Separ feat. Peter Pann, Viktor Sheen & Saul - Nočná - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Separ feat. Peter Pann, Viktor Sheen & Saul - Nočná

Nechápem, prečo pred nimi stále utekáš
I don't understand why you keep running from them
V hlave mi zas opakujú známy scenár
The same scenario replays in my head again
Keď sa po ceste z domu znovu zjavím vo dverách
When on my way home, I find myself back at the door
Aby som sa otočil na nočnú
To turn back for the night
Toto som si vždy prial, to som chcel
This is what I've always wanted, this is what I craved
Strácam sám seba v dave tiel
I'm losing myself in the crowd of bodies
Rozprávam, no nerozumieš mi
I'm talking, but you don't understand me
Dobre viem, že si tam no zas
I know you're there again
Cez dym nevidím tvoju tvár
I can't see your face through the smoke
Zase pozvem celý bar
I'll buy the whole bar drinks again
Ja sa s nikým nepodobám
I'm not like anyone else
Kľudne tu nechám honorár
I'll gladly leave my paycheck here
Z aftru ideme na after
From the after-party, we go to the after-after-party
Prídem tam, hovorím: "Čaute"
I arrive there, saying: "What's up?"
Mám fľaše, čo boli v aute
I have bottles that were in the car
Nebudem ich ťahať naspäť
I'm not dragging them back
Vychádza slnko, svitá
The sun is rising, it's dawning
Vonku je zima jak piča
It's cold as hell outside
Máte pokazený výťah
Your elevator is broken
Takže sa nejde nikam
So we're not going anywhere
Treba nám weed a jedlo
We need weed and food
Zastri nech nevidím svetlo
Close the blinds so I can't see the light
Sadni si, zapni Playko
Sit down, turn on the PlayStation
Nadrť to, zbal na backroll
Grind it up, roll a backroll
Večer back-to-back sold out
Evening back-to-back sold out
Hotel, spánok, wellness bomba
Hotel, sleep, wellness bomb
Ďalšie shoty rumu, som za
More shots of rum, I'm in
Ďalší začiatok od konca
Another beginning from the end
Vonku fronta, tak sa potlač
Line outside, so push through
Z backstagu vidím do kotla
I can see into the mosh pit from backstage
Prilejem benzín do ohňa
I'll pour gasoline on the fire
Prídem na stage, začne vojna
I'll come on stage, the war will begin
Nechápem prečo pred nimi stále utekáš
I don't understand why you keep running from them
V hlave mi zas zopakujú známy scenár
The same scenario replays in my head again
Keď sa po ceste z domu znovu zjavím vo dverách
When on my way home, I find myself back at the door
Aby som sa otočil na nočnú
To turn back for the night
Toto som si vždy prial, to som chcel
This is what I've always wanted, this is what I craved
Strácam sám seba v dave tiel
I'm losing myself in the crowd of bodies
Rozprávam, no nerozumieš mi
I'm talking, but you don't understand me
Dobre viem, že si tam no zas
I know you're there again
Největší opice ve tvym bloku, nemít rodinu, tak sedim v lochu
Biggest monkey in your block, if I didn't have family, I'd be in jail
V backstagi pavilon, čumim na to, sedim na gauči jako socha
Backstage pavilion, I'm looking at it, sitting on the couch like a statue
Znáš to, když motáš další a svět se ti začíná motat
You know it, when you're rolling another one and the world starts spinning
Zavolejte mi odtah
Call me a tow truck
Začínám zas rapovat mimo beat
I'm starting to rap off-beat again
Začínám to vylejvat mimo cup
I'm starting to spill it outside the cup
Stál jsi moc blízko moshpitu na track
You stood too close to the mosh pit during the track
Nová kérka na tvym ksichtu bota
New tattoo on your face, sucker
Viděl jsem, jak bráchu odvezli pryč
I saw them take my brother away
Před klubem teď nemám kopilota
Now I don't have a co-pilot in front of the club
Třetí tágo mi zas ujiždí tam
My third cue is slipping away again
A taky mi trochu ujíždí vokál
And my vocals are slipping a little too
Stojím tu sám
I'm standing here alone
Letíme na východ
We're flying east
Tri auta, moji boys
Three cars, my boys
Na nočnú robiť sós (Ajs)
Making sauce on a night shift (Ice)
Požrali hocičo
They ate anything
Teraz im jebe moc
Now they're fucked up
Jebe nám celú noc
We're fucked up all night
Na hajzloch všade koks
Coke everywhere in the toilets
Z backstagu spravia koš
They'll make a mess of the backstage
Nevieme sa vymotať
We can't get out
No tu nechcem ostať
I don't want to stay here anymore
Za klubom štíme z mosta
We're pissing off the bridge behind the club
Vedľa mňa ští starosta
The mayor is pissing next to me
V tom klube sa roztopíš ako syr na raviolách
You'll melt in that club like cheese on ravioli
Z mesta do mesta rozdrbaný, mm tour je chorá
From city to city, messed up, mm this tour is sick
Keď nalievajú neviem nevypiť, klasický Slovák
When they're pouring, I can't not drink, classic Slovak
Keď sa zabávame, netreba to komplikovať
When we're having fun, there's no need to complicate it
Nechápem, prečo pred nimi stále utekáš
I don't understand why you keep running from them
V hlave mi zas opakujú známy scenár
The same scenario replays in my head again
Keď sa po ceste z domu znovu zjavím vo dverách
When on my way home, I find myself back at the door
Aby som sa otočil na nočnú
To turn back for the night
Toto som si vždy prial, to som chcel
This is what I've always wanted, this is what I craved
Strácam sám seba v dave tiel
I'm losing myself in the crowd of bodies
Rozprávam, no nerozumieš mi
I'm talking, but you don't understand me
Dobre viem, že si tam no zas
I know you're there again

Writer(s): Viktor Dundych, Michael Kmeť, Peter Macko, Samuel Pavol Naď

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