Scriptor - Kada Odu Svi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Kada Odu Svi - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Kada Odu Svi
When Everyone Leaves
Godinama vodim zanat stog i sada bacam znanje
For years I've been honing my craft, now I'm sharing my knowledge
Ipak, ovih dana je u modi kazat da sam sranje
But these days it's trendy to say I'm crap
Nije da me dira brate, al ne cijene dijamante
It's not like it bothers me, babe, but they don't appreciate diamonds
Kada kidam matre za nedojebane ignorante
When I'm spitting fire for clueless ignorants
I pokušavam objasniti ovim klošarima
And I try to explain to these losers
Da loša rima - ostaje loša rima
That a bad rhyme stays a bad rhyme
Možda imaš flow i sve ostale izgovore
Maybe you have flow and all the other excuses
Al ak želim čut prazan tok ću stavit glavu ispod vode
But if I want to hear an empty stream, I'll put my head under water
Iz Repetike ste preuzeli krivo znanje
You got your wrong knowledge from Repetika
I zamijenili rep za besmisleno rimovanje
And replaced rap with meaningless rhyming
I od toga nitko dalje, kako neću bit posramljen
And no one's going anywhere from that, how can I not be ashamed
Kad ekipa svodi muziku na tako plitko sranje
When the crew reduces music to such shallow crap
A mi smo se trudili dostaviti horror strofe
And we've been trying to deliver horror verses
Nered na beatu koji uzrokuje pomor Stoke
Chaos on the beat that causes the death of Stoke
Najtvrđi rep u Zagrebu od Tagragza
The hardest rap in Zagreb since Tagragz
Solim rime u ritam, ekipa se dere manjača
I'm salting rhymes to the rhythm, the crew is screaming maniac
Kada odu svi, ostaju samo ikone
When everyone leaves, only icons remain
Kažu Scriptore napustio si hip hop svijet
They say Scriptor, you left the hip hop world
Ne viđamo se više tako često petkom, al
We don't see each other that often on Fridays, but
Rep pogađa snare ko da je Dino Rađa back vokal
The rap hits the snare like Dino Rađa is a back vocal
Odu svi, ostaju samo ikone
Everyone leaves, only icons remain
Kažu Scriptore napustio si hip hop svijet
They say Scriptor, you left the hip hop world
Ne viđamo se više tako često petkom, al
We don't see each other that often on Fridays, but
Rep pogađa snare ko da je Dino Rađa back vokal
The rap hits the snare like Dino Rađa is a back vocal
Kad je rep u pitanju, Scriptor je u odgovoru
When it comes to rap, Scriptor is in charge
Radim rep za ljude što prose na kolodvoru
I do rap for the people begging at the station
Ne za one što se ponose po dogovoru
Not for those who brag about their agreements
Danas pjevaju o Zagorju, sutra o modrom moru
Today they sing about Zagorje, tomorrow about the blue sea
Diskvalificiran sam unaprijed
I'm disqualified in advance
Iz svakog betla jer ovaj rep jebe mater
From every battle, because this rap fucks your mother
A flow je ko žene na netu, gdje ti se svide mnoge
And the flow is like women on the internet, where you like many
Nećeš ga imat nikad, al možeš drkat do mile volje
You won't have it ever, but you can jerk off to your heart's content
Istina, rima može bit jednostavna
True, the rhyme can be simple
I ne mogu reć da joj je zbog toga vrijednost manja
And I can't say that its value is less because of it
Al ja sam kompliciran pa sve to projiciram
But I'm complicated, so I project all that
Na kompleksnost svojih rima, jebiga volim snimat
On the complexity of my rhymes, damn, I love recording
Pitaj svakog MCija iz svojeg tima
Ask every MC from your crew
Koji tvorac rima lansira rep poput projektila
Which rhyme creator launches rap like a projectile
Ako je objektivan reći će Scriptor
If he's objective, he'll say Scriptor
Pa dugo, dugo nitko, pa dugo nitko
For a long time, long time, no one, long time no one
Pljujem oštru rimu na beat ko klošar slinu na zid
I'm spitting a sharp rhyme on the beat like a bum spitting on the wall
A kad je Andrej pored mene to je siguran hit
And when Andrej is next to me, it's a guaranteed hit
I sad znam da te pogađa ko Van Damme
And now I know it hits you like Van Damme
Il ko da u kvartu izvadiš gun van i bam bam
Or like you pull out a gun in the neighborhood and bam bam
Vidiš kako stoje stvari stari
You see how things stand, old man
Danas si eminentan, sutra jebivjetar
Today you're eminent, tomorrow you're a windbag
Jer i djeca rastu usporedno s tobom i prerastu te
Because even children grow up alongside you and outgrow you
Kažu ti zbogom bez ikakvog priznanja za zasluge
They say goodbye to you without any recognition for your merits
Uzalud vam trud svirači
Your efforts are in vain, musicians
Kad izgubiš znači da su došli drugi igrači
When you lose, it means that other players have arrived
Grublji i jači, ulični, mračni
Rougher and stronger, street, dark
Koji repu pristupaju na drukčiji način
Who approach rap in a different way
Bacim kišu rima, a duga odradi refren
I throw a rain of rhymes, and the rainbow does the chorus
Stare iskusnjare kažu da sam mladi kreten
Old-timers say I'm a young jerk
Al kada odu svi, ostaju ikone
But when everyone leaves, only icons remain
Imam rep u podsvijesti ko bolesnici tikove
I have rap in my subconscious like patients have tics

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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