Schyzo - Jednou Tě Zabijou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Schyzo - Jednou Tě Zabijou

Jednou Tě Zabijou
They'll Kill You One Day
Začíná to tu trochu zase jebat,
It's starting to piss me off again,
Polovina lidi cení Kapitána Dema.
Half the people praise Captain Dema.
Televize Barrandov furt jede není změna
Barrandov TV still goes on, no change
A pro ty co to neví, tak Honza Musil je žena.
And for those who don't know, Jan Musil is a woman.
Aktivisti tady bojujou za lepší klima,
Activists here fight for a better climate,
Na demonstraci jedou Bávem, ve kterým je klima.
They go to a demonstration on a BMW, which has air conditioning.
Jedinej zdroj informací, tady TV Prima,
The only source of information here is TV Prima,
Se nediv, že máš krávo doma úplnýho kripla.
No wonder you have a complete cripple at home.
Všude samej politolog, chytrolín a kritik,
Politicians, smartasses, and critics everywhere,
Ale kdyby měli možnost, tak by všichni byli Rittig.
But if they had the chance, they'd all be Rittig.
Všichni seděj na prdeli, daleko od rizik
Everyone sits on their ass, far away from the risk
A pak na pivečko do hospody všechno bude richtig.
And then at the pub, everything will be fine with beer.
Jestli Soukup bude prezident,tak ze bude Oswald.
If Soukup becomes president, I will become Oswald.
Ze bude Uwe Bolla, zahrajem si Postal.
I will become Uwe Boll, and we will play Postal.
V podepsaný obálce bych mu coronu poslal.
I would send him Corona in a signed envelope.
Sehnal bych si kvér a kulku do hlavy by dostal.
I would get a gun and shoot him in the head.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.
A česká music tady pořád smrdí hovnem,
And Czech music still smells like shit,
My jsme trochu doufali, že to odejde s Gottem.
We were kind of hoping it would go away with Gott.
Ceny udělujou starý báby, smellej potem
Awards are given out by old ladies, ground in sweat
A v rádiích jsou šašci, co otravují svým spotem.
And on the radio, there are clowns who poison you with their spots.
V Austrálii hoří, mezitím co ty se sprchuješ.
Australia is burning while you take a shower.
Se tváříš jako Smetana, pak o tom píčo tweetuješ.
You pretend to be Smetana, then you tweet about it, you cunt.
No, je to hrozně dojemný, jakože kundo lituješ.
Well, it's very touching, like you're sorry for the cunt.
Ale zdá se mi že fejkuješ, nevím možná tipuju.
But it seems to me that you're faking it, I don't know, maybe I'm guessing.
Co se kurva stalo, všichni chtějí měnit zvyky.
What the hell happened, everyone wants to change habits.
Sedmdesát pohlaví dneska najdeš na Wiki.
You can find seventy genders on Wikipedia today.
Ale co bys dělal, kdyby tvůj syn hulil dicky.
But what would you do if your son smoked dicks.
Měl by rozmrdanou prdel, že by posíral si slipy.
He'd have such a fucked up ass that he'd shit his pants.
Schyzo to jsi přehnal, jsi jen obyčejnej homofob.
Schyzo, you've gone too far, you're just a common homophobe.
Co kdybych ti řek, ty šašku, že ty jsi heterofob.
What if I told you, you clown, that you're a heterophobe.
Co kdybych ti řek, že heteráci nemaj pochody,
What if I told you straight people don't have parades,
Protože nejsou buzíci, co maj splašený hormony.
Because they're not fags with raging hormones.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.
Lepší texty než Ztracený, jsme psali v první třídě.
Better lyrics than Ztracený, we wrote them in first grade.
Vítek trochu zestárnul, si ujíždí na křídě.
Vitek has aged a bit, he's going crazy on chalk.
Kdyby nebyly sítě, tak by děti žili v bídě.
If there were no networks, children would live in poverty.
Dáme dvěstě litrů tomu, kdo podřízne hrdlo Míně.
We'll give two hundred liters to the one who cuts Mina's throat.
A vaše postupy jste ukradli, jste vokatý.
And you stole your methods, you're vocal.
Váš rap je chudej, od doby co jste bohatý.
Your rap is poor since you've been rich.
Slyšel jsem tvojí kurvu rapovat, chci skopat jí.
I heard your whore rapping, I want to kick her.
Za show jsi dostal patnáct set, táta doplatí.
You got fifteen hundred for the show, your dad will pay the rest.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.
Jednou zabijou, jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe kamion,
They'll kill you one day, they'll hit it and send a truck at you,
Jednou jim mrdne a pošlou do tebe Fabii, odvezou sanitkou.
They'll hit it and send a Fabia at you, they'll take you away in an ambulance.

Writer(s): Jan Janda

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