Scriptor - Promjene - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Scriptor - Promjene

Ko zastarjeli tisak život mi nema svrhu
Like outdated news, my life has no purpose
Il ja ne stignem disat uz ovu prljavu trku
Or I can’t breathe in this dirty race
Pa pustim muziku da me opusti
So I let music calm me down
Kao njenu dugu kosu kroz koju prolaze prsti
Like your long hair, through which my fingers run
Minus na računu, plus na stresomjeru
Minus in the account, plus on the stress meter
Optimizam nula, plus sam skreso vjeru
Optimism zero, plus I lost my faith
Rekorder u satima lošeg raspoloženja
Record holder in hours of bad mood
S jedne strane gram snage, s druge tona želja
On one hand, a gram of strength, on the other, a ton of desires
Poput hormona žena, divljam na sve strane
Like women’s hormones, I’m wild everywhere
U pripremi za šprint dok čekam da svijet stane
Getting ready for a sprint, waiting for the world to stop
Svi me traže vatru mada nikad nisam pušio
Everyone asks me for fire, even though I never smoked
Pa zapalim mic i kažu slušljivo
So I light a mic and they say listen
Godine prolaze, podbradak raste
Years pass, my double chin grows
Rane postaju kraste pa ih kida flaster
Wounds become scabs, then a plaster rips them off
Životni putevi se stalno križaju ko raster
Life paths constantly intersect like a raster
Pa stanite na daske i stavite maske jer
So get on the boards and put on masks because
Počinjem s velikim promjenama naočigled
I’m starting big changes in plain sight
Pruge su podmazane, popravljene su kočnice
The tracks are lubricated, the brakes are fixed
Obnovljeni pločnici da možeš doć na cilj
Renewed sidewalks so you can reach the goal
Ak dozvole moćnici i njihovi noćni psi
If the powerful and their nighttime dogs allow
Vrijeme leti i letovi nikad ne kasne
Time flies, and flights are never late
Rane postaju kraste pa ih kida flaster
Wounds become scabs, then a plaster rips them off
Životni putevi se stalno križaju ko raster
Life paths constantly intersect like a raster
Pa stanite na daske i stavite maske
So get on the boards and put on masks
Godovi na panju, zarezi na vratima
Wedding rings on a stump, notches on doors
Brojke na kalendaru, minute u satima
Numbers on the calendar, minutes in hours
Nostalgija se vratila i sad me prati svaki dan
Nostalgia has returned and now follows me every day
Život nije pasija, život je pasijans
Life is not passion, life is solitaire
Bezbroj kombinacija, pronađi onu pravu
Countless combinations, find the right one
Ostajem u ovom stanu, zabio sam nož u bravu
I stay in this apartment, I stuck a knife in the lock
Neću van iz ovog vremena, jer sve me na tebe podsjeća
I won't get out of this time, because everything reminds me of you
Ono je naša skica koju ne želim osjenčat
It's our sketch that I don't want to shade
Želim osjećat osjećaj pobjede
I want to feel the feeling of victory
Ko nakon velikog meča, a ne bit prosječan OIB
Like after a big match, and not be an average OIB
Ne znamo bit starci, al ono što znamo znamo
We don’t know how to be old, but what we know, we know
Dijete nije samostalno samo zato što je stalno samo
A child is not independent just because it’s always alone
Sreća je špijun koji prati hrabre
Happiness is a spy that follows the brave
Pa ostavljam trag jer kada napustim Zagreb
So I leave a trace, because when I leave Zagreb
I odem gdje me vode apetiti slobode
And go where my appetites for freedom lead me
Želim preskočit sve što mi se hiti pod noge i tako
I want to jump over everything that rushes at my feet and so
Nisam očekivao ovakav ishod, pao sam jako nisko
I didn’t expect this outcome, I fell very low
Rekla si mi da je gotovo i plakali smo
You told me it’s over, and we cried
Makar nismo isto tumačili "volim te"
Even though we didn’t interpret “I love you” the same way
Bojim se da isti nož ostavlja iste ožiljke
I’m afraid the same knife leaves the same scars
Nakon ovako provedenog ljeta
After this summer spent this way
Bježim vlakom u Krakow u smjeru ledenog vjetra
I’m running away by train to Krakow, towards the icy wind
Jer mi jebena depra krade toplije sutra
Because my damn depression steals a warmer tomorrow
Dok ne otkrijem da hladnoća dolazi iznutra
Until I discover that coldness comes from within
Ovo zadnje fusnotiram
I footnote this last thing
Račune prošlosti nažalost ne mogu stornirat
I can't unfortunately cancel the bills of the past
Biram odlazak u nepoznato gdje se neću pitat
I choose to leave for the unknown where I won’t ask myself
Jel to zato što si nekom drugom rekla "zlato"
Is it because you told someone else “honey”
Idem negdje, ne znam gdje
I’m going somewhere, I don’t know where
Ovdje mi pijanu podsvijest koči trijezna svijest
Here, my drunk subconscious is held back by a sober conscious
Gladne oči suze ko da traže neš za jest
Hungry eyes cry as if they’re looking for something to eat
Ove noći jedna ljubav ne stane u jedan vers
On this night, one love doesn't fit in one verse

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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