Satra B.E.N.Z. - Din Satra Nu Pleaca Nimeni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Satra B.E.N.Z. - Din Satra Nu Pleaca Nimeni

Din Satra Nu Pleaca Nimeni
Din Satra Nu Pleaca Nimeni
Killa Fonic:
Killa Fonic:
Fato, sunt satra pe viata
Fato, I'm Satra for life
Banda Benzito, loiala
The Benzito gang, loyal
Finiete din oase, cruiala
Fine from bones, cruel
Cu zero ca-sta gras coboara
With zero like this fat one comes down
O. S. O. D. si noi creem nu recicl abia
O. S. O. D. and we create, don't just recycle
O. S. O. D. si noi futem nu ma simt abia
O. S. O. D. and we fuck, don't just feel up
Pune-ma po pe casetofon, ya
Put me on the cassette player, ya
Pune-ma-n Mertan si dansam fa, ya
Put me in the Mertan and let's dance, ya
Pune-ma-n Dacie, si fa-ti de cap ya
Put me in the Dacia, and do what you want, ya
Daca faci afaceri, le faci cu cap, ya
If you do business, do it with your head, ya
Satra Benzito, dau astia proba-n ea
Satra Benzito, they're auditioning for it
Fato, in banda pot sa te bag iar
Fato, I can put you back in the gang
Fato, de esti loiala O. G., te fac iar
Fato, if you're loyal O.G., I'll make you again
Fato tu esti buna, mami te fac iar
Fato you're good, mommy I'll make you again
Familie e-unita ca mafia
Family is united like the mafia
In strada-e jegoasa, nu-s diplomat
The street is dirty, I'm not a diplomat
Nosfe e Satra, ca-n liga campionilor
Nosfe is Satra, like in the Champions League
Regii pe tabla, me pionilor
Kings on the board, me pawns
Din mama-n strada, educatia golanilor
From my mother to the street, the education of the rascals
Teos, biserica, doamne da-mi banii lor
Teos, church, God give me their money
Nosfe, Rai
Nosfe, Rai
Lasa-mi aproape dusmanii, ma tin motivat sa fac banii
Keep my enemies close, they keep me motivated to make money
Ca asa-s adevrsarii, stau parcati pe-avarii, si numara fanii
Because that's how adversaries are, they're like on hazard lights, and they count their fans
Pe degete, degete, tem sa-mi vorbesti
On your fingers, fingers, I'm afraid to talk to you
Daca nu ma respecti, si-o spui tuturor, mai putin cand ma-ntalnesti
If you don't respect me, and you tell everyone, except when you meet me
Daca tu esti
If you are all
Tot ce pretinzi, de ce pierzi timpul cu Satra
That you claim to be, why do you waste your time with Satra
De ce te minti, nu vezi ca suntem zei
Why are you lying to yourself, can't you see we are gods
Ca suntem Sfinti
That we are saints
Ca numai unu e Nosfe
That there is only one Nosfe
Numai unu e Guta
There is only one Guta
Numai unu e Killa
There is only one Killa
Numai unu e Keed
There is only one Keed
Si numai unu e Lu-K Beats
And there is only one Lu-K Beats
Keed (Refren):
Keed (Chorus):
Numa' una e Satra, si Satra e cea mai belea
Satra's the only one, and Satra's the baddest
Vrei sa vezi cum e Satra, atunci da-te mai acana
You want to see what Satra is like, then get out of the way
Toate pe vin si pleaca
Everything comes and goes
Tovarasii vin si pleaca
Comrades come and go
Dar daca imi intri in Satra
But if you come into my Satra
Din Satra nu pleaca nimeni
No one leaves Satra
Ca-m zis c-o vreau de-a tong tong
Because I said I want it to be catchy
Gen Killa Fon' si Tom Box
Like Killa Fon' and Tom Box
?????? sa mor io de te mint io
?????? I'll die if I lie to you
O ard cu lautari pe casa la Billabong
I spend it with musicians at Billabong's house
Lesbiene ce stau prapadite ca pe ping pong
Lesbians who are wasted as on ping pong
Nou ca Softball, vechi ca Blitzball
New like Softball, old like Blitzball
Hat, crat, pop, corn
Hat, crat, pop, corn
Tiki Taka, Raka Taka, am bani, n-am bani
Tiki Taka, Raka Taka, I have money, I don't have money
Cand beau pentru cand beau, Macallan
When I drink for when I drink, Macallan
Daca n-am, ma combin, ma descurc, man
If I don't, I mix it up, I can handle it, man
N-am mama, n-am tata, beau, fac scandal
I have no mother, no father, I drink, I make a scandal
In asa haaal
In such a haaal
Cel mai tigaaan
The biggest tigaaaan
Fac balagaaan
I make balagaaan
Pe macadam, dam, dam, dam
On the asphalt, we give, give, give
Super ED:
Super ED:
Ma cheama Guta, cand sunt jegos
My name is Guta, when I'm dirty
Ma spal cu furtunul la mine-n curte, in Berceni
I wash myself with a hose in my yard, in Berceni
Duc o viata de durere-n pa
I lead a life of pain
Si cant uneori doar pentru prieteni
And sometimes I sing just for friends
Am talpa-n mers de boschetar
I have the sole of a tramp
Si dreaduri stricate, tricou-n blujan
And broken dreadlocks, a T-shirt tucked into my jeans
Blugi mulati,???????
Tight jeans, ??????
Panarama din Satra B. E. N. Z.
Panarama from Satra B. E. N. Z.
In Satra B. E. N. Z. pana l-a decis
In Satra B. E. N. Z. until the end
Cu mana pe inima am decis, eu si cu fratiorii mei
With my heart in my hand, I decided, me and my brothers
Traim cel mai de peste viiiis
We live the most extreme
O Satra o dragoste, ca de vis
A Satra, a love, like a dream
Zero urc doar in deviz
Zero goes up only in the estimate
Independeti ne-am depins
Independent we became dependent
Viitorul in parbriiiiz
The future in the windshield
Keed (Refren):
Keed (Chorus):
Numa' una e Satra, si Satra e cea mai belea
Satra's the only one, and Satra's the baddest
Vrei sa vezi cum e Satra, atunci da-te mai acana
You want to see what Satra is like, then get out of the way
Toate pe vin si pleaca
Everything comes and goes
Tovarasii vin si pleaca
Comrades come and go
Dar daca imi intri in Satra
But if you come into my Satra
Din Satra nu pleaca nimeni x2
No one leaves Satra x2

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