Scriptor - Kako Stoje Stvari - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Scriptor - Kako Stoje Stvari

Kako Stoje Stvari
How Things Are
Vidi kako stoje stvari, ovdje kod nas
Look at how things are here, in our place.
Pa onda reci kako stoje tam gore kod vas
Then tell me how things are up there, in your place.
Jer odavno još me čudi što se uopće trudim
Because I've been wondering for a long time why I even bother.
Opet nudim svježe voće, a jede ga 105 ljudi
Again, I offer fresh fruit, and 105 people eat it.
Četrdeset na netu, pedeset po kvartovima i
Forty on the internet, fifty in the neighborhoods and
Dvadesetak dupelizaca koje svako ima
Twenty ass-kissers that everyone has.
A vide me ko mračnog tipa, svako pita
They see me as a dark guy, everyone asks
Zašto tako kidam kad se sluša svako jako plitak
Why I'm so hard-hitting when everyone listens to shallow stuff.
A ti reci tamo onim svojim štakorima
Tell your rats there
Da sam slušan u haustorima, bojnim šatorima
That I'm listened to in stairwells, battle tents.
Vojnim zatvorima inatim se tvojim zakonima
Military prisons, I defy your laws.
Imam zlato rima zato primam poštovanje, hvala svima
I have a gold rhyme, that's why I get respect, thanks to everyone.
Vidim svi ste prestravljeni ko da gori selo
I see you're all terrified, like the village is burning.
(Check jedan dva) jer neki balavac ima novi demo
(Check one two) because some kid has a new demo.
Dobro freestyla i puni novine, on
Freestyles well and fills the newspapers, he
(Check dva tri) je stvarno kralj, al ga ne zovi demo
(Check two three) is really king, but don't call him demo.
Jer ima ugovor sad, čuo si on i njegov
Because he has a contract now, you've heard he and his
Crew su postali jadni pa tražiš novi demo
Crew became miserable so you're looking for a new demo.
Bend koji će pljuvat muriju i bit bolji neg on
A band that will spit on the cops and be better than him.
I onda takvu smijuriju oni zovu scenom
And then they call that kind of bullshit a scene.
Ustvari stvari stoje tako da je svako radio
Actually, things are like this, everyone's working.
Neko da bi zaradio tek onako za radio
Someone to earn money, just for the radio.
A ja sam radio kako sam ja htio i adio
And I did what I wanted, and goodbye.
Rep gradivo koje mladi vole zvat klasikom
Rap material that young people love to call a classic.
Ugasi to ako misliš da je nešto dublje
Turn it off if you think it's something deeper.
Demonstracija zanata privlačna ko žensko rublje
Demonstration of craft, attractive like women's underwear.
Ustvari sve što stvara mašta nekog stvaralaštva
Actually, everything that creates someone's imagination.
Rep otvara vrata egu pa je masa tašta
Rap opens doors to the ego, so the masses are vain.
Mislim svašta, i onda mi probaj spomenut scenu
I think all sorts of things, and then try to mention the scene to me.
Hrpa wannabe likova kaj repaju u wcu
A bunch of wannabe guys who rap in the toilet.
Za svoju baku i dedu pa kada ispadne govno
For their grandma and grandpa, and when it turns out to be shit,
Ne puste vodu nego si govore da je dobro
They don't flush it, but tell themselves it's good.
I onda kako stvari stoje, bar iz moje
And then how things are, at least from my
Perspektive tragikomično, al dalje radim svoje
Perspective, tragicomic, but I keep doing my own thing.
Radi škole koju dajem drugima ravno iz Utrina
I work on the school I give to others, straight from Utrina.
Slutim da je takva sudbina i da će ljudi znat
I sense that's the fate, and people will know.
Nastavit ovaj divni zanat koji je posto
To continue this wonderful craft that is
Puki izgovor klincima za napravit svoj prostor
Just an excuse for kids to make their own space.
Pa imat tisuće nepoznatih na listi frendova
So have thousands of unknown people on their friend list.
Stotine internet groopiea i istih bendova
Hundreds of internet groupies and the same bands.
Ha... trudim se klonit svog tog junka
Ha... I try to avoid all that junk.
Jer sam virtuoz, a mikrofon je moja blok flauta
Because I'm a virtuoso, and the microphone is my block flute.
Uz bok Nod Funka, Valara i Magellana
Along with Nod Funka, Valara and Magellana.
Snimam ulični rep za Lepog Boru i Bayala
I record street rap for Lepog Boru and Bayala.

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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