Scriptor - Scene - traduction des paroles en anglais

Scene - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Na busu do zaborava sjeo sam do ženske siluete
I sat down next to a woman's silhouette on the bus to oblivion.
Mislim si neću pričat, sigurno joj svi ulete
I thought to myself, I won't talk to her, everyone must be hitting on her.
Naporna ekipa stvara fobiju od razgovora
A tough crew creates a phobia of conversations.
Rađe brijem solo s glazbom oran stisnut gas do mora
I'd rather shave solo with music, my ear pressed tight, gas all the way to the sea.
Al desilo se da je ona meni krenula sa spikom
But it happened that she started talking to me.
Njenih frendova i random bendova u stilu
Her friends and random bands in the style of...
Prvi Parni valjak, jedino taj mi valja
First Parni Valjak, that's the only one I like.
Paše mojoj karmi zmaja, drago mi je, Pariz Maja
It fits my dragon karma, I'm glad, Paris Maya.
Mislim majko mila ko će s tobom sjedit satima
My God, who will sit with you for hours?
Oćeš da ti platim da u miru blejiš prema vratima
Do you want me to pay you to just chill quietly by the door?
Il da se vratim na staru strategiju polusna
Or should I go back to the old semi-sleeping strategy?
Nekada je bonus na treba trenutak bacit ponos van
Sometimes it's a bonus to ditch your pride for a moment.
Ok, osto sam na mjestu nakon kratke analize
Ok, I stayed put after a brief analysis.
Pored ove patke u žaru mentalne paralize
Next to this duck in the heat of mental paralysis.
Kaže: Vidi imam malu tetovažu iza uha
She says: Look, I have a small tattoo behind my ear.
Nešto važno? To ti je na esperantu kriza duha
Something important? That's a spiritual crisis in Esperanto.
Iznad muha zuji nesmiljeno, ja bi zujo s njom
Above the flies, it hums relentlessly, I'd hum with her.
Al ne smijemo, nisam trpio ovakav stres nijednom
But we can't, I haven't endured this kind of stress ever.
I drito kad ju je počela prat katarza
And right when catharsis began to accompany her,
Vozač je reko khm kratka pauza, kakav tarzan
The driver said, "Ahem, short break," what a Tarzan.
Scene kada vrijeme stane
Scenes when time stands still.
Ko kad neko melje, a sve su ti teme strane
Like when someone grinds, and all the topics are foreign to you.
Scene neugode kad želiš propast u zemlju
Scenes of discomfort when you want to fall through the ground.
Il sjurit se pijan biciklom niz opasnu zebru
Or race drunk on a bicycle down a dangerous zebra crossing.
Kapi znoja krenu same
Drops of sweat start on their own.
Pauza gotova, šalter opet prima
The break is over, the counter is accepting again.
Čekajući ko debil izvrtio sam stopet rima
Waiting like an idiot, I've spun five hundred rhymes.
S nepokretnima i pokretnima i žrtvama opeklina
With the immobile and the mobile and the victims of burns.
Poker klima, niski tlak koketira s prokletima
Poker face, low blood pressure flirts with the damned.
Sestre čilaju na kavici, spika
Sisters chilling over coffee, talk.
Ja ti to samo smireno na tavici, al dobro
I just calmly tell you on a small plate, but okay.
Rižu pirjamo na parici, kad idemo napravit si
We stew rice on a small stove, when are we going to make ourselves...
Baš ko pravi Kinezi, vidi imaju na stranici
Just like real Chinese people, see, they have it on their page.
Odlutam izvan ove gastro teme, baba pored vrišti
I wander off this gastro theme, the grandma next to me screams.
Nastojte me primit dok samo još živa, zastor krene
Try to take me in while I'm still alive, the curtain starts.
Plava kuta mrmlja neko prezime sa č i ć
A blue corner mumbles some last name with 'ch' and 'ć'.
Dvoje bezumno prigovore da nisu čuli ć
Two people senselessly object that they didn't hear the 'ć'.
I sada postaje dramatično
And now it's getting dramatic.
Neki stari čiča ima kratki spoj na matičnoj
Some old geezer has a short circuit in his motherboard.
Usto iz kolica, tijelo slona svinjskog lica
Also out of the stroller, the body of a pig-faced elephant.
Puzi mic po mic na koljenima prema tristo mica
He crawls inch by inch on his knees towards three hundred inches.
Rodilja i pokušava stat na pult, kćer pita tata kud
The mother gives birth and tries to stand on the counter, her daughter asks dad where...
Lik hvata kuk i proklamira stiže katapult
The guy grabs his stomach and proclaims, "The catapult is coming!"
Kakav luk, kakav grah, ovako smrde leševi
What onion, what beans, corpses smell like this.
Crnci, bijelci miješani, Turci, Mletci vješani, scene
Blacks, whites mixed, Turks, Venetians hanged, scenes.

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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