Satra B.E.N.Z. - Numere (feat. Domnul Udo, Amuly, IAN, Azteca & Nane) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Satra B.E.N.Z. - Numere (feat. Domnul Udo, Amuly, IAN, Azteca & Nane)

Numere (feat. Domnul Udo, Amuly, IAN, Azteca & Nane)
Numbers (feat. Domnul Udo, Amuly, IAN, Azteca & Nane)
Dacă bani-s un număr, îi numar
If money's a number, I'll count it
Îi numar,îi numar,îi numar
I'll count it, I'll count it, I'll count it
Îi numar,îi numar,îi numar
I'll count it, I'll count it, I'll count it
Nu opresc până mâine
I won't stop until tomorrow
Pe YouTube la clipuri vezi numere
On YouTube in the videos you see numbers
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere
Numbers, numbers
Haterii de azi sunt fanii de mâine
Today's haters are tomorrow's fans
Când suma e doar un număr
When the sum is just a number
Un număr, un număr, un număr
A number, a number, a number
Un număr, un număr
A number, a number
Ce te ajută ai un mâine
That helps you have a tomorrow
Puterea stă în numere,
Power lies in numbers,
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere
Numbers, numbers
Nu le dau atenție niciodată
I never pay attention to them
Bagabontu' adevărat, direct din Șatră
Real thug, straight from Satra
Femeia mea-i cea mai mare șatraboantă
My woman is the biggest satra lady
Scoate-mă în stradă, scoate-mă odată
Take me out, take me out once
Conduc mașina de zici am furat-o
I drive the car like I stole it
Acasă m-așteaptă Occhi Di Gatto
Occhi Di Gatto is waiting for me at home
Pinknocchio, Burgeri De Zapadă
Pinknocchio, Snow Burgers
Pimp Pong, zici au la ochi, toate, o bandă
Pimp Pong, you'd think they all have a gang on their eyes
Sfreccio con 90 all'ora, con la Caddy'
Sfreccio con 90 all'ora, con la Caddy'
Mistress callin' me "daddy", I'm not her daddy
Mistress callin' me "daddy", I'm not her daddy
Dă-ți cu Salsa B.E.N.Z., moara mă-ta, Sandi
Hit it with Salsa B.E.N.Z., your mother should die, Sandi
Sandiloaico, o tre strig de-acuma, Candy, Ass
Sandiloaico, I'm gonna yell from now on, Candy, Ass
Acest keed din trupa asta de cacat
This kid from this shitty band
E de-a dreptul impresionant
Is downright impressive
Blue screen pa trap cam ai lag
Blue screen on trap cam you have lag
Vrei din succesul meu? ti fac un hotspot
Want some of my success? I'll make you a hotspot
A spart de neimaginat
Broke the unimaginable
Acest gunoi analfabet agramat
This illiterate garbage
Cascada cu binele s-a varsat
The waterfall of good poured
Din cerul albastru-n orizontul panoramat
From the blue sky to the panoramic horizon
Parte tigan potolis-ar umilinta
Part gypsy would calm the humiliation
Si gagica-mea la fel, ii frige pizda
And my chick too, her pussy is burning
Am lucrat cu jidani d-aia-mi pute fiinta a Business
I worked with Jews, that's why my Business being stinks
Acum liber!
Now free!
S-a terminat sedinta!
The meeting is over!
Dacă bani-s un număr, îi numar
If money's a number, I'll count it
Îi numar,îi numar,îi numar
I'll count it, I'll count it, I'll count it
Îi numar,îi numar,îi numar
I'll count it, I'll count it, I'll count it
Nu opresc până mâine
I won't stop until tomorrow
Pe YouTube la clipuri vezi numere
On YouTube in the videos you see numbers
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere
Numbers, numbers
Haterii de azi sunt fanii de mâine
Today's haters are tomorrow's fans
Când suma e doar un număr
When the sum is just a number
Un număr, un număr, un număr
A number, a number, a number
Un număr, un număr
A number, a number
Ce te ajută ai un mâine
That helps you have a tomorrow
Puterea stă în numere,
Power lies in numbers,
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Numere, numere
Numbers, numbers
6! 6! Vine 11! Tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic, ahh
6! 6! Here comes 11! Tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic, ahh
Stii ca te fac didactic si contra timp si ahh
You know I'm gonna make you didactic and against time and ahh
Vin cu droguri multe-n geanta mea Versace
I come with lots of drugs in my Versace bag
A vrut si GHB si boabe, curva nu mai tace
She wanted GHB and pills too, the bitch won't shut up
La 4 ace mereu, dar din strada cu fiare
Always at 4 aces, but from the street with wires
Si chiar nu trag de fiare, imi place s-apas butoane:
And I really don't pull wires, I like to press buttons:
Prrrrrrr! Am un tec, nu ma-ntrec cu tine, esti gloante oarbe
Prrrrrrr! I have a TEC, I don't compete with you, you're blind bullets
Beau whiskey vechi, trei roci, pe pat de gheata, nu halesc sifoane!
I drink old whiskey, three rocks, on ice, I don't suck siphons!
Si Psssh! Karma iti da jet in fata
And Psssh! Karma gives you a jet in the face
Nu-ti place adevarul? Da-ma-n judecata!
Don't like the truth? Take me to court!
Numarul 1 toti se cred acum fiindca se poarta
Everyone thinks they are number 1 now because it's fashionable
Dar, vezi tu, 11-a coborat din nava asa ca...
But, you see, 11 came down from the ship so...
Pe ce beaturi dăm, o iei randeaua
On what beats we give, you take the waltz
Am fost eu fără mai trag perdeaua
I was there without drawing the curtain anymore
Am mers pe sfoară, tot am ocolit beleaua
I walked on a tightrope, I still avoided the trouble
m-a educat mama și mahalaua
Because my mom and the hood educated me
Io beau Henny, nu iau Xanny
I drink Henny, I don't take Xanny
Bag un Blunt și fac iar banii
I put in a Blunt and make money again
Energie-mi dau doar fanii
Only the fans give me energy
Familia și-un pic de Molly
The family and a little bit of Molly
M-am învârtit cu golanii, în Bucale
I hung out with the thugs, in Bucale
Nu Miami...
Not Miami...
În studio cu melomanii!
In the studio with the music lovers!
În backpack, de plec-plec am teancu' de numere
In the backpack, if I leave I have a bunch of numbers
Nu ma-ntrec, ca-n TEC-TEC, la Seek facem numere
I don't compete, like in TEC-TEC, at Seek we make numbers
Pahare de vin sec, cine stă le numere?
Glasses of dry wine, who can count them?
Nu m-aplec-plec la ură, merg drept fac... NUMERE!
I don't bow down to hatred, I go straight to do... NUMBERS!
Io's cine sunt, nu placi, tu ia-ți avânt
I'm who I am, if you don't like me, take off
Fac ce vreau până-n pământ
I do what I want until I die
Știi că-i real tot ce cânt, am venit din balamuc
You know everything I sing is real, I came from the madhouse
Gloanțe viața-mi de mult
Bullets have been giving me life for a long time
Baga bani si aduna e suma se supara numara fura ma boom
Put money and collect is the sum is upset count steal me boom
Bile pe zgura se curata baga la gura ce zice un zeu coaie suna-ma
Balls on the slag are cleaned put in your mouth what a god says dude call me
Fratii pe fir am cazut bro aduna ma
Brothers on the line I fell bro pick me up
Pizde nebune pornite injurama bam
Crazy bitches turned on swearing bam
Bine ca sound
Good as sound
Pica si vine cu prafu pe card
Comes and comes with powder on the card
Trage de gang
Pulls from the gang
Bine c-am plan
Good that I have a plan
Nu ma face un sclav mereu pica p'asfalt
Don't make me a slave always falls on the asphalt
Dam picioare plasat
We kick placed
A blafat da i bine c-a stat
He bluffed but it's good that he stayed
A furat da i bine c-am alt
He stole but it's good that I have another
Flow defapt daia i bine c-am cap
Flow in fact that's why it's good that I have a head
Daia i bine c-am gard
That's why it's good that I have a fence
2 fete coaie zici ca ai fard
2 girls dude you'd think you have makeup
Yoga la yoda
Yoga at yoda
Ciupeala la coca
Pinch at coke
Piatra de cola
Cola stone
Prajeala la smoka
Roasting at smoka
Pe motorola
On the motorola
Face banu sare zona
Makes the money jump the zone
Strica planu sare bona
Breaks the plan the nanny jumps
Vine sare pleaca fuge sare ciorna
Comes jumps leaves runs jumps draft
Numere, numere, numere
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Sumele sumele sumele sumele fac
The sums the sums the sums make
Am o caramida-n pantaloni o sparg
I have a brick in my pants I'm breaking it
Azteca-i numele numele numele numele-n trap
Azteca is the name the name the name in the trap
Cu toti care detinem jocu pe un track
With all of us who own the game on a track
Si toate pizdele-s ude cand vad cum arunc iar cu sumele sumele
And all the bitches are wet when they see how I throw again with the sums the sums
Le futem odata ne tin minte numele numele numele numele
We fuck them once they remember the name the name the name the name
Cand intram pe piesa cu satra benzito cu tunete tunete tunete
When we enter the song with the satra benzito with thunders thunders thunders
Cu nane amuly si udo dam sunete sunete sunete sunete
With nane amuly and udo we give sounds sounds sounds sounds
Bag pula-n marfa am gang ca Genghis Khan
I put my dick in the merchandise I have a gang like Genghis Khan
Si o ruga ca-n Cannes, o fut face down
And a prayer like in Cannes, I fuck her face down
Spune-mi cioban c-o pun capra-s fun fun
Call me shepherd because I put the goat I'm fun fun
Numai fumez lala mota mariana ca Ian
I only smoke lala mota mariana like Ian
Campanie un mil
Campaign one mil
Am fost umil,
I was humiliated,
Si d'aia o simt woah woah
And that's why I feel it woah woah
Wet bitch
Wet bitch
M-am prajit
I fried myself
Am contacte ca bow wow
I have contacts like bow wow
Vreau sute de milioane la toate piesele!
I want hundreds of millions on all the tracks!
Vreau mere pe toate device-urile!
I want apples on all devices!
Spune-mi Steve Jobs, dau job-uri da' n-am job
Call me Steve Jobs, I give jobs but I don't have a job
Și fac numere, numere spart non-stop ca un ciob
And I make numbers, numbers broken non-stop like a shard
Am 27 și-o dau lumea cu pula-n sus
I'm 27 and I'm going to give the world a dick up
Salvatoru', dacă-mi las plete, strigi Iisus,
The savior, if I let my hair down, you call me Jesus,
Merg pe apă, da' nu merg pe apa sâmbetei
I walk on water, but I don't walk on the water on Saturday
Și fac valuri dacă maimuțăresc în Bape
And I make waves if I monkey around in Bape
Eyyy! - Sunt nivele în căcatu' ăsta!
Eyyy! - There are levels in this shit!
Eyyy Eyyy! - Voi sunteți bagabele în căcatu' ăsta!
Eyyy Eyyy! - You guys are the bagabe in this shit!
Ultimu' lucru de care-i nevoie in rap
The last thing you need in rap
E părerea ta de retardat pe internet
Is your retarded opinion on the internet
Hai, stai jos, ai un 2, in morții mă-tii
Come on, sit down, you got a 2, for fuck's sake
Ești un prost, n-ai pic de coi, în morții mă-tii
You're an idiot, you don't have any balls, for fuck's sake
Ești plin de fufu la gură, poftim un șervețel
You're full of fluff at your mouth, here's a napkin
Jocu' ăsta-i al nostru, băga-ne-am pula-n el!
This game is ours, we put our dicks in it!

Writer(s): Amuly Hameed, Azteca Ocult, Domnul Udo, Ian Ocult, Nane Mernic, Satra B.e.n.z.

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