Scriptor - Maskenbal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Maskenbal - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Kad mama ode spavat, ti bez srama kažeš laku noć
When Mom goes to sleep, you say good night without shame
Svjesna da će on nakon toga u autu doć
Knowing he'll come by car after that
Nanosiš masu šminke na lice da te ne stavi
You apply a lot of makeup on your face so he won't put you
U klasu klinke što prva obilježja žene slavi
In the class of girls who first celebrate the signs of womanhood
Imaš 14 godina tek sljedeće godine
You are only 14 next year
Ali danas je osamnaest brojka za noćne pobjede
But today it's eighteen, a number for nightly victories
Samo što nije došo smiješ još popravit kosu
He's not here yet, you can still fix your hair
Namirisat zapešća i posred vrata stavit mošus
Scent your wrists and put musk on your neck
Ko su drugi prema tebi? Bar po pitanju love
Who are the others compared to you? At least in terms of love
One klinke iz škole? Ko da njih šminkeri vole
Those girls from school? Like they are loved by makeup artists
Inače ne piješ alkohol, al sad je slatko
You don't usually drink alcohol, but now it's sweet
Malo tko iz škole je došo ovako daleko
Few from school have come this far
De facto si već žena, već spremna
De facto, you are already a woman, already ready
Osvojit cijeli svijet i skinut Božju riječ s neba
To conquer the whole world and take God's word from heaven
Oće ti keš trebat? Ukradi tati, daj si oduška
Will you need cash? Steal from your dad, give yourself some air
Da on ne misli da si siromašna il sponzoruša
So he doesn't think you're poor or a gold digger
Stavljaš Ronhill ultra u kutiju Phillip Morrisa
You put Ronhill Ultra in a Phillip Morris box
Pa u torbu sa lažnim ključevima Mini Morrisa
Then in a bag with fake Mini Morris keys
Odi sa svojim snovima i tim dečkom na cestu
Go with your dreams and that boy on the road
Jer nisi došla do bogatstva već u ovu pjesmu
Because you haven't come to wealth, but to this song
A ko da je on bio išta stariji, prištavi, jadni, mali lik
And as if he was any older, a pretentious, pathetic, little guy
Koji traži cure na netu i pokušava zbarit ih
Who searches for girls online and tries to hook them up
Mlad i tih, autist, al na chatu glavni
Young and quiet, autistic, but the main guy on chat
Identitet u tami, drži cijeli svijet u šaci
Identity in the dark, holds the whole world in his hand
Znači plan je bio jednostavan, uzet starom keš dok spava
So the plan was simple, take Dad's cash while he sleeps
Mjesto zna pa samo gleda da ne skuži stara
He knows the place, so he's just watching so Mom doesn't catch him
Ključ od auta je već u desnome džepu jakne
The car key is already in the right pocket of his jacket
U lijevi posprema dvjesto, upaljač i dve kubanke
In the left, he puts two hundred, a lighter and two Cubans
Kuži se u aute, ne zna vozit, nema veze
He knows cars, can't drive, doesn't matter
Ionako neće ići puno preko sedamdeset
Anyway, he won't go much over seventy
Zna da su nesreće česte, al noću su prazne ceste
He knows accidents are frequent, but the roads are empty at night
Samo djete za volanom, ta ženska i sjajan mjesec
Just a child behind the wheel, that woman and the shining moon
Adresu mu je obećala poslat preko neta
She promised to send him the address online
Valjda misli da je centar svijeta, malo prepotentna
She probably thinks she's the center of the world, a bit arrogant
U mailu je vidio jednu adresu i to svoju
He saw one address in the email, and it was his
Kako živimo na istoj cesti i na istom broju
How we live on the same street and at the same number
Zaprepašteno uzvikne i ode u dnevnu sobu
He exclaims in amazement and goes to the living room
Nije mama nego netko mlađi nosi njenu robu
It's not Mom, but someone younger wearing her clothes
To je seka koja nekog čeka i gleda na cestu
It's his sister who is waiting for someone and looking at the road
Dočekala je brata i stigla u ovu pjesmu
She welcomed her brother and arrived in this song
Idemo skupa sa njima na fakin maskenbal
Let's go with them to the damn masquerade ball
Kažu da je ta nesigurnost kod ljudi nasljedna
They say that insecurity in people is hereditary
Kad hiniš drugu osobu jer ti je lakše tak
When you pretend to be another person because it's easier for you
A kasnije shvatiš da to i nije tako baš, jel tak
And later you realize that it's not really like that, is it
Pa ajmo skupa sa njima na fakin maskenbal
So let's go with them to the damn masquerade ball
Kažu da je ta nesigurnost kod ljudi nasljedna
They say that insecurity in people is hereditary
Pogotovo za onog koji misli da vječno gubi
Especially for the one who thinks he's always losing
Pa bježi od nesreće glumeći da je netko drugi
So he runs from misfortune by pretending to be someone else

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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