Scriptor - Manifest 07 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Manifest 07 - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Manifest 07
Manifest 07
Ak si se pito zašto Scriptorito britko hita ritmom
If you’re wondering why my rhymes hit so hard,
Odgovor pronađi u nasljeđu što ostavljam tintom
You’ll find the answer in the legacy I leave with my ink.
Zapisano sred papirusa i usađeno poput virusa
Written on papyrus and implanted like a virus,
U organizmu s abecedom hepatitis
In the organism, with the alphabet, hepatitis.
Vječni MC Kralj Charlie iz Jurassic 5
Eternal MC King Charlie from Jurassic 5.
Rep insider, rapping spider opet pletem novi udar
Rep insider, rapping spider, I’m weaving a new blow again.
Slobodno me zovi tuna na glavi mi stoji kruna
Feel free to call me tuna, a crown sits on my head.
Snimam rep od svojih kuna, prepotento lovim bubanj
I’m recording rap from my kuna, I’m powerfully hunting the drum.
Elokventno krojim mudar tekst za hip hop znanstvenike
Eloquent, I'm crafting wise lyrics for hip-hop scientists.
Vješto izabranim terminima stvaram krasne slike
With skillfully chosen words, I create beautiful pictures.
Da se mase dive kada obučavam nasljednike
So that the masses are amazed when I train my successors.
Zna se s kime sine Sinestet nek svako glasno vikne ajmo
You know who I am, son, Sinestet, let everyone shout it loud, “Let’s go!”
Jer smo došli nepredvidivo digli nivo
Because we've arrived unpredictably, raised the level.
Pa idi doma slušat stare materijale Magellan i Tripio
So go home and listen to old materials, Magellan and Tripio.
A riječi hvale sačuvaj za onda kad se vidimo
And save the praise for when we meet.
Jer kipimo i ko zna što će biti kad se digne voda
Because we’re bubbling, and who knows what will happen when the water rises.
Ko da smo moda, a modu smo prerasli još od onda
It’s like we’re fashion, but we’ve outgrown fashion since then.
Kad smo krenuli od ideje i lošeg fonda
When we started from an idea and a bad fund.
Za promicanje hip hopa i vlastitu satisfakciju
To promote hip hop and our own satisfaction.
Htjeli smanjit akciju i pronać vibraciju,
We wanted to reduce the action and find the vibration.
A što smo našli? Mračni zvuk, vlak koji gazi tračnicu
And what did we find? Dark sound, a train that's crushing the track.
Hrpu tamne energije i način za izbacit ju
A heap of dark energy and a way to throw it out.
Način za vratit fakin zvuk da benga kao Lucky Luke
A way to bring back the fake sound so that it bangs like Lucky Luke.
I svaki put istaknut ljubav na Acinu matricu
And every time, I highlight love on Acin's matrix.
U Beču smo res kul, u Pečuhu best crew
In Vienna, we're res-cool, in Pecs, we're the best crew.
Scriptor, Alex, Yuri, Magellan i Poparesku
Scriptor, Alex, Yuri, Magellan and Poparesku.
Nećemo radit pjesmu samo za uhvatit žensku
We won't make a song just to catch a girl.
Ni za samozvane pjesnike što vole blatit guestbook
Nor for self-proclaimed poets who love to defile the guestbook.
Već za one kaj će shvatit pjesmu, svaki tekst
But for those who will understand the song, every text.
Upamtit, glupo prihvatit ko smješno i vješto uzvratit pljeskom
Remember, stupidly accept it like something funny, and skillfully respond with applause.
Dok dečko bez ritma hita postati netko i nešto
While the guy without rhythm is hitting, trying to become someone and something.
Ostaje ljudskom greškom zabljesnut sinestet bljeskom
He remains a human mistake, blinded by a sinestet flash.
Proklestvo, dvjesto na sat jurišam cestom, rep Passat
Cursed, I'm rushing down the road at 200 km/h, rap Passat.
Manifesto ko Kweli nekad il ko Peta nemam sna
Manifesto like Kweli once or like Peta, I have no sleep.
Dok spremam stari tekst ustvari tek sa novim gazim granice
While I'm preparing the old text, I'm actually stepping on the boundaries with the new.
Izlazim van iz špilje, Bodie Miller za kvazi Janice
I'm coming out of the cave, Bodie Miller for the quasi-Janices.

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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