Scriptor - Andjeli - traduction des paroles en anglais

Andjeli - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Pjesma hrani dušu ko uzvraćeni poljubac
A song nourishes the soul like a returned kiss
Od jedne posebne osobe, a za ostale ne pitaš
From a special person, and you don't ask for others
Kolko košta te kad prodate odnose jer ponos
How much does it cost you when you sell relationships because pride
Je najskuplji kada te voljeni ostave
Is the most expensive when loved ones leave you
Ne pitaj me za ljubavni život, pitaj kad je sprovod
Don't ask me about my love life, ask me when the funeral is
Pitaj kakav je povod ovom i zašto trošim slovo
Ask what the reason is for this and why I'm wasting words
Na emotivnu apstrakciju kad je teško slušat
On emotional abstraction when it's hard to listen
Mjesto usana na toploj koži, uvijek vječna tuga
Instead of lips on warm skin, there's always eternal sadness
Al to je tako svaki je čovjek plako
But that's how it is, every man has cried
Jer sve ono što je slatko jednom postane gorko i prazno
Because everything that's sweet eventually becomes bitter and empty
Otrov je razlog, mi smo puke žrtve sredstva
Poison is the reason, we are mere victims of the means
Jer kad jednom pukne mrtve veze potonu u bezdan
Because once the dead relationships break, they sink into the abyss
I nema smisla prekopavat stare grobove
And there's no point in digging up old graves
Jer 'mjesto ljepote nađeš trulo meso i kosture
Because instead of beauty you find rotten flesh and skeletons
Pa kažeš dosta je jer ostaje ti samo sjećanje
So you say enough is enough because all that's left is memory
Svijeća prestaje gorit usred emotivne mećave
The candle stops burning in the middle of an emotional blizzard
A rekli su mi da su anđeli priče za djecu
And they told me that angels are stories for children
I kako sada stoje stvari, bit će da jesu
And the way things are now, they probably are
Vidim da sve su iste ko mirisan cvijet
I see that they are all the same as a fragrant flower
Izvana, a u srži sve je to prividan svijet
From the outside, but at its core it's all a deceptive world
Rekli su mi da su anđeli priče za djecu
They told me that angels are stories for children
Mislim da jesu, pitam se gdje su
I think they are, I wonder where they are
Jer kada ubereš cvijet u svijetu žene
Because when you pick a flower in the world of women
A ne daješ svjetlost i vodu nazad taj cvijet uvene
And you don't give light and water back, that flower withers
I postane rob sjene oporavka, lažne utjehe
And becomes a slave to the shadow of recovery, false comfort
Bez nade za uspjeh jer to ponavlja
Without hope for success because it repeats
Kao kazaljka na satu svoje monotone krugove
Like a clock hand its monotonous circles
Al nemreš otpisat brojke u krugu ko ni ljude jer
But you can't write off the numbers in the circle, just like people, because
Nakon svakog punog kruga vraćaš se na isto
After every full circle you return to the same
Puno rugla i nerješivo makar ti tjeraš taj ishod
Lots of ridicule and unsolvable, even though you're pushing for that outcome
Pa gledaš gore i pogodi te odozdo
So you look up and get hit from below
Jer tako stoje stvari kad se srce svađa s mozgom
Because that's how things are when the heart argues with the brain
Pa probaj shvatit odnos trenutnog i trajnog
So try to understand the relationship between the current and the permanent
Jer trajno je jalovo, a trenutno je sjajno
Because the permanent is barren, and the current is brilliant
Sjajimo, kao Stjepan i Mirta, Boris i moram
Shine, like Stjepan and Mirta, Boris and I have to go
Baby Oil i Štefančić, Ivan i Morana
Baby Oil and Štefančić, Ivan and Morana
Obrana prave ljubavi, a kada dođu anđeli
The defense of true love, and when the angels come
Spoje se kao truba i bubnjevi
They join together like a trumpet and drums
Jer ljubav je pravi umjetnik, nepredvidiva
Because love is a true artist, unpredictable
Nikad ne znaš kakvi su uvjeti
You never know what the conditions are
Hoće li uspjeti ili je sam upjeh čin
Will it succeed or is success itself an act
Odricanja zbilje radi nekakvih viših ciljeva
Of sacrifice for the sake of some higher goals
Dok tražiš baladu, a dobiješ limunadu pa
While you're looking for a ballad, and you get lemonade, so
Sa umjetnim osmjehom zajedno šećete po gradu
With a fake smile you walk around the city together
Nisam tražio ništa, jer sam ništav
I didn't ask for anything, because I'm nothing
Psihološki unakažen, emotivno prištav
Psychologically crippled, emotionally attached
A takvi ožiljci nisu problem estetike
And such scars are not an aesthetic problem
Za stanje duha od pjesme nema bolje kozmetike
For the state of mind, there's no better cosmetics than a song

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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