Satra B.E.N.Z. - Groparul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Satra B.E.N.Z. - Groparul

The Gravedigger
Te -ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Bagaboanta buna, dar e ca Medusa, are o serparaie in cap
Good girl, but she's like Medusa, she has a snake in her head
Ma uit in ochii ei, ma rupe, o fut, o fut, raman de piatra, blestemat
I look into her eyes, she breaks me, I fuck her, I fuck her, I remain a stone, cursed
Unii o numesc coarda, eu ii spun nevasta
Some call her a rope, I call her my wife
Niciodata nu-i in pasa proasta
She never cares bad
Ma vrea de partea ei, ma vrea sa fac urrrrat
She wants me by her side, she wants me to do urrrrat
Ma convoaca, boarfa, brr brr
She calls me, bitch, brr brr
Imi scade temperatura, ma infasoara
My temperature drops, she wraps me
Se intoarce inima-n mine, ea o doboara
My heart turns in me, she knocks it down
O, Doamne, unde-i Iisus? Ca ma omoara
Oh, God, where is Jesus? 'Cause she's killing me
Dar uite cum rup strada si de garda scap, si de garda scap
But look how I break the street and escape the guard, and escape the guard
Garda, garda, garda, garda, muie n-o sa prinda barda
Guard, guard, guard, guard, the bitch won't catch the bard
Sute milioane facem fara probleme
We make hundreds of millions without problems
Jocul asta nu-i comic, iti iau sarpele cu pene
This game is not funny, I take your feathered snake
Opt familii, niciun rap, ba, nene
Eight families, no rap, no, man
Banda Benzito, de-de-de-deles
Banda Benzito, de-de-de-deles
Bagabont de cartier, staiful de pe Pluto
Neighborhood hoodlum, the Pluto swagger
Un teanc de Lucian Blaga iau pe luna
I take a stack of Lucian Blaga on the moon
Am fost binecuvantat la nastere cu multa muza si cam atat
I was blessed at birth with a lot of muse and that's about it
Crescut intr-o familie de loseri, eroii mei au fost de imprumut
Raised in a family of losers, my heroes were on loan
M-am pierdut in muzica si literatura
I got lost in music and literature
Ma cheama Guta si fac filme de Oscar cu jointul in gura si mana pe pula
My name is Guta and I make Oscar movies with the joint in my mouth and my hand on the dick
Te bag in groapa, in mortii ma-tii
I put you in the grave, in your dead
Mortii cu mortii, in mortii ma-tii
The dead with the dead, in your dead
Eu-s plin de viata pe marginea gropii
I'm full of life on the edge of the pit
Si dau la lopata sa-mi sara ochii, wooshh
And I give to the shovel to jump out of my eyes, wooshh
Ingrop ce am mai jegos in mine
I bury what's nasty in me
Prietenul lui Jim nu-i prieten cu mine
Jim's friend is not my friend
Sarpele e lung, are vreo 7 mile
The snake is long, it's about 7 miles
Si salvarea mea au fost alea 8 mile
And my salvation was those 8 miles
Heii, ingrop tot, tot, tot, tot, tot, tot, tot, tot
Heii, I bury everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything
La trecutul nou, prezentu-antidot-dot-dot
To the new past, the antidote-dot-dot present
Restul, tot, tot ce a fost, tot, tot, tot, tot mort
The rest, everything, everything that was, everything, everything, everything, everything dead
Trece, ah, apa sub pod
Pass, ah, water under the bridge
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Au, mama, mi-am regizat drama
Oh, mom, I directed my drama
Cu litri de whiskey, coca si rom, singur
With liters of whiskey, coke and rum, alone
Nu vreau pe nimeni singur, nu ma opresc, vine el singur
I don't want anyone alone, I don't stop, he comes alone
Bag sambata, duminica, singuuur
I put Saturday, Sunday, aloooone
Am scris cele mai tari piese cand eram trist
I wrote the best songs when I was sad
Dimineata cand soarele isi arata fata si pleca acasa, zdreanta
In the morning when the sun showed its face and went home, rag
Eram trist si acum risc sa pierd controlul ca scriu la volan
I was sad and now I risk losing control because I write at the wheel
Mi-am propus sa fiu mereu number one
I set out to always be number one
De cand bateam mingea pe le maidan
Since I was kicking the ball on the wasteland
Am vrut echipa, nu sa fiu capitan
I wanted a team, not to be captain
Droadec mi-a dat un cocktail si mi-a zis: "Ia, capitane!"
Droadec gave me a cocktail and said: "Here, captain!"
L-am dat shot, MC la un party de nb in Bucale eram
I shot him, MC at an nb party in Bucale I was
Si mi-a dat un film de am zis ca-s cel mai tare capitan
And he gave me a film that I said I was the best captain
Si nu era vis atunci, cel mai tare capitan deveneam
And it wasn't a dream then, I was becoming the best captain
Nu vreau sa te mai vad, sa te mai simt, sa iti vorbesc
I don't want to see you anymore, to feel you anymore, to talk to you
Mi-e de ajuns prezentul si cat de mult gresesc
The present is enough for me and how much I'm wrong
Inca platim si eu si ai mei din cauza ta
My parents and I are still paying because of you
Nu te mai halesc, pleaca-n mortii tai din viata mea
I don't swallow you anymore, get the hell out of my life
De ce dispari ca si cum n-ai existat vreodata
Why do you disappear as if you never existed
Si pe urma reapari cand mi-e lumea mai draga?
And then you reappear when my world is dear to me?
Tu nu-i lasi sa traiasca, de ce-i urmaresti pe ai mei?
You don't let them live, why are you chasing mine?
Din cauza ta am renuntat la multi dintre ei
Because of you, I gave up many of them
Am atata ura in suflet din cauza ta, ti-o jur
I have so much hatred in my soul because of you, I swear
Ura de care incerc sa scap ca mi-a ajuns sa indur
The hatred I try to escape because I've had enough to endure
Vreau sa dispari, vreau sa scap de tine
I want you to disappear, I want to get rid of you
Dar cred ca n-am de ales
But I think I have no choice
Si cred ca trebuie sa invat sa traiesc cu tine
And I think I have to learn to live with you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you
Te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop ca groparul, te-ngrop, te ingrop
I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you like the gravedigger, I bury you, I bury you

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