Sense Sal - Encara Queden Dies - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sense Sal - Encara Queden Dies

Encara Queden Dies
Days Still Remain
Encara queden dies per viure
Days still remain to be lived
No si sortiràs del lloc on estaves pres,
I don't know if you'll escape the place where you were trapped,
D'una història que va deixar-te el cap i el cos del revés.
From a story that left your head and body upside down.
La teva fe, la meva por, el teu cap verd i l'univers.
Your faith, my fear, your green head and the universe.
Una vida de plors fins que va canviar tot.
A life of tears until everything changed.
De les cendres en va sorgir una mirada sense temor,
From the ashes arose a gaze without fear,
Que la clau de la vida la viag trobar i la tinc no on.
That the key to life, I found it and I don't know where I have it.
El teu cap buit, el meu orgull, el teu parer i no què.
Your empty head, my pride, your opinion and I don't know what else.
Una vida de pors fins que va canviar tot.
A life of fears until everything changed.
Encara queden dies per viure!
Days still remain to be lived!
El món és on cridant serem lliures!
The world is where we will be free by shouting!
Encara queden dies per viure!
Days still remain to be lived!
El món és on cridant serem lliures!
The world is where we will be free by shouting!
Eh, oh
Eh, oh
És la vida que vindrà.
It's the life that will come.
Eh, eh, oh
Eh, eh, oh
El que ens fa tirar endavant.
What makes us move forward.
Eh, oh,
Eh, oh,
És la vida que vindrà
It's the life that will come
Yes yes yes
Yes yes yes eh
Necessito més hores per poder viure el dia que vull,
I need more hours to be able to live the day I want,
Que em descompto si penso en quantes estones fan un minut.
That I lose track of if I think about how many moments make a minute.
El teu camí, el meu destí. Sona tan bonic
Your path, my destiny. It sounds so beautiful
Una vida d'errors, però ho tenim més a prop.
A life of mistakes, but we have it closer.
Si m'enfado, recordo totes les coses que no he perdut
If I get angry, I remember all the things I haven't lost
I en les tardes a l'ombra, quan somrient em deies tossut.
And in the afternoons in the shade, when you smiled and called me stubborn.
La teva sort em fa més fort, i un dia gris trobar-te al llit.
Your luck makes me stronger, and on a gray day, finding you in bed.
Una vida d'amor fins que va canviar tot.
A life of love until everything changed.
Encara queden dies per viure!
Days still remain to be lived!
El món és on cridant serem lliures!
The world is where we will be free by shouting!
Encara queden dies per viure!
Days still remain to be lived!
El món és on cridant serem lliures!
The world is where we will be free by shouting!
Eh, oh
Eh, oh
És la vida que vindrà.
It's the life that will come.
Eh, eh, oh
Eh, eh, oh
El que ens fa tirar endavant.
What makes us move forward.
Eh, oh,
Eh, oh,
És la vida que vindrà
It's the life that will come
Yes yes yes
Yes yes yes eh
Eh, oh
Eh, oh
És la vida que vindrà.
It's the life that will come.
Eh, eh, oh
Eh, eh, oh
El que ens fa tirar endavant.
What makes us move forward.
Eh, oh,
Eh, oh,
És la vida que vindrà
It's the life that will come
Yes yes yes
Yes yes yes eh

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