Sau - La Cançó de la Noia de L'Altre Cantó del Bar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sau - La Cançó de la Noia de L'Altre Cantó del Bar

La Cançó de la Noia de L'Altre Cantó del Bar
The Song of a Girl on the Other Side of the Bar
Sense paraules i cansat
Without words and tired
Sense ningú a qui poder-les dir
With nobody to tell them to
Cansat d′intentar-ho
Tired of trying
De fer versos sense sentit
Of making poems without sense
El piano no m'estimava
The piano didn't like me
I vaig sortir de nit
And I went out to the night
Estaves sentada a l′altre cantó del bar
You were sitting on the other side of the bar
Jo vaig mirar-te amb un whisky entre les mans
I looked at you with a whiskey in my hands
Els teus ulls eren tan màgics
Your eyes were so magical
El teu cos tan sensual
Your body was so sensual
No podia evitar mirar-te
I couldn't avoid looking
Em tenies atrapat
You had me trapped
Estaves tan bonica
You were so beautiful
No semblaves de veritat
You didn't seem real
Creia que esperaves a l'altre cantó del bar
I thought you were waiting on the other side of the bar
No si al teu novio o que et vingués a buscar
I don't know if for your boyfriend or that you come to look for you
Però el whisky no m'ajudava
But the whiskey didn't help me
A poder-ho intentar
To be able to try
Avui la sort m′ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once more I've failed again
Avui la sort m′ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once more I've failed again
Vaig tornar a casa sentint-me fracassat
I went back home feeling failed
Un cop més les muses m'havien abandonat
Once more the muses had abandoned me
Més tard vaig poder acceptar la realitat
Later I was able to accept reality
Em quedaré a casa, em posaré a composar
I'll stay home, I'll start to compose
"La cançó de la noia de l′altre cantó del bar"
"The song of a girl on the other side of the bar"
Però el whisky no m'ajudava
But the whiskey didn't help me
A poder-ho intentar
To be able to try
Avui la sort m′ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once more I've failed again
Avui la sort m'ha tornat a abandonar
Today luck has abandoned me again
Un altre cop he tornat a fracassar
Once more I've failed again

Writer(s): Sau

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