Separ feat. Dame - 90te - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Dame - 90te

Vyťahané béžové pančuchy
Ripped beige tights
Manchesterové gate,
Corduroy pants
Umelí zelení vojaci,
Fake green soldiers
Hodiny vojny v blate.
Hours of war in the mud
Čiernobiele fotky na ktorých sa odpúšťate,
Black and white photos where you forgive
čo kazeta spoločné s ceruzou si pamätáte?
Do you remember what a cassette has in common with a pencil?
Na malej, dvesto nebolo vác jak a
On a small, there were no more than A and P
Do ruky termix a von na chrbte s lukom.
Thermos in hand and out on your back with a bow
V bráne odstavená najmocnějša BMX na dvore,
The most powerful BMX in the yard parked in the gate,
Som vedel flekovať tak že lubne boli v pozore.
I knew how to paint so that the boys were on their guard
Od rána do tmy vonku kým zažli lampy,
From morning till dark outside till the lights go on
Mamky kričali z okien rozpúšťali bandy.
Moms were shouting from the windows, breaking up gangs
Všeci boly rovnakí nikto nerešil handry,
Everybody was the same, nobody cared about clothes
Jebnuté deti pád komunizmu kopec srandy.
Blasted kids The fall of communism is a lot of fun
Neboli mobili debili nesedeli doma,
There were no cell phones, the idiots didn't sit at home
Keď si ich chcel nájsť musel si behať jak puma.
If you wanted to find them, you had to run like a puma
Všetky fleky, potom pískat pod oknami znova,
All the spots, then whistle under the windows again
Všeci boli furt vonku však taká bola doba.
Everyone was always outside because that was the time
Vracam sa späť do tej doby keď sa nosily traky,
I go back to that time when suspenders were worn
Držaly neforemné kaky, manchesterstraky a traky.
They held up shapeless khakis, cords and suspenders
Sme boli všeci, cvičky trenky účes rovnaký,
We were all, gym shoes, underpants, the same hairstyle
Zbierali céčka, kradli značky áut a odznaky.
Collected C's, stole license plates and badges
Nebol laptop, mobily, xbox, ani domáce kino,
There were no laptops, cell phones, Xbox, or home theater
To ozajstné kino bolo čo vonku sa žilo.
The real cinema was what was lived outside
Bola pevná linka zvonček kde sme sa dohodli,
There was a landline bell where we agreed
Boli tri pevné miesta kde vždy bol niekto bez dohody.
There were three fixed places where someone was always without an agreement
Neboli hypermarkety, obchody velké jak tescá,
There were no hypermarkets, stores as big as Tesco
Boli malí obchodníci čo poznali tie decká.
There were small shopkeepers who knew those kids
Si predstav kedysi boli štyri malinovky,
Imagine once there were four sodas
Startky, šarli, petri a žiadne davidovky.
Startki, Sharli, Petri and no Davidovky
Nákup na týžden sa dal zvládnuť za kilo,
A week's worth of groceries could be had for a kilo
V podstate jak teraz len kilo hodnotu zmenilo.
Basically like now, only the kilo has changed in value
Ťažko to vysvetliť bolo to iné na živo,
It's hard to explain, it was different in person
Bolo tak málo veci aj tak nám to k šťastiu stačilo.
There were so few things, yet it was enough for us to be happy
The end

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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