Sebastian - Rub a líc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sebastian - Rub a líc

Rub a líc
Heads or Tails
Někdy jsem daleko, pak blíž
Sometimes I'm far away, then close
Někdy jsme rub a líc
Sometimes we're heads or tails
Někdy slyším tikat hodiny
Sometimes I hear the ticking clock
Co roky nechtěj jít
That hasn't wanted to move for years
Někdy mám ve svým těle
Sometimes I have you in my body
Od pondělí do neděle
From Monday to Sunday
Jindy utíkám, co mi dech stačí
Other times I run as fast as I can
Abych žil chvíli bez tebe
Just to live a moment without you
Chodbami labyrintu spolu dostali jsme se dál, než se nám zdálo (než se nám zdálo)
Through the labyrinth's corridors, we got further together than we thought (than we thought)
Stačí tak málo, tak málo, tak málo
It takes so little, so little, so little
Aby to náhle nic neznamenalo
For it to suddenly mean nothing
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Co by se stalo?
What would have happened?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?
Tak kdo ví?
So who knows?
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Co by se stalo?
What would have happened?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?
Někdy jsi sama, i když držím tvou dlaň a víš
Sometimes you're alone, even when I'm holding your hand, and you know
Že ten rébus vlastních pocitů sotva někdy vyřešíš
That you'll hardly ever solve the puzzle of your own feelings
Někdy jsem sám, i když s tebou
Sometimes I'm alone, even when I'm with you
Nevím, kam kroky vedou
I don't know where my steps are leading
Vždycky skončím zpátky na rozcestí
I always end up back at the crossroads
Je to pořád buď a nebo
It's always either or
Chodbami labyrintu spolu bloudíme o dost dýl, než se nám zdálo (než se nám zdálo)
Through the labyrinth's corridors, we've been wandering together for much longer than we thought (than we thought)
Stačí tak málo, tak málo, tak málo
It takes so little, so little, so little
Aby to zase něco znamenalo
For it to mean something again
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Co by se stalo?
What would have happened?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?
Tak kdo ví?
So who knows?
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Co by se stalo?
What would have happened?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?
(Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?)
(What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?)
(Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?)
(Would we actually be better off?)
(Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?)
(What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?)
(Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?)
(Would we actually be better off?)
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Co by se stalo?
What would have happened?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?
Tak kdo ví?
So who knows?
Jaký by bylo, kdyby slunce tehdy zapadlo dřív?
What would it be like if the sun had set earlier that day?
Jak by to bylo, kdybych tenkrát jinam ještě chtěl jít?
What would it be like if I had wanted to go somewhere else then?
Jestli by nám vlastně nebylo líp?
Would we actually be better off?

Writer(s): Ondrej Turtak, Sebastian Navratil

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