Separ feat. Momo & Čistychov - Strážca - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Momo & Čistychov - Strážca

Deje sa to furt, neviem jak ani prečo,
It happens all the time, I don't know how or why,
Niekto ma stráži na vyjebaný betón.
Someone's watching over me on this damn concrete.
Divný pocit, jak ísť sám v noci lesom,
A strange feeling, like walking alone in the woods at night,
No v koncoch na ruku príde červené eso.
But in the end, a red ace comes to hand.
Jak posledný žetón čo vyhrá
Like the last chip that wins
A stokrát som mohol viseť na vidlách.
And a hundred times I could have already been hanging on the gallows.
Chovám sa jak ringla, keď slopem ja viem to,
I behave like a stove when I'm sloping, I know it,
La vida loca, ne sentimiento.
La vida loca, not sentimiento.
Asi preto je to so mnou tak ťažké,
That's probably why it's so hard with me,
Jeboce mi na hlavu, ja neviem byť askét.
It's fucking with my head, I don't know how to be an ascetic.
Som jednotka napätia, jak ampér,
I'm a unit of tension, like an ampere,
Otravný jak štipľavý jedovatý dym, kokot všade je kandel.
Annoying like pungent poisonous smoke, dick everywhere is a candela.
Napriek tomu jaký som mi stále kryje chrbát,
Despite the way I am, he still covers my back,
Mňa stráži, drbe ti, by som to mohol jebať.
He's guarding me, damn it, so I could fuck it up.
Je vytrvalý, tak jak nikto nikdy,
He's persistent, like no one ever has been,
žiadne pindy, bez neho som v midži.
No bullshit, I'm in the middle without him.
Nedá sa privolať neni žiadny dzindík,
Can't be summoned, there's no genie,
Je furt so mnou, kým dýcham kyslík.
He's always with me while I breathe oxygen.
No viem, že prejav mojej vďaky je nízky,
But I know that my expression of gratitude is low,
Tak dik, že si a sme si takto blízki.
So thanks for being there and being so close to me like this.
Stráži ťa stále aj práve, keď spíš,
He's always watching over you, even when you're sleeping,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Aj keď máš na mále, nesváre, si zlý,
Even when you're at your worst, discord, you're bad,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Jedno jak ho voláš, no je tu stále,
It doesn't matter what you call him, he's always here,
Keď treba, keď cítiš, že je v káve.
When you need it, when you feel it's in the coffee.
Keď v neho veríš, keď veríš ten záver,
When you believe in him, when you believe that ending,
Máš pre psychiku pohotovostnú lekáreň.
You have an emergency pharmacy for your psyche.
Keď ne, musíš si prejsť dnom,
If not, you have to go through the bottom,
Buď zatrpkneš, alebo ho nájdeš v ňom.
Either you'll get bitter, or you'll find him in it.
Neverí, len podkopáva to, čo je dané,
He doesn't believe, he just undermines what's already given,
Aj keď preňho to neexistuje, pardon.
Even though it no longer exists for him, sorry.
Len zo strachom jedna ruka, (hej hou),
Only one hand with fear, (hey hou),
Len démoni okolo čumia (hen on).
Only demons staring around (there he is).
Dopláca sa na to, čomu veríš,
You pay for what you believe in,
Svojim duchom, bacha na to, neuplatíš to kartou.
With your spirit, watch out, you can't pay for it with a card.
Viem, že neveríš v neho, iba vábiš čertov,
I know you don't believe in him, you're just luring devils,
Strážca plače nad tebou jak mentor.
The guardian cries over you like a mentor.
sem to je počuť, ten nárek, ten tón,
You can hear it all the way here, that wail, that tone,
Nebuď bezbožník ako Marilyn Manson.
Don't be a heathen like Marilyn Manson.
V období, keď musíš kráčať do tmy,
In the period when you have to walk into darkness,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Keď v zápale boja, naberú ťa na kly,
When in the heat of battle, they'll take you on their fangs,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Je to duševný tata, zabijak zla,
He's a spiritual father, a killer of evil,
Ja strážim démona, tak on mňa.
I guard the demon, so he guards me.
Keď strácam rozum, tak on dá,
When I lose my mind, he gives,
Vtedy, keď ma vypnú, v rukách ma má.
Then, when they turn me off, he holds me in his hands.
Nado mnou aj so mnou kráčava,
He walks above me and with me,
Je vo mne, aj mnou moja náprava.
He's in me, and through me is my correction.
Píše riadky, keď ten môj plán padá,
He writes lines when my plan falls,
Kam dakam, na smer sám ma dá.
He sets me on my own direction somewhere.
Keď neviem kade kam a v noci sa mi dejú veci,
When I don't know where to go anymore and things happen to me at night,
Koná k veci, v moci, je to mocný pocit.
He acts on the matter, he has the power, it's a powerful feeling.
Keď moja karta padá na zem,
When my card falls to the ground,
Na hrane zomierania, on to dokáže na poslednú chvíľu otočiť.
On the verge of dying, he can turn it around at the last moment.
Ak ho cítiš tak v úzkych, si tam s ním,
If you feel him in trouble, you're there with him,
Ešte neni koniec, vtedy, keď si tam s ním.
It's not over yet, when you're there with him.
Počúvaj čo hovorí, ak si tam s ním,
Listen to what he says if you're there with him,
Bez neho tvoje šance vyhasli.
Without him, your chances have already faded.
Stráži ťa stále aj práve, keď spíš,
He's always watching over you, even when you're sleeping,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Aj keď máš na mále, nesváre, si zlý,
Even when you're at your worst, discord, you're bad,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
V období, keď musíš kráčať do tmy,
In the period when you have to walk into darkness,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.
Keď v zápale boja, naberú ťa na kly,
When in the heat of battle, they'll take you on their fangs,
Nejsi tam sám, si tam s ním, si tam s ním.
You're not there alone, you're there with him, you're there with him.

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