Scriptor - Textill - traduction des paroles en anglais

Textill - Scriptortraduction en anglais

Idemo snimit album (Album?) zvat će se tekstil
Let's record an album (Album?) it'll be called Textill
(Zašto tekstil?) jer mi je svaki tekst ill
(Why Textill?) because every text I write is ill
Klizim ko jet ski, iznimno vješt MC
I glide like a jet ski, an exceptionally skilled MC
Zadnje i prvo slovo mog imena znači rep skill
The first and last letter of my name means rep skill
Nivo tolko visok da su ispod Božje noge
My level is so high that God's feet are below
Common zove vatrogasce nato baze da dođe gore
Common calls the firefighters, NATO base, to come up
Pa pita kolko dođe love kupit moje nove stvari
Then asks how much it costs to buy my new things
Ove ovdje stvari? Sorry, nisu na prodaju stari
These things here? Sorry, they're not for sale, old man
Pitaj Eminema, meni nema nikog ravnog i
Ask Eminem, I have no equal and
Nisam jebivjetar nego suparnik ko Mavrović
I'm not a jerk, but a rival like Mavrović
Check rep šef crni džek ko Slavko Brankov
Check, rep boss, black jack like Slavko Brankov
Imam džep s jakom bankom, commandos s tankom kubankom
I have a pocket with a strong bank, commandos with a thin Cuban
Don Vlado sa Kangol kapom, Marlon Brando
Don Vlado with a Kangol cap, Marlon Brando
Tako lako te navučem na svoj art form kao da si hard core narko (Braco)
It's so easy to lure you into my art form, as if you were a hardcore addict (Braco)
Ako želiš street rep kao moj unikatan
If you want street rep like my unique one
Odi na cestu zagrizi afalt pa pljuni katran
Go to the street, bite the asphalt and spit tar
UUU - vikni ako ti je rep dobar
UUU - shout if you like the rep good
UUU - digni bass, mic check proba
UUU - raise the bass, mic check test
UUU - čak i ako mi je tekst koma
UUU - even if my text is crap
Slušaj Tripiov beat, pa to je već bomba.
Listen to Tripio's beat, it's already a bomb.
UUU - Scriptorito još uvijek sa vama
UUU - Scriptorito is still with you
UUU - hitam Tripio bitom ko auti ulicama
UUU - I hit with Tripio's beat like cars in the streets
UUU - tekst sjajan, ali ako je beat banana
UUU - the text is amazing, but if the beat is a banana
Pa ra ram
Well then, ra ram
Bacam tolko bijesne puncheve da ih moram stavit na lajnu
I throw so many furious punches I have to put them on a leash
Tjeram cijelu Dalmaciju da zaboravi na Hajduk
I make the whole Dalmatia forget about Hajduk
Za hip hop generaciju, nesretnu, zapostavljenu
For the hip hop generation, unhappy, neglected
Vraćam zvuk u devedesetu, boombox na ramenu
I bring the sound back to the nineties, boombox on my shoulder
Pa kaj oni misle kad znaju da sam barem jedan od
So what do they think when they know I'm at least one of
Onih koji zvuče jebeno na fakin megafon
Those who sound fucking on a fucking megaphone
Sjedam na tlo, a ne na tron jer samo pravi znaju
I sit on the ground, not on the throne, because only true ones know
Da bit kralj u ovom sranju znači biti glavni majmun
That being king in this shit means being the main monkey
Nepresušan izvor za kolumne, kad mi čuju stvar polude
An inexhaustible source for columns, when they hear my thing they go crazy
Ruke jako duge, valjda imam dar ko Rundek
My arms are very long, I guess I have a gift like Rundek
Reci ko je ovdje ko po utjecaju, kaj misliš
Tell me who's here like in terms of influence, what do you think?
Scriptor je isti Marx, a svi drugi su marksisti
Scriptor is the same as Marx, and everyone else is a Marxist
Manifestiram kultne rep romane diljem svijeta
I manifest cult rep novels all over the world
Djelovanje Sinesteta za sve gladne dobrog repa
The action of Sinestet for all those hungry for good rep
Ovog tjedna je vrhunski tekst vraćen na ritam
This week the top text is brought back to rhythm
A sve drugo je ko buket cvijeća za bivšu - odbačena kita
And everything else is like a bouquet of flowers for an ex - a discarded kit
Narkoza rep umijećem, ko voda lijepo tečem
Narcosis rep with skill, like water I flow beautifully
Al je tvoja pjesma smeće, brate probaj nešto treće
But your song is trash, brother, try something else
Vidim trudiš se, a tužan si ko pobačaj za trudnice
I see you're trying, but you're sad like an abortion for pregnant women
Moj rep ne mrda guzice već trga zvučnike
My rep doesn't move butts, but it rips speakers
Naučite da dobra pjesma mora zvučat dobro
Learn that a good song has to sound good
Jebeš svu filozofiju teksta ak je mjuza govno
Fuck all the philosophy of text if the music is shit
Vježbajte tehniku u studiju il na diktafonu
Practice your technique in the studio or on the dictaphone
Scriptor Sinestet slash virtuoz na mikrofonu
Scriptor Sinestet slash virtuoso on the microphone

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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