Saykoji - Jalan Panjang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Saykoji - Jalan Panjang

Jalan Panjang
Long Road
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Yeah, dari awal pandang akhir ku rombak takdir
Yeah, from the beginning I see the end, I reshape destiny
Kecilnya kemungkinan ku buat kocar kacir
Small possibilities, I make them chaotic
Sejarah mulai saat ku langkahkan kaki ini
History begins when I step foot here
Cibiran tantangan ku undang mari sini
Sneers and challenges, I invite you, come here
Terseok mata kaki, tegar dimata hati
Sprained ankles, steadfast in my heart
Lupakan kebiasaan buruk meratapi
Forget the bad habit of grieving
Kantong kosong, ringankan gerak
Empty pockets, lighten the movement
Waktu 'kan mengisi pundi dengan emas perak
Time will fill the treasure with silver and gold
Rangkai kata bait perbait jadi genap
Arrange words, verse by verse, to be complete
Angkat suara buyar tadinya senyap
Raise your voice, previously silent, now gone
Sempit gelap jadi luas terang
Narrow darkness becomes vast brightness
Pijakkan kokoh cahaya benderang
Step firmly on the bright light
Ingat kesombongan, awal kehancuran
Remember arrogance, the beginning of destruction
Lupa nurani saat harta bertaburan
Forget conscience when wealth is scattered
Silau gemerlap buat gerak tak beraturan
Dazzling shimmer makes movement erratic
Batu sandungan 'tuk rencana yang berhamburan
Stumbling blocks for plans scattered
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Yeah, tak selamanya langit kelabu
Yeah, not forever the sky will be gray
Tak selamanya nasib mengaduh
Not forever fate will whine
Ubah situasi hidup basi dimutasi
Change the situation, stale life, mutated
Langkah demi langkah hidup aku masih
Step by step, I'm still alive
Bertahan sampai titik darah habis
Enduring until the last drop of blood
Bertubi-tubi serangan ku tangkis
I fend off attacks in waves
Harapan 'kan masa depan ku taktis
Hope for the future, I'm tactical
Walau berpeluh darah berbanding tangis
Though sweating blood compared to tears
Yang lemah akan kuat hadapi rupa
The weak will be strong to face appearance
Posisi belakang ke depan berubah
The rear position to the front changes
Tidak mudah beradapt seok teramat susah
It is not easy to adapt, so very difficult
Selama tekad membaca harapan tak akan musnah
As long as the determination reads hope, it will not vanish
Gagal coba lagi
If you fail, try again
Jatuh bangkit lagi
Fall, get up again
Gelap malam pastikan berganti pagi
The dark night is sure to turn to morning
So i will try over again and again
So I will try over again and again
If not good yet man the day is begin
If not good yet man the day is begin
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Letih kaki melangkah
Tired feet walking
Resah hati gelisah
Restless heart anxious
Garis akhir pun belum terlihat
The finish line is not yet visible
Ku yakin suatu hari, akan datang mentari
I believe that one day the sun will come
Mengusir gelap dari dalam hatiku
Chasing the darkness from my heart
Yeah, dibalik sinar lampu, di belakang panggung
Yeah, behind the lamplight, backstage
Dibawah gemerlap penampilan ku terkandung
Under the glittering appearance I contain
Cita-cita harapan dan kerja keras
Aspirations, hopes and hard work
Putar otak tiap membrane sel diperas
Twisting my brain, every cell membrane squeezed
Layaknya semua orang dengan mimpi
Like everyone with a dream
Aku pun pernah hanya menatap layar tv
I used to only stare at the TV screen
Ku jadikan kenyatan agar seimbang
I made it a reality to be balanced
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku tak akan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at
Apapun mereka bilang
Whatever they say
Tekadku takkan hilang
My determination will not vanish
Jalanku masih panjang
My road is still long
Garis akhir yang kupandang
The finish line is what I look at

Writer(s): Ignatius Penjami

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