Seeda - Tokyo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Seeda - Tokyo

ガンガンだぜ03 represented パスポートも切れて弁当とwake up
Go for it, 03 represented, passport expired, with lunch and wake up
朝から満員電車 ラッシュアワーにもまれ目覚ますリーマンの一辺さ
Rush hour in the jam-packed morning train, waking up the sleepy salarymen
山手線沿線は欲の数とred lightが連鎖するwhat′s up!?
Along the Yamanote Line, desires and red lights chain-react, what's up?
コーザ・ノストラはbuck shot ノンフィクション
Cosa Nostra is buckshot, non-fiction
警棒拳銃whoa手錠ポウはいつも 東京俺の知る24時
警棒拳銃whoa手錠ポウはいつも 東京俺の知る24時
金とエロ もろ汚ねーこの町 おじょうさん垢抜けたつもりが
Money and sex, this dirty town, oh baby, you thought you were sophisticated,
ただのビッチへ でもリッチへの近道で
but you're just a bitch. But it's a shortcut to riches.
Ain't all about drug Ain′t all about sex
Ain't all about drug Ain′t all about sex
Ain't all about cash I'm a no
Ain't all about cash I'm a no
It′s all about da love
It′s all about da love
Nobody needs that till u really need
Nobody needs that till u really need
And nobody believes that at all
And nobody believes that at all
東京 上京する人達 東京 夢は見れましたか?
Tokyo, people who come to Tokyo, Tokyo, have you found your dreams?
福建のサグも 米兵のヤツも 人訳はされど
Foreigners from Fujian, American soldiers, people come and go,
問う今日 上京する人達 問う今日夢は見れましたか?
I ask today, people who come to Tokyo, I ask today, have you found your dreams?
Tick-tock, tick-tock, time is moving,
Zigzag, zigzag, people are moving.
BMの覆面近所を回るも ママチャリのババア昼間すれ違う
BM riders in masks patrol the neighborhood, with old ladies on bicycles passing by in the daytime
無人交番ゲリラするライダー 道路わきただ置かれた花束
At the unmanned police box, riders do their thing, a bouquet of flowers just left on the side of the road
目に映るすべてを詩に落としたら だれもここじゃ生きれないだろう?Holla!
If I put everything I see into a poem, no one would be able to live here, right? Holla!
外人さんっても様々いるわ ぶっちゃけ金持ちか不法密者
There are all kinds of foreigners, to be honest, rich or illegal immigrants
尊敬できるヤクザに会えば ワルと堅気の違いわかるはずだ
When you meet a gangster who deserves respect, you'll understand the difference between bad guys and good guys.
尊敬できるラッパーがいれば 自ずとHipHopわかるはずだ
When you find a rapper who deserves respect, you'll naturally understand hip hop.
金で買えるものすべてあるが 金で買えぬものが欲しいんだ俺は
You can buy anything with money, but there's something I want that money can't buy.
別にアルミパラノイアじゃねーから my better day掴め両手で
I'm not an aluminum paranoiac, so grab my better day with both hands.
刺激に恋焦がれハイになる人へ やさしさに騙され成り行きの先へ
To those who crave excitement and get high, to those who are deceived by kindness and follow the path of least resistance,
おしゃれでかっこいいヤツはレイプ魔 人当たり良いアイツは注射マン
The stylish and cool guy is a rapist, the friendly guy is a junkie.
町並みに合う風貌の裏は 背負いきれぬ罪背負った偽善者03
Behind the facade that fits in with the cityscape is a hypocrite who carries an unbearable burden of sin in 03.

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