Sau - Poemes I Promeses - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sau - Poemes I Promeses

Poemes I Promeses
Poems and Promises
Ens hem cremat les mans
We've burned our hands
Tants cops com ha calgut
As many times as needed
Hem mossegat el terra
We've bitten the ground
Sempre que hem caigut
Whenever we fell
I si mai en algun dia
And if ever, on any day
He comès algun error
I made a mistake
Ara tot el que puc dir-te
Now all I can tell you
És que ho sento molt
Is that I'm truly sorry
No hem de mirar enrera
We don't have to look back
Per poder sentir-nos
To feel alright
No hem de mirar enrera per saber
We don't have to look back to know
Tot el que hem fet
All that we've done
Ara tinc la cara cremada pel vent
Now my face is sunburnt by the wind
També tinc els teus poemes
I also have your poems
Escrits a la meva pell
Written on my skin
I si un dia et fan falta
And if one day you need them
No pateixis, jo te'ls guardaré
Don't worry, I'll keep them safe
I si un dia et fan falta
And if one day you need them
No pateixis, no els oblidaré
Don't worry, I won't forget them
Els porto escrits a la pell
I carry them written on my skin
Però saps molt que cal que anem
But you know well that we must go
De pressa
Que potser no hi som a temps
That we might not be in time
Vam marxar de casa
We left home
Ara fa molt temps
A long time ago now
Vam partir un dia
We set sail one day
Que no feia vent
When there was no wind
Les veles no es movien
The sails wouldn't move
El mar estava quiet
The sea was still
Anàvem a la deriva
We were adrift
A l'horitzó no es veia res
Nothing could be seen on the horizon
No hem de mirar enrera
We don't have to look back
Per poder sentir-nos
To feel alright
No hem de mirar enrera per saber
We don't have to look back to know
Tot el que hem fet
All that we've done
No hem de mirar enrera
We don't have to look back
Per poder sentir-nos
To feel alright
No hem de mirar enrera per saber
We don't have to look back to know
Tot el que hem fet
All that we've done
I totes les promeses
And all the promises
Que un dia ens vam fer
That we made one day
Segellades amb la mirada
Sealed with the gaze
D'aquell que només fe
Of one who only has faith
I si un dia et fan falta
And if one day you need them
No pateixis, que jo les guardaré
Don't worry, I'll keep them safe
I si un dia et fan falta
And if one day you need them
No pateixis, que no les oblidaré
Don't worry, I won't forget them
Les tinc escrites a la pell
I have them written on my skin
Però saps molt que cal que anem
But you know well that we must go
De pressa
Que potser no hi som a temps
That we might not be in time
Poemes i promeses
Poems and promises
Poemes i promeses escrites a la pell
Poems and promises written on the skin
Escrites a la pell
Written on the skin
Poemes i promeses
Poems and promises
Poemes i promeses escrites a la pell
Poems and promises written on the skin
No hem de mirar enrera
We don't have to look back
Per poder sentir-nos
To feel alright
No hem de mirar enrera per saber
We don't have to look back to know
Tot el que hem fet
All that we've done
No hem de mirar enrera
We don't have to look back
Per poder sentir-nos
To feel alright
No hem de mirar enrera per saber
We don't have to look back to know
Tot el que hem fet
All that we've done
La tardor ha arribat
Autumn has arrived
Començo a tenir fred
I'm starting to feel cold
Les hores se'm fan curtes
The hours are getting shorter for me
I aquests temps són molt incerts
And these times are very uncertain
Que la vida va de pressa
That life goes by quickly
I sento com se m'escapa de les mans
And I feel it slipping through my fingers
Qu'els poemes i promeses
That the poems and promises
Que aquell dia vam segellar
That we sealed that day
Mai els oblidaré
I will never forget
Doncs cal que anem de pressa
So we must hurry
Que potser no hi som a temps
We might not be in time
Que potser no hi som a temps
We might not be in time
Que potser no hi som a temps
We might not be in time
Que potser no hi som a temps!
We might not be in time!

Writer(s): Carles Sabater

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