Scriptor - O Vremenu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Scriptor - O Vremenu

O Vremenu
About Time
Prošlost je sjena minule sadašnjosti
The past is a shadow of the past present
Kompost sjećanja, brige i paradoksi
A compost of memories, worries and paradoxes
Potopljeni otoci, uzalud se grade mostovi
Sunken islands, bridges are built in vain
Al nada postoji kad um gladan posti
But hope exists when a hungry mind is satisfied
I prebire po bolesnim ostacima iskustva
And sifts through the sick remains of experience
Dok se povijest smuca po podacima iz sustava
While history stumbles through system data
Uspomene blijede u podneblje bijede
Memories fade into a climate of misery
Proustovo je vrijeme puls slomljene vjere
Proust's time is the pulse of broken faith
Kontinenti želja na planeti neostvarivosti
Continents of desires on the planet of impossibility
Koje dijele mora lažnog poimanja pravednosti
Which are divided by seas of false understanding of justice
Stvarnost je siva ko ružan oblak
Reality is gray like an ugly cloud
Nijanse bijele naziru se tek uz nužan odmak
Shades of white are only visible with a necessary step back
Tik tak, život udara ko klik-klak
Tick tock, life beats like click-clack
Samo budala se ponada da će bit lak
Only a fool hopes that it will be easy
Sadašnjost je treptaj oka, bljesak munje
The present is a blink of an eye, a flash of lightning
Pljesak rulje, razneseni pijesak ure
The applause of the mob, the scattered sand of time
Subjektivni ekran objekta
The subjective screen of the object
Zametak recepta za nektar afekta
The embryo of a recipe for the nectar of affect
Prodor pogleda, led u krvi vojnog odreda
The penetration of the gaze, the ice in the blood of the military detachment
Skromna pobjeda, kad je broj bodova podjednak
A modest victory when the number of points is equal
Samopoštovanje ili bahatost satkana
Self-respect or arrogance woven
Od iste tkanine, samo košta manje
From the same fabric, only costs less
Djelić sekunde koji slijedi na tri, četiri, sad
A fraction of a second that follows on three, four, now
Leteći start, zaustavljeni džepni sat
Flying start, stopped pocket watch
Sila hira što veže jučer i sutra
The force of whims that binds yesterday and tomorrow
Vuče iznutra, večernji učenik jutra
Pulls from within, the evening pupil of the morning
Budućnost je blef, detonator nade
The future is a bluff, a detonator of hope
Mutna silueta koju vrijeme fokusira
A blurry silhouette that time focuses
Pokus hira rata kad dodija okus mira
An experiment of the whim of war when the taste of peace becomes boring
Jeka nekadašnjeg vijeka
Echo of a former century
Neka vrsta lijeka protiv beskonačnog tijeka
A kind of medicine against the endless flow
Meta koju će rasparat ispaljeni metak
The target that will be torn apart by a fired bullet
Kamata na dug prošlosti, smanjen imetak
Interest on the debt of the past, reduced estate
Početak sumnje, kruh religije
The beginning of doubt, the bread of religion
Neprovidno crnilo utrobe krupne lignje
Impenetrable blackness of the womb of a large squid
Stigme, bolna posljedica glupe igre
Stigmas, the painful consequence of a stupid game
Ubod tupe igle, uvod u duh enigme
The sting of a blunt needle, the introduction to the spirit of the enigma

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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