Sehabe - Terzi Mehmet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sehabe - Terzi Mehmet

Terzi Mehmet
Tailor Mehmet
Köy ufaktı ama büyük adamdı Terzi Mehmet
The village was small, but Tailor Mehmet was a great man
Çalışkan ama fakirdi hayat böyle geldi gene
Hardworking yet poor, life dealt him this hand again
Ecnebiler çalıştırmış nasır tutmuş eller
He worked for foreigners, his hands calloused and worn
Ekmek parasına yıllarca gurbet elde
Years in foreign lands, just to earn his daily bread
Paris′e alıştı ama değişmedi köy yerine
He got used to Paris, but his village never left his heart
Görgüsü ve bilgisiyle fazla gelir köy yerine
His manners and knowledge surpassed those of the village's part
Hoşgörülü, yardım sever ufku derin baya
Tolerant, helpful, with a deep understanding of the world
Bir tane düşmanı yok herkes sevip sayar
Not a single enemy, everyone loved and respected him each day
Uzakta torunlarım kalbi yakın yeter der
My grandchildren are far away, but their hearts are near, he'd say
İyisiyle kötüsüyle hayat böyle giderken
With its good and bad, as life went on its way
Saat 11.14'ü bir gün kaydetti
One day, the clock struck 11:14, a moment it did portray
Telefonda bi′ ses: "Dedeni kaybettik..."
A voice on the phone: "We lost Grandpa..." it did convey
Ne dedin kahretsin bedeni mahvettim
What did you say, damn it, I've ruined my body, I confess
Bu beni katletti, bu deli kasvet mi?
This killed me, this insane gloom, this utter distress
Kulak duyar, kalp unutur mu o vedayı?
Can the ear hear, but the heart forget that farewell's embrace?
"Hüseyin oğlu Mehmet" diyen o selayı
That funeral prayer that called out "Mehmet, son of Hüseyin" with grace
Git, git düşünme bizi sen
Go, go, don't think of us, my dear,
Rol yaptık biz üzülmüş gibi hep
We all pretended to be sad, it's clear
Her gece burda bi melek rüyamdan iner
Every night, an angel descends from my dreams, I swear
Sadece sustuk sen uyanma diye
We just kept quiet, so you wouldn't wake up there
Gitme gökyüzü ışıldar
Don't go, the sky is shimmering bright
Bayram olur elbet bahar gelir kışında
There will be holidays, spring will surely come after winter's night
Rüyaya karışıp sesini duyan var
There are those who hear your voice, blending into dreams' gentle flight
Söylesene, çok mu zor uyanmak?
Tell me, is it so hard to wake up to the light?
Kuruyan bu ağaçta bir tane kiraz kaldı
On this withered tree, only one cherry remains, so frail
Onda mutluluk yok, sende biraz var mı?
There's no happiness in it, do you have some to unveil?
Kadere küsmüş artık demiş ki dargınım
He's given up on fate, saying he's upset, it's true
Kızından sonra tabi ikinci yangını
After his daughter, of course, this is his second fire to subdue
En eski güneşler bak karardı arkandan
Look, even the oldest suns have darkened after your departure
Ne eski gülüşler var ne eski bayramlar...
There are no more old smiles, no more old holidays, it's torture...
Yok, hiçbir şey yok
No, there's nothing left at all,
Bak hancı
Look, innkeeper,
Sen gittin ya Ataeymir'de yabancı
Since you left, Ataeymir feels like a stranger
Bir zamanlar tulumdan çıkmak için yürürdük
We used to walk to escape the boiler suit's hold
Bahçende oynayan çocuklar büyüdü
The children playing in your garden have grown old
Bizler güneş olduk söndürdük mumları
We became suns and extinguished the candles' flame
İçin rahat olsun unutmaz torunların
Rest assured, your grandchildren will never forget your name
Ölüm ayrılık istesen de kaçılmaz
Death and separation, even if you wish, you can't evade
Son bi sarılmadan gitmek beni acıtan
Leaving without one last hug is what truly makes me ache
Şimdilik hoşça kal, mekanın cennet olsun
For now, goodbye, may your place be in heaven above
Git, git düşünme bizi sen
Go, go, don't think of us, my dear,
Rol yaptık biz üzülmüş gibi hep
We all pretended to be sad, it's clear
Her gece burda bi' melek rüyamdan iner
Every night, an angel descends from my dreams, I swear
Sadece sustuk sen uyanma diye
We just kept quiet, so you wouldn't wake up there
Gitme gökyüzü ışıldar
Don't go, the sky is shimmering bright
Bayram olur elbet bahar gelir kışında
There will be holidays, spring will surely come after winter's night
Rüyaya karışıp sesini duyan var
There are those who hear your voice, blending into dreams' gentle flight
Söylesene, çok mu zor uyanmak?
Tell me, is it so hard to wake up to the light?
Git, git düşünme bizi sen
Go, go, don't think of us, my dear,
Rol yaptık biz üzülmüş gibi hep
We all pretended to be sad, it's clear
Her gece burda bi melek rüyamdan iner
Every night, an angel descends from my dreams, I swear
Sadece sustuk sen uyanma diye
We just kept quiet, so you wouldn't wake up there
Gitme gökyüzü ışıldar
Don't go, the sky is shimmering bright
Bayram olur elbet bahar gelir kışında
There will be holidays, spring will surely come after winter's night
Rüyaya karışıp sesini duyan var
There are those who hear your voice, blending into dreams' gentle flight
Söylesene, çok mu zor uyanmak?
Tell me, is it so hard to wake up to the light?
Çok mu zor uyanmak?
Is it so hard to wake up to the light?

Writer(s): Barış çetin

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