
Daca o sa intru la zeghe o sa fii mort
If I go to jail you'll be dead
Satrarii mei o sa-ti cante la groapa bro
My Satra brothers will sing to you at the grave bro
Radem hahahaha ca Smiley cand facem banii
Rad like hahaha Like Smiley when we make money
Facem recoarde tati grasane ca Okapi
We set records like the fatty Okapi
Suntem in Casa B. U. G. Midiots ca si Baby
We're in the House B. U. G. Midiots Like– and Baby
Noi Satra Benzito haladiti fa haladito
We Satra Benzito haladiti fa haladito
(Gutcci-cci Cci-cci aduceti-o pe Ccicci ha)
(Gutcci-cci Cci-cci bring on Ccicci ha)
Asta-i ala cu nume de mynele care o arde pimp ah
This is the one with the pimp name ah
Fumez un George Nicolescu mai am nevoie si de K
I smoke a George Nicolescu I need a K too
Iarba avem n-avem nevoie animale Arca lui Noe
We have weed we don't need animals Noah's Ark
Cand o dau pe pzda bai pzda-i rasa n-are craci
When I give it to the pussy the pussy is shaved it has no legs
Scandalos ca Puya tu zboara Traian Vuia
Scandalous like Puya you fly Traian Vuia
Daca dai cu gura despre pi se cheama ca faci muia
If you talk about pi it's called pussy
De ce-ti bagi gura unde-i cr si zici de cru-aluia?
Why do you put your mouth where the cr is and say his cr?
Si cand te vezi cu crul lui ii zici de crul cui ha?
And when you see his cr you tell him whose cr ha?
Eminescule eu fac ce fac de mult
Eminescule I do what I do for a long time
In niciun anotimp pe astia nu-i mai ascult
In no season I no longer listen to these
Imi pun pla in cer de ce sa ma ascund?
I put my dick in the sky why should I hide?
Si-mi asez ideile ca vinde femeile
And I put my ideas as women sell
Am fost mic dar acuma-s mare ca nota
I was young but now I'm big as a note
De plata la fiecare masa ce-o servesc cu ma-ta
I get paid for every meal I serve with your mother
Hai las-o-n pla mea noi nu ne putem compara
Come on leave me alone we can't compare
Ca tu ai scazut cum mi-a crescut mie cota
Because you've gone down as my share has increased
Iti plac banii? Minti ca-i faci din concerte
Do you like money? You lie you make it from concerts
Tu nu vorbesti cu fanii si tot noi suntem vedete?
You don't talk to fans and we're still celebrities?
Nu te halesc ca-mi provoci di-a-r-ii ca E. coli
I don't like you because you give me diarrhea like E. coli
Sa-mi sugi pla cum mananc eu supa crema broccoli
Suck my dick as I eat broccoli cream soup
Nu va convine ca voi n-ati avut un plan
You don't like it because you didn't have a plan
Sunteti in muzica fara scop ca scandalul pe maidan
You're in music for no purpose like a scandal in the square
Bai saracule apuca-ma-i de prunc
You poor man take me by the baby
Ai auzit vreodata de investitie pe termen lung?
Have you ever heard of a long-term investment?
I-auzi pla mea self-management
Listen to my self-management
Haos turneu lesina pzdele la concert
Chaos tour fainting curtains at the concert
Iarta-ma dar am aplecat mama
Forgive me but I'm leaving mama
Ca am ales sa fac muzica si bani nu scoala
Because I chose to make music and money not school

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