Schyzo feat. Dyzivv - Sport (feat. Dyzivv) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Schyzo feat. Dyzivv - Sport (feat. Dyzivv)

Sport (feat. Dyzivv)
Sport (feat. Dyzivv)
A kdyby jsem byl v Americe, mam u sebe Glock
And if I were in America, I'd have a Glock on me
Jenže nejsem v Americe, takže mam u sebe blok
But I'm not in America, so I have a notebook
nesu další desku a ty kluci, ty maj blok
I carry another album and those guys, they have a block
A nemůžu se dočkat, naseru celej blok
And I can't wait to piss off the whole block
Lidi, ty jsou nasraný, že dávam je do slok
People are pissed that I put them in the lyrics
Telefon mi pak zvoní, volaj a ptaj se proč
Then my phone rings, they call and ask why
Techniku, co mam na tejden, ty rozebíráš rok
The technique I have for a week, you've been studying for a year
Ve tři ráno ve studiu makám nachcanej jak žok
At three in the morning in the studio, I'm working high as a pig
Miliarda kokotů, nevim kdo je kdo
A billion idiots, I don't know who's who
My kopeme první ligu, důchodci si kopou hrob
We're playing first league, pensioners are digging graves
Ty dávno nejsi napřed, taky dávno nejsi top
You haven't been ahead for a long time, and you haven't been top for a long time
My jsme dávno před tebou, jsme dávno sebrali ti to
We've been ahead of you for a long time, we took it from you a long time ago
A jestli jsi tu se mnou, no tak to máš u bod
And if you're here with me, well, I respect that
Ale furt to neznamená, že ti patří stejnej spot
But it doesn't mean that you get the same spot
Lidi maj ze šok, chtěli by mluvit mi do slov
People are shocked by me, they would like to tell me what to say
Ale ten rap prcám do prdele, je to pro sport
But I'm fucking rap up its ass, it's a sport for me
Sát, můžeš mi péro sát
Suck, you can suck my dick
Můžeš si s nim i hrát
You can play with it too
Do pusy si ho dá-á-á-á-át
Put it in your mouth
Sát, můžeš mi péro sát
Suck, you can suck my dick
Můžeš si s nim i hrát
You can play with it too
Do pusy si ho dá-á-á-á-át
Put it in your mouth
A někdy nemam rozum, známý říkaj, že jsem cvok
And sometimes I don't have any sense, my friends say I'm crazy
Jeden měsíc mam dvě kila a ten druhej ani flok
One month I have two kilos, and the other month not even a flok
Je to tok slov, myšlenek a někdy taky drog
It's a stream of words, thoughts, and sometimes drugs
Vyjebanej Johnny ve studiu, to zase smot
Johnny the fuck-up in the studio, roll it again
Dlouho jsem se držel, ale zase je tu smog
I held on for a long time, but there's smog again
Mrdám na to, co kdo říká, pak to sázim jako pro
I don't care what anyone says, then I'm planting it like a pro
Ty to sázíš jako bába, seš nepovedenej klon
You're planting it like an old woman, you're a failed clone
Nejsi rapper, ale imitátor, zmrde, Vláďa Hron
You're not a rapper, but an imitator, asshole, Vlada Hron
A pořád jenom píčuješ, tak si vlez do mejch bot
And you just keep talking shit, so get into my shoes
Zavři držku a pak zkus udělat aspoň jeden krok
Shut up and then try to take at least one step
Dám ti maximálně tejden, pak budeš myslet na skok
I'll give you a week at most, then you'll be thinking about jumping
No a to celý pochopíš, tak pak sežereš brok
And when you finally understand, then you'll eat a brok
A rappeři jsou k smíchu, všichni začli dělat pop
And rappers are ridiculous, they all started doing pop
Všichni prodávaj ti všechno, ale co dělaj je šrot
They all sell you everything, but what they do is crap
Všichni se tu předháněj, kdo je tu kurva víc dope
They are all outdoing each other, who is more fucking dope
Ale to prcám do prdele, je to pro sport
But I'm fucking it up its ass, it's a sport for me
Sát, můžeš mi péro sát
Suck, you can suck my dick
Můžeš si s nim i hrát
You can play with it too
Do pusy si ho dá-á-á-á-át
Put it in your mouth
Sát, můžeš mi péro sát
Suck, you can suck my dick
Můžeš si s nim i hrát
You can play with it too
Do pusy si ho dá-á-á-á-át
Put it in your mouth
A teraz pozor kurva, vezmem ťa dole do katakomb
And now, listen up, bitch, we'll take you down to the catacombs
Dokeď nevydedím od šarloty, tak sa cítim mog
Until I inherit from Charlotte, I feel like a mog
Ja to myslím všetko vážne, toto neni žiadny joke
I mean it all seriously, this is no joke
Potrebuješ moju flow jak potrebuje čubka cock
You need my flow like a chick needs a cock
Budem za tým stáť, keď to nebude môj job
We will stand behind this, even if it's not my job
Degeši by chceli to, no nemajú na to kód
Degeshis would want it, but they don't have the code for it
Z môjho ksichtu cítiť zlosť, z tvojho ksichtu cítiť dno
You can smell anger from my face, you can smell the bottom from your face
Pretože tridsiaty rok čakáš na svoj prvý drop
Because you've been waiting for your first drop for thirty years
Robíme si srandu, keď to vôbec neni vhod
We're making fun of it when it's not appropriate at all
Dovtedy ma chceš zabiť, ale je tu so mnou squad
In the meantime, you want to kill me, but the squad is here with me
V Octávke pálka, keď mi rýpe do tých stok
In the Octavia, a bat, when it digs into those holes
Viem, že ležím v žaludku niektorým feťáckým psom
I know I'm stomaching some junkie dogs
Sleduj ty kokot, jak to do doba slok
Watch that asshole put it in the bar lyrics
Sleduj jak to sádza tento čistokrvný Rom
Watch this pure-blooded Rom put it on
Radšej budem hnieť od smrti, kurva jak byť on
I'd rather be crushed to death than be him
Trepeš šukal originál, je to pre mňa šport
You're fucking the original, it's a sport for me

Writer(s): Jan Janda

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