Scriptor - Crte Lica (feat. GIR) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Crte Lica (feat. GIR) - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Crte Lica (feat. GIR)
Face Lines (feat. GIR)
Kad primim mic, rep sjedne na prvi let za jebeno
When I get mic, rap sits on the first flight to f*cking
Još debelo prije anđela Scriptor je demon
Even before the angels, Scriptor is a demon
U Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Crnoj gori i Bosni dečki
In Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Bosnia, boys
Poskrivečki dešifriraju moj prosti rječnik
Secretly decipher my simple vocabulary
Spreme moj rep ko lekciju u rep kolekciju
They put my rap like a lesson in a rap collection
Pa kad krenu pisat svoj dožive rekolekciju
Then when they start writing their experienced recollection
Satkan sam po mjeri roda plemenitih zvijeri voda
I'm woven to the measure of the lineage of noble beasts of water
Svaki reper ovog perioda je meni odan
Every rapper of this period is devoted to me
Nova ekipa mi zvuči bolje no ikad
The new team sounds better than ever
Al zasad se mogu samo slikat pored mog lika
But for now, I can only take pictures next to my image
Maestralan rep, dajem vjetar u leđa, tramontanu
Masterful rap, I give wind in my back, tramontana
Jer sam roko retke kad je Dr. Oetker brao pamuk
Because I'm a rare rock when Dr. Oetker was picking cotton
Pa me ne ganu pokisli gitaristi
So I'm not moved by soggy guitarists
Znao bi im svaku rimu unaprijed i da ne čitam misli
I'd know every rhyme in advance even if I didn't read your mind
Jer im je ritam isti, misaono oskudan
Because their rhythm is the same, thought-scarce
Posprdan, svaki postulat ostaje floskula
Mocked, every postulate remains a cliché
Gola istina obučena u ruho laži
The naked truth dressed in the guise of lies
Ko mit o uholaži, vic koji ti duh obnaži
Like the myth of the earwig, a joke that strips your spirit bare
Na ivici sna i jave, remetim tvoj polusan
On the edge of dream and reality, I disrupt your half-sleep
Malu ti znam iz busa, bengala je moju stvar
I know a girl from the bus, Bengal is my thing
Ekipa koja plovi na sjećanju na novi val
The crew that sails on the memory of the new wave
Ni u snovima ne sluti što radim sa slovima
Even in your dreams, you don't know what I do with letters
Pogađam ritam surovo ko majku smrt jedinca
I hit the rhythm brutally like a mother's death to an only child
Tata je na majku, sine, provjeri mi crte lica
Father on mother, son, check my face lines
A ti smanji dozu kemikalije,
And you lower the dose of chemicals,
Briješ na mafijozu, al ne nosiš genitalije
You're bragging about being a mafioso, but you don't wear genitals
Ti, na cesti stupaš kao Charles de Gaulle
You, on the street you step like Charles de Gaulle
Ali kad nastupaš svi zajedno viču car je gol
But when you perform, everyone yells, the king is naked
Ti smanji dozu kemikalije
You lower the dose of chemicals
Briješ na mafijozu, al ne nosiš genitalije
You're bragging about being a mafioso, but you don't wear genitals
Ti, koji si bio uzor mladima
You, who used to be a role model for young people
Ostao si luzer, život ti je uzo nadimak
You've become a loser, life has taken your nickname
Donosim na stol novo pa se svaki reper gosti
I bring something new to the table, and every rapper feasts
Putujem ko Yammat, put skoro nepremostiv
I travel like Yammat, a path almost insurmountable
Generacija Twittera trune
The Twitter generation is rotting
Ljubitelj noir filmova, njemačke literature
A lover of noir films, German literature
Vidio duhovne bezdane, puteve zvjezdane
Seen spiritual abysses, starry paths
Riječ testament, priče nestvarne ko gangsta rep
The word testament, stories unreal like gangster rap
Predvidio sam ovo, Nostradamus
I predicted this, Nostradamus
Odrasto uz GTA, joystick u ruci, nisam htio postat Faust
Grew up with GTA, joystick in hand, didn't want to become Faust
Riječ je zapisana od strane dva pisara
The word is written by two scribes
Već dugo ne pišem versove već je svaki psalam
I haven't written verses for a long time, every psalm is
Nikad nisam bio više rastrgan između reda i kaosa kao sad
I've never been more torn between order and chaos than now
U oceanu misli nema smisla ni broda
In the ocean of thoughts, there is no sense or boat
U vječnosti uočavam svoj kristalni odraz
In eternity, I see my crystalline reflection
Nemam vremena za dvoumljenje, pristani odma
I don't have time for hesitation, dock right away
Romeo, Julija, Bonnie, Clyde, Tristan, Izolda
Romeo, Juliet, Bonnie, Clyde, Tristan, Isolde
A misaoni projektili lete ko leptiri
And thought-projectiles fly like butterflies
Bolje pročitat jednu značajnu knjigu nego sto lektiri
Better to read one significant book than a hundred anthologies
Kolektivni delirij, prividno smo objektivni, a ti
Collective delirium, we are seemingly objective, and you

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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