Scriptor - Reminiscencije - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Scriptor - Reminiscencije

Nekad sam se sjećao ne sjećam se čega
I used to remember, I don't remember what
Preobrazba ko Gregor Samsa al nemoj da nebo sazna
Metamorphosis like Gregor Samsa, but don't let heaven know
Mrtav dah, na zahrdjaloj žlici kuham prah
Dead breath, on a rusty spoon I cook dust
Slušam Bacha, doza hrabrosti, iznutra kuca strah
I listen to Bach, a dose of courage, fear beats from within
Budim se iz sna u kojem varam ženu
I wake up from a dream where I cheat on you
Stvaram njenu mrtvu sliku, piknem, igla para venu
I create your dead image, I prick, the needle pierces the vein
Venem... Savjest se mrvi u mrlje kapljice krvi
I wither... Conscience crumbles into spots of blood drops
Takav život stvara tožu dok igla razara kožu
Such a life creates a lawsuit while the needle destroys the skin
Mješam koktel krvi i heroina, gledam
I mix a cocktail of blood and heroin, I look
Smješan portret susjede i njenog sina
At the funny portrait of the neighbor and her son
Kojih više nema, gledam kroz prozor, a vani sjeva
Who are no more, I look through the window, and lightning flashes outside
I još uvijek mi njen jezivi glas u glavi pjeva ide
And her creepy voice still sings in my head
Ne znam gdje sam, nesanica me uspavljuje
I don't know where I am, insomnia puts me to sleep
Odavno je svjetlost robinja pregorjele žarulje
The light of a burnt-out bulb has long been a slave
Oronuli krevet i devet istrošenih šprica
A worn-out bed and nine worn-out syringes
Na zidu slike prijatelja pokošenih lica
On the wall, pictures of friends with mown faces
Nema robe, a rob sam robe, grob me
There are no clothes, and I am a slave to clothes, the grave
Opet zove jer trebam nove doze, a nemam
Calls me again because I need new doses, and I don't have any
Sredstava, znam da ova dole već spava
Means, I know that one down there is already asleep
A ima gljiva jer njima staje na kraj boli polumrtvog sina ima
And there are mushrooms because they stop the pain of her half-dead son
Pedeset godina, a sin joj je trisomičar sa sidom
Fifty years old, and her son is a trisomic with AIDS
Silovan od starog pedofilnog homića
Raped by an old pedophile homo
Veæ smo dugo susjedi, dolje na prozoru sjedi
We've been neighbors for a long time, she sits down by the window
A posla nema pa cijeloga dana pjeva nešto
And there's no work, so she sings something all day
Jučer sam sanjao da se budim iz sna u znoju
Yesterday I dreamed I was waking up from a dream in sweat
I nemam veze s mozgom bude me zvuci odozdo
And I have nothing to do with my brain, the sounds from below wake me up
Mali trisomičar opet gleda stare westerne
Little trisomic is watching old westerns again
Sretan je kad gleda smetene rendžerske kretene
He's happy watching confused ranger morons
Nemam razloga za razlog razlaganja ovog
I have no reason for the reason for the decomposition of this
Tmurnog života, nemam snage ni mota, divota
Gloomy life, I have no strength, no twist, no wonder
Motam krize u apstinencijske rizle
I twist crises into abstinence cigarettes
Zagrizem kruh i ispljunem plastiku
I bite into bread and spit out plastic
Jedini izlaz su mi susjedine gljive tamo dolje
The only way out for me is my neighbor's mushrooms down there
Možde će mi dati koju, ak je dobre volje
Maybe she'll give me some if she's in a good mood
Spuštam se stepenicama evo taman tu je
I go down the stairs, here it is
Išla je po njih na tavan i sada kroz vrata čujem samo
She went for them in the attic and now I can only hear through the door
Ceremonija, više ne osjećam da je svečana
Ceremony, I no longer feel it's festive
Prazno more sjećanja i otoci sa svjećama
Empty sea of memories and islands with candles
Gdje grijem žlicu, grijem se na prijemnicu
Where I warm the spoon, I warm myself at the reception
Za komunu, brijem solo i solo se smijem vicu
For the commune, I shave solo and solo I laugh at the joke
O primitivcu koji samo htio jednu gljivu
About the primitive who just wanted one mushroom
A sada uživa u susjedinom heroinu
And now he enjoys his neighbor's heroin
Došao je ni ne sluteći da će mu teći žilama
He came not knowing that it would flow through his veins
Sad ga samo čeka izlazak i miran san
Now he's just waiting for sunrise and a peaceful sleep
Al njih više nema, ni susjede ni sina
But they are no more, neither the neighbor nor the son
Uspavala ih je sinova kaubojska igra
Their son's cowboy game put them to sleep
Istoga trenutka kad je počeo glumit Eastwooda
The moment he started playing Eastwood
Je krv potekla kao dokaz sumnjivoga prizora
Blood flowed as evidence of a suspicious scene
A on je budala posegnuo za revolverom
And he, a fool, reached for the revolver
I otiscima potpisao s doživotnom robijom
And signed with fingerprints a life sentence
Pitaj me za danas jučer odgovaram sutra
Ask me about today, yesterday, I answer tomorrow
Jutros umirem noću, a noću živim jutra
I die in the morning, and I live in the evenings
Nekad sam se sjećao ne sjećam se čega
I used to remember, I don't remember what
Preobrazba ko Gregor Samsa, znao sam da slijedi kazna
Metamorphosis like Gregor Samsa, I knew punishment would follow
Mrtav dah u smrdljivoj ćeliji gutam strah
Dead breath in a stinky cell, I swallow fear
Vani sjeva i još uvijek mi njen glas u glavi pjeva
It's flashing outside, and her voice is still singing in my head

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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