Scriptor - Zrno - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Scriptor - Zrno

Zrno po zrno sumnje, pogača očaja
Grain by grain of doubt, a cake of despair
Rođenje majčina sina, pobačaj očeva
The birth of a mother's son, a father's abortion
Osjetljiv ko leptir, kakvo zrno graška
Sensitive like a butterfly, what a pea grain
Ovoga je strašno žuljalo zrno brašna
This grain of flour was terribly annoying
Sudba prašta, u bijelom se ističe crno
Fate forgives, black stands out in white
Bez puno priče o imenu viknu: bit će Zrno
Without much talk about the name, he shouted: it will be Grain
I tako bi, čim bi ga neko dotako plako bi
And so, as soon as someone touched him, he would cry
Pa makar nakon tih suza bio jako tih
Even after those tears, he would be very quiet
Čestice prašine ga grebu ispod sašivene
Dust particles scratch him under the sewn
Pašmine, kašlje ako mu kašmir nije ulašten
Shawls, coughs if his cashmere is not polished
A raste na plahtama od baršuna
And grows on velvet sheets
Vani je prašuma, tako živi naš junak
Outside is a jungle, that's how our hero lives
Ak stane na šljunak mora šivat petu
If he steps on gravel, he must sew his heel
Žamor čuje kao da pričaju svi na svijetu
He hears the murmur as if everyone in the world is talking
Ne smije sladoled, ne smije kornete
He can't have ice cream, he can't have cones
Nesretno dijete se ne smije ko dijete
The unfortunate child is not allowed to be like a child
Metak u cijevi je zrno
A bullet in the barrel is a grain
Zvijezda u svemiru zrno
A star in the universe is a grain
Sjena u zjenama zrno
Shadow in the pupils is a grain
Pijesak u venama, pjesma u genima
Sand in the veins, song in the genes
Bijesan i nemiran nestaje Zrno
Angry and restless, Grain disappears
I tako Zrno postane punoljetan
And so Grain becomes of age
Bez da mu je kosu pošteno propuho vjetar
Without the wind having properly blown through his hair
Tajne misli piše crnim markerom na crni blok
He writes secret thoughts with a black marker on a black block
Svakoga dana sve više čuje tuđi krvni tok
Every day he hears more and more of someone else's blood flow
Prvi bok ženskom biću reko susjedi
He told his neighbours about his first touch to a woman's body
Kada su se usred ničeg na stubištu susreli
When they met on the stairs in the middle of nowhere
Puls je bio 200, zucne: divno mjesto
His pulse was 200, he quipped: a wonderful place
Posramljen imenom: ja sam susjed Ionesco
Ashamed of his name: I am your neighbour Ionesco
A srce ko da mu je dio nesto, zrno u njenom
And his heart, as if it were a part of something, a grain in hers
Oku ga zabljesnulo. Ovo je tkivo pljesnjivo
His eyes were blinded. This is a moldy tissue
Pomisli, al je znao da tragična vijest ponos gasi
He thought, but he knew that tragic news extinguishes pride
Pa klone sasvim i proglasi: bolesna si
So he completely collapses and declares: you are sick
Ispostavilo se da mu sumnja drži vodu
It turned out that his suspicion was justified
Otrovna zrna tumora ju sve do srži bodu
Poisonous grains of tumors stab her to the core
Otišla je malo nakon toga, zvao ju je Kratkonoga
She left a little after that, he called her Shorty
Od naroda lakomoga proglašen je znakom boga
He was declared a sign of God by the easily deceived people
Kronično iziritiran, shvaća da je
Chronically irritated, he realizes that he is
Zbog dvoličnosti limitiran
Limited by hypocrisy
Licemjerna okolina ga steže u bokovima
A hypocritical environment squeezes him at the hips
Dok on ima samo zrno snage u tim okovima
While he has only a grain of strength in those shackles
Poput patologa kroz kameno staklo groba
Like a pathologist through the stone glass of a tomb
Gleda kako Kratkonoga prema mraku hoda
He watches Shorty walk towards the darkness
I ko da ga doziva plavo-siva boja oka
And as if she's calling him, the blue-grey color of her eye
Broji do kad može ostat, proteklo je pola roka
He counts to how long he can stay, half the term has passed
Svjestan da je majka Sudba besramna
Aware that Mother Fate is shameless
Pjesma ga trgne i tad je svaka sumnja nestala
The song pulls him and then every doubt disappears
Mjesto mu je dolje s njom, prestaje sa svojim snom
His place is down there with her, he stops with his dream
U svijetu bolesnom, bolesni se boje svog
In a sick world, the sick are afraid of their own
Zrna istine tvore cjelovitu laž
Grains of truth form a complete lie
S visine nije važno koju molitvu znaš
From above, it doesn't matter what prayer you know
Suznih očiju umoči cijev u grlo
With tearful eyes, he dips the barrel into his throat
Otkoči ju, kroči u grob i ispali zrno
He pulls it back, steps into the grave and fires a grain

Writer(s): Vladimir Andrassy

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