Scriptor - Nisko - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Scriptor - Nisko

Hoćeš vidjet ispijena lica žrtava sudbine
Do you want to see the drained faces of victims of fate
Zum slike rata kroz koje se čuje zvuk mine
Zoom in on the pictures of war through which the sound of a mine can be heard
Uključi zvučnike pa ćeš čut putnike
Turn up the speakers and you'll hear the travelers
Koji u kontejnerima vide svoje rudnike
Who see their mines in containers
Rutinske operacije što prođu krivo
Routine operations that go wrong
Život ode u kolica, a nisi to očekivo
Life goes into a wheelchair, and you didn't expect it
Pa te gledaju ko konja na samrti
So they look at you like a horse on the verge of death
Naglašeno žalosni jer misle da se bojiš tuđe radosti
Emphasizing their sadness because they think you're afraid of other people's joy
Zanosi, naivne gadosti glupe mladosti
Whims, naive nastiness of stupid youth
Životni moto: ako može jedan onda ajmo svi
Life motto: if one can, then let's all
Neke samohrane majke hrane samo potrebu
Some single mothers feed only their need
Za samosažaljenjem, a izlaze u bundi na operu
For self-pity, and they go out in a fur coat to the opera
Pitaš se ko je u tvojem društvu licemjer
You wonder who the hypocrite is in your company
Vjerojatno taj koji neprestano priča viceve
Probably the one who constantly tells jokes
Priče se mijenjaju, odu daleko od istine
Stories change, they go far from the truth
Al kada staviš uho na školjku sve je to isti drek
But when you put your ear to the seashell, it's all the same crap
A nisko ispod sivog neba, meni jedino trebaju
And low under the gray sky, I only need
Mir i tišina da bi mi život bio sretan
Peace and quiet for my life to be happy
Ispod neba, na nebo krivo gledam
Under the sky, I look at the sky crookedly
Pa kad poraste ego pored mene nikog nema
So when my ego grows, there's no one beside me
Jer nisko ispod sivog neba meni jedino treba
Because low under the gray sky I only need
Dio neba da bi mi život bio sretan
A piece of the sky for my life to be happy
Ispod neba slikar sa kistom vreba
Under the sky, a painter with a brush lurks
U glavi tristo tema, al na slici ništa nemam
Three hundred themes in my head, but I have nothing on the canvas
Život nije svetinja, život je kurvetina
Life is not sacred, life is a whore
Na dijeti ljetima, a ostatak godine pretila
On a diet in the summer, and the rest of the year overweight
Briši sjećanja iz djetinjstva kad ti se beznačajna
Erase the memories from childhood when you're insignificant
Baba prijetila, vrijeđala te pa rekla sjedni, dva
Grandma threatened you, insulted you and then said sit down, two
Jedina važna stvar je svakom nešto drugo
The only important thing is something different for everyone
Pa me nemoj svakodnevno zamarati vječnom tugom
So don't bother me every day with eternal sadness
Jer je ljubav samo osjećaj da ti je s nekim dobro
Because love is just a feeling that you are good with someone
Ma šalim se
I'm kidding
Vrati se sa mnom tamo gdje nemamo granice
Come back with me to where we have no limits
Osim neba dok pravi svijet zatvaramo u ladice
Except the sky while we close the real world in drawers
Sram i smijeh idu zajedno kad čovjek gradi se
Shame and laughter go together when a person builds himself
Al zamijene ih jad i bijes kada ti se zgadi sve
But they are replaced by misery and anger when you get sick of everything
Pišem stranice napada kojim branim se
I write pages of attacks with which I defend myself
Od nakaza što odnose gledaju kroz novčanice
From freaks who take away and look through banknotes
Pa poslušaj pozorno i čut ćeš ishod
So listen carefully and you will hear the outcome
U istom ritmu ovaj puta idem nisko
To the same rhythm this time I'm going low
Pusti me na miru, imam još jednu krizu
Leave me alone, I'm having another crisis
U kaotičnom nizu i ne želim nikog blizu
In a chaotic series and I don't want anyone close
Kad su emocije ledene brzo postane sklisko
When emotions are icy, it quickly becomes slippery
U istom ritmu ovaj puta idem nisko
To the same rhythm this time I'm going low

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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