Scriptor - Oprost - traduction des paroles en anglais

Oprost - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Pamtim samo velike dane
I only remember the good times
Male drolje što danas slove za velike dame
The little girls who now call themselves ladies
Želite plamen, al izgubio sam iskru
You want fire, but I lost my spark
U smislu da sad imam potpuno hladan pristup
In the sense that I now have a completely cold approach
Obrati se Isusu Kristu ako želiš čistu
Turn to Jesus Christ if you want a clean
Savjest, pa zapjevaj dalmatinsku pismu
Conscience, then sing a Dalmatian song
I sredi vip listu za bit u disku
And arrange the VIP list to be in the club
Dođi na crvenu pistu i izaći ćeš u tisku
Come to the red runway and you'll be in the press
Rekli su mi gledaj svoja posla
They told me to mind my own business
Reko zašto? Brate, dobra volja košta
I said why? Brother, good will costs
Moraš opstat u svijetu sebičnih
You have to survive in a world of selfishness
Pitanje je samo naposljetku želiš li
The only question is, in the end, do you want to?
Nisam nikome želio zlo
I didn't wish evil on anyone
Al svaki podrhtali domino čini razliku, tako i to
But every trembling domino makes a difference, so does this
Zatvor je najgori dom, u to nema sumnje
Prison is the worst home, there's no doubt about it
Zbunjena mumija do mumije i prljavo rublje
Confused mummy to mummy and dirty laundry
Nisu bile nesretne
They weren't unhappy
Suze su tekle iz navike
Tears flowed out of habit
Možda ćete reći nema razlike, al
Maybe you'll say there's no difference, but
Nisu bile tužne
They weren't sad
Noćni duhovi usred gradske gužve
Night spirits in the middle of the city crowd
Dame, a ne kurve
Ladies, not whores
Nisu bile nesretne
They weren't unhappy
Ne, to nikada, pitam vas
No, never, I ask you
Gdje su vaša djeca prije svitanja
Where are your children before dawn?
I nisu bile tužne
And they weren't sad
Ružne stvari su radile iz nužde
They did bad things out of necessity
Dame, a ne kurve
Ladies, not whores
Pitat ćete zašto sam ih tukao
You'll ask why I beat them
Tupa bol te trgne kad se osjećaš sputano
Blunt pain pulls you when you feel stifled
Gutaš govna, od riječi do tableta
You swallow shit, from words to pills
Od večernjih kvarteta do neposjećenih petaka
From evening quartets to unvisited Fridays
I zašto kuću zovu javna
And why is the house called public
A državu pravna kada je sve tajna
And the country legal when everything is a secret
Misliš da su mogle podnijet takav pritisak
Do you think they could take such pressure
Maskiran hodaš gradom, a na svakom uglu istina
You walk through the city disguised, and the truth is on every corner
Nisu bile tužne, ne, to nikada
They weren't sad, no, never
Slika Zagreba je bila krvava tog vikenda
The picture of Zagreb was bloody that weekend
Razotkrivena mafija, političari, partija
Mafia exposed, politicians, party
Tjedan dana nakon smrti Tita svugdje racija
A week after Tito's death, a raid everywhere
Klijenti preko noći postaju svjedoci
Clients become witnesses overnight
Borci protiv kriminala i gledaju me u oči
Fighters against crime and they look me in the eye
A ja sam i dozvolio takvima da nas slome
And I even allowed such people to break us
I danas vama samo želim reći da one nikad
And today I just want to tell you that they never
Bio sam u partiji, bio sam dio partije
I was in the party, I was part of the party
Znali su dolazit u grupama iz Opatije
They knew how to come in groups from Opatija
Vrh federacije i često mi ne platit nego
The top of the federation and often wouldn't pay me, but
Čuvat leđa kad milicija prolazi Radićevom
Cover my back when the police pass by Radićeva
A bilo je svega, uspona i padova
And there was everything, ups and downs
Blagodati rada, rakija i ruski kavijar
The benefits of work, brandy and Russian caviar
Prizori odvratnih ljudskih navika
Scenes of disgusting human habits
Ucjenjivača, pravnika, ma kakva je razlika
Blackmailers, lawyers, what's the difference
Djevojke su pisale dnevnike, provjerite
The girls wrote diaries, check it out
Voljele su me ko oca, bile su predivne
They loved me like a father, they were gorgeous
Nema ničeg tužnijeg od njihovog pogleda
There is nothing sadder than their gaze
Kad su saznale da nas vode na odjel za one stvari
When they found out we were being taken to the department for those things
A davno sam im obećao sretan kraj
And I promised them a happy ending long ago
Nekad najljepše stvari doživiš kad čekaš raj
Sometimes you experience the most beautiful things when you're waiting for paradise
Te noći smo plesali dok one nisu usnule
That night we danced until they fell asleep
Od napitka koji pretvara tople usne u uspomene
From the drink that turns warm lips into memories

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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