Sean Don - Greed - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sean Don - Greed

من وهو لسه صغير و الجيران بتحلف بيه
When he was young, the neighbors would vouch for him
المتفوق ، المؤدب ، اللي جامع دنيا و دين
The achiever, the polite one, who had both this world and the next
كبر و دخل جامعة و آن أوان تاء التأنيث
He grew up and entered college, and it was time for the feminine pronoun
يمكن مشافش بورنو بس إتفرج علي ونيس
He may not have watched porn, but he watched Wenis
و رغم طول الرحلة فالوصول بينسي التعب
And despite the long journey, the arrival will make you forget the fatigue
أخينا لقي أخيرا اللي تحبه و يحبها
Our brother finally found the one he loves and who loves him
دايما كان بيكلمها عن إن التعليم تجهيل
He always told her that education is ignorance
واحد زيه في بلد بتفهم كان زمانله شأن كبير
Someone like him in a country that understands would have had a great status
فهمها حاجات كتير ، في الآخر فهمته
He taught her many things, in the end, she taught him
إن حوا مش لآدم، حوا لفلوسه و شقته
That Eve is not for Adam, Eve is for his money and his apartment
و في عز ما هو حزين ، الأتوبيس وقف في كمين
And in the midst of his sadness, the bus stopped at a checkpoint
الظابط قاله "إنزلي" ، نزل ، زقه للأمين
The officer told him "Get out", he got out, pushed him to the officer
شاف بطاقته ، بدأ تفتيش ، "إقلعلي الكوتش" ، يا باشا معيش
He saw his ID card, started searching, "Search the bag, sir, I have nothing"
ممنوعات ، فمتحرجنيش ، "طب جنب إخواتك يا برستيج"
Contraband, don't embarrass me, "Stand next to your brothers, oh, prestigious one"
روح بعد يوم طويل ملوش تعازي مقبولة
He left after a long day with no acceptable condolences
يمكن حزين من الأول بس نفسه مش مكسورة
Maybe he was sad from the beginning, but his spirit is not broken
كان ممكن يبقي حاجه لو البلد قدرته
He could have been something if the country had valued him
كان ممكن يبقي آدم لو مكانتش حوا سابته
He could have been Adam if Eve hadn't left him
كان ممكن يبقي حاجه ، و كل حاجه رجعته
He could have been something, but everything brought him back
من طريق كان ماشي فيه مُتجاهل كل اللي بيحبطه أخينا في عز الوحده قابل شلة ثانوي اللي
From a path he was walking on, ignoring everything discouraging him
كانوا خدوا طريق معاكس للى هو فيه بالمللى
Our brother met a group of high school students in the midst of despair, who
قالوا فُك يابنى وشك وإبدأ واجه الحياه
Said, "Cheer up and start facing life"
واذا كنت مش مُتكيف ، ف العلاج مكيفات
And if you're not comfortable, the cure is comfort
أخينا خد الرحلة لحد القاع دحرجة
Our brother took the trip to the bottom rolling
بس اخينا لسه اخينا ، فـعايش مع نفسه في معركة
But our brother is still our brother, so he lives with himself in a battle
يقع ، يبطل مدة ، تيجى فلوس ، تيجى بكتره
He falls, he stops for a while, money comes, it comes a lot
تيجى بفكرة ، تيجى ببودره ، تيجى بقعده ، تيجى في سوسته
It comes with an idea, it comes with powder, it comes with a session, it comes in a joint
فجأه حوا رجعت لما ابو شقه سابها
Suddenly, Eve came back when the apartment owner left her
والغريبة حال أخينا الحالى لسبب ما جذبها
And strangely enough, our brother's current state attracted her for some reason
طبعا أجر نفسه ليها روميو بالفلوس
Of course, he paid himself a Romeo with money
ونام معاها ضمان لإنه يلاقي لما يعوز
And slept with her as a guarantee to find what he needed
وزى كل كدبة صعب للآخر نداريها
And like every lie, it's hard to hide it from the end
عيلة حوا صعايده ، عمر موتها ما يكفيها
Eve's family is from Upper Egypt, her death will never be enough
أخينا إتقتل ، هو ميت في الحالتين
Our brother was killed, he is dead in both cases
لو كان إنتحر بدرى شويه مكانش مات اتنين
If he had committed suicide a little earlier, he would not have died twice
كان ممكن يبقي حاجه لو البلد قدرته
He could have been something if the country had valued him
كان ممكن يبقي آدم لو مكانتش حوا سابته
He could have been Adam if Eve hadn't left him
كان ممكن يبقي عالم لولا الصحبة عرفته
He could have been a scholar had it not been for the company he kept
على المخدر اللى جاب المخدر المعروف آخرته
On the drugs that brought the drug whose end is known
كان ممكن يبقي حاجه لو البلد قدرته
He could have been something if the country had valued him
كان ممكن يبقي آدم لو مكانتش حوا سابته
He could have been Adam if Eve hadn't left him
كان ممكن يبقي حاجه ، و كل حاجه رجعته
He could have been something, but everything brought him back
من طريق كان ماشي فيه مُتجاهل كل اللي بيحبطه
From a path he was walking on, ignoring everything discouraging him

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