Sau - La Canço de la Noia de L'altra Canto del Bar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sau - La Canço de la Noia de L'altra Canto del Bar

La Canço de la Noia de L'altra Canto del Bar
Song About the Girl on the Other Side of the Bar
Sense paraules i cansat
Without words and tired
Sense ningú a qui poder-les dir
Without anyone to tell them to
Cansat d'intentar-ho
Tired of trying
De fer versos sense sentit
Of making senseless verses
El piano no m'estimava
The piano didn't love me
I vaig sortir de nit
And I went out into the night
Estaves sentada a l'altre cantó del bar
You were sitting on the other side of the bar
Jo vaig mirar-te amb un whisky entre les mans
I looked at you with a whiskey in my hand
Els teus ulls eren tan màgics
Your eyes were so magical
El teu cos tan sensual
Your body so sensual
No podia evitar mirar-te
I couldn't help but look at you
Em tenies atrapat.
You had me trapped.
Estaves tan bonica
You were so beautiful
No semblaves de veritat
You didn't seem real
Creia que esperaves, a l'altre cantó del bar
I thought you were waiting on the other side of the bar
No si el teu novio o que et vingués a buscar
I don't know if for your boyfriend or someone to come get you
Tu també em vas mirar
You looked at me too
A través del fum del bar
Through the smoky bar
Però el whisky no m'ajudava
But the whiskey wasn't helping me
A poder-ho intentar
To be able to try
Avui la sort m'ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once again, I have failed
Avui la sort m'ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once again, I have failed
Vaig tornar a casa
I went back home
Sentint-me fracassat
Feeling like a failure
Un cop més les muses
Once again, the muses
M'havien abandonat
Had abandoned me
Més tard vaig poder acceptar la realitat
Later, I was able to accept reality
"Em quedaré a casa, em posaré a composar
"I'll stay home and start composing
La cançó de la noia de l'altre cantó del bar"
The song about the girl on the other side of the bar."
Tu també em vas mirar
You looked at me too
A través del fum del bar
Through the smoky bar
Però el whisky no m'ajudava
But the whiskey wasn't helping me
A poder-ho intentar
To be able to try
Avui la sort m'ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once again, I have failed
Avui la sort m'ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once again, I have failed

Writer(s): Carles Sabater

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