Separ - 2020 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ - 2020

Jerry Lee,
Jerry Lee,
čo ti jebe?
what's the matter with you?
Začiatok roka 2020 Thajsko
Beginning of 2020, Thailand
Sedím na pláži, shoty pijem ice cold
Sitting on the beach, drinking ice-cold shots
Dopisujem nový album, hľadám flow
Writing a new album, searching for flow
Doma je chladno, problémy s láskou
It's cold at home, problems with love
Treba nám záchranné koleso, ktoré neni
We need a lifebuoy, but there is none
Všetky tie city pochované v zemi
All those feelings are buried in the ground
Každý išiel si to svoje, takže máme čo sme chceli
Everyone went their own way, so we have what we wanted
Ale stále budem foter, som tu hocikedy pre nich
But I'll still be a father, I'm here for them anytime
Dali sme si všetko, pome ďalej skip skip
We gave it our all, let's move on, skip skip
Nahrávam Ahoj, ahoj, čo ty? je to hit
Recording "Hi, hi, how are you?", it's a hit
V správach stále ide hype na covid
The news keeps hyping up covid
A hovoria že to tu idú celé zatvoriť
And they say they're gonna shut everything down here
Kráčam sám cez ten podchod
I walk alone through that underpass
Nad ním uniká OG tour a za ním je rozvod
Above it, the OG tour escapes, followed by divorce
Táto nevyhnutná cesta je dosť zlo
This inevitable path is quite evil
No najhorší blesk ešte len jebne na hromozvod
But the worst lightning bolt is yet to strike the lightning rod
Neni kam, neni kam, schovávať sa neni kam
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
Sedím ani nedýcham, ani sa nič nepýtam
I sit, not even breathing, not even asking anything
Neni sám, neni sám, ver mi že si neni sám
Not alone, not alone, believe me you're not alone
Postupne sa to mení, vtedy veriť je celý plán
Things are gradually changing, that's when believing is the whole plan
Neni kam, neni kam, schovávať sa neni kam
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
Sedím ani nedýcham, ani sa nič nepýtam
I sit, not even breathing, not even asking anything
Neni sám, neni sám, ver mi že si neni sám
Not alone, not alone, believe me you're not alone
Postupne sa to mení, vtedy veriť je celý plán
Things are gradually changing, that's when believing is the whole plan
Idem k doktorovi pre výsledky s pocitom hnusným
I'm going to the doctor for the results with a disgusting feeling
Celý napnutý more jak struny od huslí
All tense, like violin strings
Diagnóza rakovina lymfatických uzlín
Diagnosis: lymphatic cancer
Hľadám cestu von, neviem jak z toho vybruslím
I'm looking for a way out, I don't know how to get out of this
Začínajú chemoterapie
Chemotherapy begins
Púšťajú do mňa ten jed ako zmyje
They're pumping poison into me like washes
Čierne pytle a v nich infúzie
Black bags and infusions inside them
Nechutné stavy keď sa do teba vpije
Disgusting states when it bites into you
Po celej posteli vypadané vlasy, super
Hair falling out all over the bed, great
Potiahol som bradu, ostala mi celá v ruke
I pulled my beard, it all stayed in my hand
Skurvené kŕče a bolesti jak tupec
Fucking cramps and pain like an idiot
Nevadí, pozitivita v jednom kuse
Never mind, positivity all the time
Díky rodine, kamošom, díky mama
Thanks to family, friends, thanks mom
Díky Dominik, díky Lipy, díky Adam
Thanks Dominik, thanks Lipy, thanks Adam
Díky Bohu že to zvládam jak to zvládam
Thank God I'm handling it the way I am
Základ je dobre nastavená hlava
The key is a well-adjusted head
Neni kam, neni kam, schovávať sa neni kam
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
Sedím ani nedýcham, ani sa nič nepýtam
I sit, not even breathing, not even asking anything
Neni sám, neni sám, ver mi že si neni sám
Not alone, not alone, believe me you're not alone
Postupne sa to mení, vtedy veriť je celý plán
Things are gradually changing, that's when believing is the whole plan
Neni kam, neni kam, schovávať sa neni kam
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
Sedím ani nedýcham, ani sa nič nepýtam
I sit, not even breathing, not even asking anything
Neni sám, neni sám, ver mi že si neni sám
Not alone, not alone, believe me you're not alone
Postupne sa to mení, vtedy veriť je celý plán
Things are gradually changing, that's when believing is the whole plan
Som tu za všetkých čo nemali silu aby to dali
I'm here for all those who didn't have the strength to make it
Smola na botách, na totál, nevadí, dáme to starý
Bad luck on our boots, totally, never mind, we'll make it, old man
Aj keď ako tak, nabiť a trafiť ju rovno do hlavy
Even though it's like that, charge and hit her right in the head
Headshot, pa pa, za tých čo nejsu s nami
Headshot, pa pa, for those who are no longer with us
Dalo mi to viac ako vzalo
It gave me more than it took
ma nezaskočí nič, idem slalom
Nothing will surprise me anymore, I'm going slalom
Či ma to posilnilo, hm, asi ano
Did it make me stronger, hm, maybe yes
Všetko čo sa mi stalo, sa mi stať malo
Everything that happened to me was meant to happen
Akoby bolo to také že vitaj v pekle
As if it were like, welcome to hell
Život naruby v úplne inom svetle
Life turned upside down in a completely different light
Raz odídem ale neviem kedy presne
One day I will leave, but I don't know exactly when
No jedno viem, určite na 100% dnes ne
But one thing I know for sure, not today

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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