Sehabe - Eleştirisk - 2009 Versiyonu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sehabe - Eleştirisk - 2009 Versiyonu

Eleştirisk - 2009 Versiyonu
Criticism - 2009 Version
Kültürü salladın, oldu mu abicim?
You shook the culture, are you happy now, brother?
Acımamak elde mi? Kendini tartsana
Is it possible not to feel sorry? Weigh yourself
Türkçe'mi bozmana göz yumamam ben
I can't turn a blind eye to your corruption of Turkish
Eli kolu bağlamam dinle ve anla
I won't tie your hands, listen and understand
Sözleri söylerim, gençliğim dinlesin
I speak the words, let the youth listen
Dilini korumalı Türk evladı
The Turkish child must protect their language
Ben tanık oldum, sen sanık olma
I've been a witness, don't become a suspect
Gavurun kelimeleri dilime dolanmış
The infidel's words have filled my tongue
"Hoşça kal", "arkada kal" hadi "bye bye"
"Goodbye", "stay behind", come on, "bye bye"
"Merhaba" demek yerine denir mi "hi may"?
Instead of saying "hello", do you say "hi may"?
Elleri kolları zincire bağladık
We chained our hands and arms
Amerikan uşağına benzedik hay hay
We became like American servants, yes sir
Naber bro, nasılsın homie, tamamım ok, rahat ol baby
What's up bro, how are you homie, I'm ok, relax baby
New track gedi, ooo mersi, recorddan beyaz bi' zenci
New track gedi, ooo thanks, a white black guy from the record
Testere besmele çek ve de kes dili
Saw, recite the basmala and cut the tongue
Pestili çıkana kadar etme pes
Don't give up until the pestil comes out
Ve yes flex testi geçemedin adamım
And yes, you failed the flex test, man
Deste deste beste ses getirmez
Stacks of compositions don't bring sound
Thanks for add rapper, rapimiz west cost
Thanks for add rapper, our rap is west coast
Capimiz yoktur, tipimiz kofti
We have no swag, our style is wack
Ghettolarda kan, hepimiz gangsta
Blood in the ghettos, we're all gangsters
Yanımda kızlar, cebimde para
Girls by my side, money in my pocket
"Hop" dedik, rap müzik bu değil
"Hop" we said, this is not rap music
Kültürü bilemedin göremedin fakat ama
You couldn't understand the culture, you couldn't see it, but
Tiki rapin deli gibi babalara gelebilir
Tiki rap can come to fathers like crazy
Elin bide hamur eli kalemini bırak
You also have a dough hand, put down your pen
Pembe bir perdede pencere ben gibi
A window in a pink curtain like me
Bence de bencili pençele permatik
I also think it's selfish, claw, permatic
Bence bu pantolon popolara Pentegon
I think these pants are a pentagon on the butts
Parçala paraları parçamı dinle
Tear up the money, listen to my piece
Magazinel yönümüz olamaz evet ama
We can't have a magazine aspect, yes, but
Magazine bi' bak, hele bak; sanatı bel altı
Take a look at the magazine, look; art is below the belt
Arama motoru beni göremese bile bak
Even if the search engine can't see me, look
Sehabe burada bil, burası yeraltı (burası yeraltı)
Sehabe is here, know this, this is the underground (this is the underground)
Pantolon altına boxerı giyme de
Don't wear boxers under your pants
Salla bir Osman'ı, koy bide postanı
Shake an Osman, put your post too
Postunu deldiren podyuma çıkacak
The one who pierces your post will go on the podium
Silikonu memelere doldur hacı
Fill the silicone into the breasts, pilgrim
Arabadan inerken yanlışlıkla frikik vericem gözünü bir kapat
I'll accidentally give a peek-a-boo when I get out of the car, close your eyes
Tabi tabi Teletabi suratını badanala
Of course, of course, paint your Teletubby face
Dere tepe, tepe tepe şöhreti kullan
Use the fame on the hill, hill, hill
Topa da vuramaz ama tenis kortunda spora da reklamı karıştıracak
He can't even hit the ball, but he'll mix advertising into sports on the tennis court
Ya da kamera gören jet ski civciv
Or the jet ski chick who sees the camera
Kayıp adadaki adamı oynıycak?
Is she going to play the man on the lost island?
Albüm tanıtımı kola yeni manken
Album promotion, new model for cola
Hepiniz aynı tip hepiniz kofti
You're all the same type, you're all wack
Ali şam babası Petek dansöz
Ali sham father Petek dancer
Hülya yavşar, Gökhan özenti
Hülya yavşar, Gökhan wannabe
Tipi tipin pipisinin pimini de çeke çeke
Pulling the pin of your type's dick over and over
Nasıra tutar elin otuz artı birden
Will your hand get calloused from thirty-one plus?
Tipi tipin pipisinin pimini de çeke çeke
Pulling the pin of your type's dick over and over
Nasıra tutar elin otuz artı birden
Will your hand get calloused from thirty-one plus?
Gizli kamera namusu bozar ha?
Does the hidden camera ruin honor, huh?
Elinde peçete yapmacık ağla
Cry fakely with a napkin in your hand
Karo kızın kara kıçını kanatır aslar
The diamond girl's black ass gets scratched and hung
Evli adamlar magazine bomba
Married men are bombshells for the magazine
Basına da işgal, güya pişman
Invasion of the press, supposedly remorseful
Taşak arası kaşar kaç para orda?
How much is the cheese between the balls there?
Sehabe, naber bebek?
Sehabe, what's up baby?
Sağda da solda da sahnede ben
I'm on the stage on the right and left
Yeraltı adına hepinize acıyorum
I feel sorry for all of you on behalf of the underground
Dilimde yergi gözümde nem
Sarcasm on my tongue, moisture in my eyes
Rakı balık arasına kalabalık olamadan
Before we can become crowded between raki and fish
Aman aman kameraman kameranı kapat hadi
Oh my, cameraman, turn off your camera, come on
Magazine bir polemik yapamadan edemedi
He couldn't help but make a polemic for the magazine
Dedik ona deli gibi dedikodu şart
We told him gossip is a must like crazy

Writer(s): Barış çetin

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