Satra B.E.N.Z. - Pume Sumbre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Satra B.E.N.Z. - Pume Sumbre

Pume Sumbre
Dark Puma
O tarfa plus preludiu, in rotatie, mota multa
A whore plus a prelude, spinning, lots of weed
Fenomene-s toate tarfe, fenomen, eu nu fut tarfe
Phenomena are all whores, I'm a phenomenon, I don't fuck whores
Elegante si-s toate rupte, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant and they're all broken, elegant, I call them dark pumas
Elegante, le zic pume sumbre, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant, I call them dark pumas, elegant, I call them dark pumas
Tarfele astea nu-s shukare
These whores ain't cute
Astea parca-s din Cosmos, coane
These look like they're from Cosmos, man
Bagaboantele astea se fut tare
These hoes fuck hard
Bagaboantele astea sunt stelare
These hoes are stellar
Atata serparaie, atatea nopti murdare
So much snake, so many dirty nights
Sti, crispate, tipete, salvare
You know, tense, screaming, ambulance
O sa ajung la zeghe, la nebuni sau in spitale
I'm gonna end up in jail, in the loony bin, or in the hospital
Bag pula-n garda, bag pula-n garda, oare?
I don't give a fuck about the cops, I don't give a fuck, do I?
Lama Fina, ehi, fa, yeah
Fine Blade, hey, yeah, yeah
Cliqua mea e data dracu, bro, yeah
My clique is fucked up, bro, yeah
Tony Montana cum o dau
Tony Montana how I do it
Inc-o pereche Prada, le iau
Another pair of Prada, I'm buying them
...?...o iau
...?...I'm getting it
Clubul sare cum iti sare casa ta, graso
The club's jumping like your house is jumping, fatty
Clubul sare cum sare, pizdo, cum sare?
The club's jumping like it's jumping, dude, how's it jumping?
Bass groove, sari coxat, faci asa, chiar asa
Bass groove, jump with a limp, you do it like this, just like this
Satrabont pan' ma-ngrop, banii ii fac pan' ma coc
Satra good till I'm buried, I'm making money till I'm cooked
Lama Fina, cioara, de mahala
Fine Blade, crow, from the hood
Stau blana in cur de pizde ca le vreau
I'm chilling in a bunch of pussies 'cause I want them
Maria in foaia mea e menage-a-trois
Maria in my paper is a ménage-a-trois
CIoara mea, Luca la butoane-i posedat
My crow, Luca on the buttons is possessed
Satra mea-i data dracu-s binecuvantat...? sunt vindecat
My Satra's fucked up, I'm blessed...?...and I'm cured
Elegantele lui tata, pumele mele, veniti incoa'
My dad's elegant ladies, my pumas, come here
Haideti sub scena sa faceti dus de flow de la Satra
Come under the stage to get a flow shower from Satra
O gasca de bunaciuni, d-aia zici ca-s Sailor Moon
A bunch of hotties, you'd think they're Sailor Moon
Ascult Marracash si Guè Pequeno, vibe italian pe bune
I'm listening to Marracash and Guè Pequeno, real Italian vibe
Sare clubul, dau balans de Satra, uda pizdaa toata
The club's jumping, I'm swinging Satra style, all the pussies are wet
Nu mai vreau una, in seara asta mai multe deodata
I don't want just one, tonight I want several at once
Asta-i O. $. O. D. II, mancati-as pizdaa ta de satraboanta
This is O. $. O. D. II, I'll eat your Satra bitch pussy
Hai in camera sa devin noul tau tata
Come to my room and I'll be your new daddy
O tarfa plus preludiu, in rotatie, mota multa
A whore plus a prelude, spinning, lots of weed
Fenomene-s toate tarfe, fenomen, eu nu fut tarfe
Phenomena are all whores, I'm a phenomenon, I don't fuck whores
Elegante si-s toate rupte, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant and they're all broken, elegant, I call them dark pumas
Elegante, le zic pume sumbre, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant, I call them dark pumas, elegant, I call them dark pumas
Mmm, mancati-as fluturasul tau
Mmm, I'll eat your butterfly
Dupa ce termin cu tine o sa fi vai de curul tau
After I'm done with you, your ass is gonna be sore
Eee bine ca sti ce vrei
It's good that you know what you want
In timp ce stai in genunchi si te uiti in ochii mei
While you're on your knees, looking into my eyes
Rimelul se scurge incet, incet pe obraz
The rhyme slowly drips down your cheek
Amestecat cu lacrimi de fericire, nu de necaz
Mixed with tears of joy, not sorrow
Si dupa ce termin cu incalzirea
And after I'm done warming you up
Treci la taticu' sa-ti explice fericirea
Go to daddy so he can explain happiness to you
O lovesc de bile apoi pe bitch
I'll hit her with balls then the bitch
Ia-l pe cicatrice
Take it on the scar
Tot ce vrei, tu cere, elicopter cu elice
Anything you want, you ask, helicopter with propeller
A iesit animalul ala cel mai prost din Keed
That stupidest animal from Keed came out
Inghite tot, sa nu scape nimic, woo
Swallow everything, don't let anything escape, woo
Vreau sa facem copii
I want us to have babies
Sunteti pume, sa cobim pume
You're pumas, let's fuck pumas
Ooooh, incaltat in adidasi, parfumat si la pula ras
Ooooh, wearing sneakers, smelling good, and dick shaved
Vocabularul meu elevat, ea isi da ochii peste cap
My elevated vocabulary, she rolls her eyes
Imi sopteste ca visul ei e sa futa cantareti de trap
She whispers to me that her dream is to fuck trap singers
Te duc pe pula unde vrei ca What's Up
I'll take you on my dick wherever you want, what's up?
Taxiul meu nu e galben, ci verde smarald
My taxi isn't yellow, it's emerald green
Chilotii tai, animal print, ghepard
Your panties, animal print, cheetah
O sa te umplu-n mustata de Harap-Alb
I'm gonna fill your mustache with Harap-Alb
Si nu mai are pizda ca mai am mancat-o
And she doesn't have a pussy anymore 'cause I ate it
Si nu mai are cur ca mai am mancat
And she doesn't have an ass anymore 'cause I ate it
Si nu mai vrea sa coboram din pat
And she doesn't want to get out of bed anymore
Si nu mai vrea sa urcam din pacat
And she doesn't want to get up from sin anymore
Dau la puma, puma intruna
I'm hitting the puma, puma constantly
Bag pula-n puma din soare-n luna
I'm sticking my dick in the puma from sun to moon
Dau la puma, puma intruna
I'm hitting the puma, puma constantly
Bag pula-n puma din soare-n luna
I'm sticking my dick in the puma from sun to moon
Cand le dau c-au auzit duma
When I hit them, they heard a boom
Pula-n pizda, gata puma
Dick in the pussy, puma's done
Pula-n pizda, gata puma, pula... da-te, fa
Dick in the pussy, puma's done, dick... move, girl
O tarfa plus preludiu, in rotatie, mota multa
A whore plus a prelude, spinning, lots of weed
Fenomene-s toate tarfe, fenomen, eu nu fut tarfe
Phenomena are all whores, I'm a phenomenon, I don't fuck whores
Elegante si-s toate rupte, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant and they're all broken, elegant, I call them dark pumas
Elegante, le zic pume sumbre, elegante, le zic pume sumbre
Elegant, I call them dark pumas, elegant, I call them dark pumas

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