Scriptor - Insomnija - traduction des paroles en anglais

Insomnija - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Muči me insomnija, nekad i u snovima
Insomnia is tormenting me, even in my dreams
Ovih dana svaka noć je nova pustolovina
Every night these days is a new adventure
Insomnija, progone me tragedije iz novina
Insomnia, the tragedies from the news are chasing me
Crna kronika, vidim sebe u tim slovima
Crime chronicles, I see myself in those letters
Muči me insomnija ponekad i u snovima
Insomnia is tormenting me, sometimes even in my dreams
U morima noćnih mora nesigurna plovidba
In the seas of nightmares, unsafe sailing
Insomnija, središte su medijske tragedije
Insomnia, the center of media tragedies
Svaki čas se čini da je konačno na meni red
Every time it seems like it's finally my turn
Ne mogu spavat brate, a kad zaspem sanjam da se
I can't sleep, babe, and when I do, I dream that I
Budim usred ničeg, nevidljivi ljudi vrište
Wake up in the middle of nowhere, invisible people are screaming
Ne znam jel to savjest il je neko sranje u budućnosti
I don't know if it's my conscience or some crap in the future
Al pretpostavljam da je ruho smrti jako skup kostim
But I guess the robe of death is a very expensive costume
Vidim nesreće kroz mjesečevu zavjesu
I see accidents through the moon's curtain
Leševe sred mećave kroz rešetke u kavezu
Corpses in the middle of a blizzard through the bars in a cage
Smrtonosne spletove bezopasnih okolnosti
Deadly interweavings of harmless circumstances
Mrtvaca u ogledalu koji mi govori ovo si ti
The dead man in the mirror who tells me this is you
I ova pjesma me drži budnim
And this song keeps me awake
Cvilež mrtvih ljudi će mi u sekundi spržit bubnjić
The wail of dead people will blow out my eardrums in a second
A vani se spustila odvratna magluština
And a disgusting fog has settled outside
Soba je pustinja, slina se suši u ustima
The room is a desert, my saliva is drying out in my mouth
Čujem neko nasilje, snažne detonacije
I hear some violence, strong detonations
A prokleti komarci me pikaju preko kacige
And the damn mosquitoes are biting me through my helmet
Dok vozim prema ponoru motorom u horroru
While I drive towards the abyss on a motorcycle in horror
Ovo tu je gore nego jebeni Frodo u Mordoru
This here is worse than damn Frodo in Mordor
Buljim u kazaljke na satu, u noćnim satima
I stare at the hands on the clock, in the night hours
Satire me umor ne mogu zaspat već danima
Fatigue is satirizing me, I haven't been able to sleep for days
Stvarnost toliko ranjiva, dolina sanjiva
Reality is so vulnerable, the valley is dreamy
San postaje manija, iluzija neuhvatljiva
Sleep becomes mania, an elusive illusion
Psiha pada ko Alamo, utvrda neobranjiva
The psyche falls like the Alamo, an undefendable fortress
Dok se pigam u stanjima... vama neopisivim
While I wallow in states... indescribable to you
Stapam se s okolinom tako da pobjegnem istini
I merge with the environment so I can escape the truth
Onoj koja me stalno proganja, neda mi spavat
The one that constantly haunts me, keeps me from sleeping
Đoni brate... moja je furka užas i strava
Johnny, babe... my trip is horror and terror
Na mahove padam,u neko čudno stanje polusna
At times I fall, into some strange semi-sleep state
Al uvijek me nazad vrati moja psiha bolesna
But my sick psyche always brings me back
Kapci poput poveza, tok misli nepovezan
Eyelids like bandages, the flow of thoughts unconnected
Sve se čini tako nestvarno ali ovdje sam
Everything seems so unreal but I'm here
Ovdje san, polagano umire već noćima
Here, sleep, is slowly dying, night after night
Dovršavam vers davno napisan nikad pročitan
I'm finishing a verse written long ago, never read
Primam hladan čelik u ruku i otkočim ga
I take cold steel in my hand and cock it
Povlačim oroz i odlazim na vječni počinak
I pull the trigger and go to eternal rest

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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