Scriptor - Apokalipsa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Apokalipsa - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Bacam vas u lijes double s, rime pljunem van
I'm burying you in double s caskets, spitting rhymes outside
Kresnu vas u glavu zoom pri povratku ko bumerang
I'll blast you in the head, zoom back like a boomerang
Kume rang sinesteta ćeš dosegnuti kad
You'll reach a synesthete's range when
Slijepi počnu čitat pisma, a papa pređe na islam
The blind start reading letters and the pope converts to Islam
Dotada vladam ko sadam, polako trakom kucam
Until then I rule like Saddam, slowly tapping the track
Želiš biti kao Špica, "oštar si al lako pucaš"
You want to be like Špica, "you're sharp but you break easily"
Crne misli poput Rootsa, kisni ispod sunca
Dark thoughts like Roots, it rains under the sun
Lingvistik vas ponovno doveo do vrhunca
Linguistics has brought you to the peak again
Primim dvadeset beatova snimim bar deset hitova
I take twenty beats, I record at least ten hits
I još deset stvari radi kojih poželiš bit ko ja
And ten more things that make you want to be like me
"Ikona", niko na svijetu nije naviko svetu
'Icon', nobody in the world is used to the world
Pjesmu Scriptora i nije čuo tečnu hip hop stvar
No one has heard a song by Scriptor, a smooth hip-hop thing
Neki nadobudno misle da je nebo granica ha
Some presumptuously think that heaven is the limit, ha
Pa u letu shvate da je ego granica
And in flight they realize that ego is the limit
Dok lete preko rep oranica reci djeci da
While they fly over the rap fields, tell the kids that
Ne radim pjesme, radim bombe za treći svjetski rat
I don't make songs, I make bombs for World War III
Apokalipsa - svaka stvar na albumu vam kiksa
Apocalypse - every track on the album fails you
Apokalipsa - zbog preloše produkcije i miksa
Apocalypse - because of the terrible production and mix
Apokalipsa - pred nama sakrivate svoja lica
Apocalypse - you hide your faces from us
Apokalipsa - Sinestet, Theron, Ink, Aco, Špica
Apocalypse - Sinestet, Theron, Ink, Aco, Špica
Apokalipsa - svaka stvar na albumu vam kiksa
Apocalypse - every track on the album fails you
Apokalipsa - zbog preloše produkcije i miksa
Apocalypse - because of the terrible production and mix
Apokalipsa - dok tako lako plovimo ritmom
Apocalypse - while we easily sail with the rhythm
Apokalipsa - Sinestet, Marvel, Yuri, Alex, Scriptor
Apocalypse - Sinestet, Marvel, Yuri, Alex, Scriptor
Bacam uličnu magiju, hrvatski David Blaine
I cast street magic, the Croatian David Blaine
Precizan ko bijeli sprej, na riječima Daddy Kane
Precise like white spray, on Daddy Kane's words
Nizam lajn po lajn i pogledaj što sam stvorio
Line by line, and look what I've created
Ovo nije mjuza za auto, ovo je gorivo
This isn't music for the car, this is fuel
Jebeš dobre tekstove kad trebe vole seksorep
Screw good lyrics when you need sex rap
Samo broje clapove na stvari 50 centove
They just count the claps on a 50 Cent track
A nije reko drek, i mogu lako ga izdat
And he hasn't said anything, and I can easily expose him
Riječi su mu ko propaganda narko turizma
His words are like drug tourism propaganda
Apokalipsa, dao sam naziv stvari
Apocalypse, I gave the track a name
Povodom otkrivenja da sam hrvatski Nas ustvari
To mark the discovery that I am actually the Croatian Nas
Stvaram glazbu starih za mladenačke uši
I create music for the old for young ears
Pa uđi u rep svijet i izađi ak te muči
So enter the rap world and leave if it bothers you
Pitali su me zašto ne izdam album
They asked me why I don't release an album
Reko sam da me izdavač ne izda za boom
I said the label won't betray me for the boom
A budući da danas slika scene nije lijepa
And since the picture of the scene today is not pretty
Prijem repa Sinesteta blebetamo diljem svijeta
We're talking about the reception of Sinestet's rap all over the world

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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