Separ feat. Layla - Špina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Layla - Špina

Začína sa to obyčajne dať doma doporádku tvár,
It usually starts with fixing your face at home,
Si dokonalá jak keby to robil hodinár.
You're perfect as if a watchmaker made you.
Na sebe top veci s pohladom jak jaguár,
Wearing the best clothes with a jaguar-like gaze,
V tričku stoja bradavky jak keby bol január.
Your nipples stand out in your T-shirt like it's January.
riť sa nedá nevidieť, legíny pán,
That ass can't be unseen, leggings are the boss,
A pri tých pi*ách, si jak medzi holubami páv.
And with those pussies, you're like a peacock among pigeons.
Tvoje cecky jak nadýchané vankúše,
Your tits are like fluffy pillows,
A každý čávo sníva jak ťa do nich dokúše.
And every dude dreams of biting into them.
Tvoje neskutočné vlasy voňajú na tri metre,
Your incredible hair smells from three meters away,
Tečú mi sliny more potrebujem preplesk.
My mouth is watering, I need a slap.
Zmizla si v dave sa mi strácaš vo vetre,
You disappeared in the crowd, I'm losing you in the wind,
Skončil sa sen, ktorý spĺňal parametre.
The dream that met all the parameters has ended.
Nevadí mám čas, rozoberem inú,
Never mind, I have time, I'll take another one apart,
Keď chcem mať obed, mám ju za pár minút.
When I want lunch, I have her in a few minutes.
No také bežné že ma s nimi nebaví splynúť,
But they're so ordinary that I'm not interested in merging with them,
Mám to pi*i, nechcem vyje*ať len ďalšiu špinu.
I'm fed up, I don't want to fuck just another piece of dirt.
Nečakaj, že sa ti ráta ej,
Don't expect it to count, hey,
Keď dáš do úst všetko, čo ťa láka,
When you put everything that tempts you in your mouth,
Nekaz nám to naše skóre je-e-ej
Don't ruin our score, yeah-yeah
Daj radšej hlavu hore ty dáma.
Better raise your head, lady.
Pokročil čas dve hodiny ráno,
Time has passed, it's two in the morning,
žmolim si vajcá v ruke jak oregano.
I'm squeezing my balls in my hand like oregano.
To je neskutočne obrovské štádium nudy,
This is already an incredibly huge stage of boredom,
Potrebujem podnet, ktorý ma zobudí.
I need a stimulus that will wake me up.
V tom momente ju vidím jak tam sedí sama,
At that moment I see her sitting there alone,
No som rozj*baný jak keby som vypil celý tramal.
But I'm fucked up like I drank a whole bottle of tramadol.
Nevadí takéto veci zvládam nejsom lama,
Never mind, I can handle these things, I'm not a llama,
Tak sa stavam, trochu ma zanaša do lava.
So I get up, it's taking me a little to the left.
Urobím pár krokov, všetko je v porádku jak oči,
I take a few steps, everything is fine, like my eyes,
Kukám na bar na ko*otov jak si j*bu šoty.
I'm looking at the bar at the assholes fucking shots.
Prichádzam k nej, vidím zaj*bané boty,
I'm coming up to her, I see fucked up shoes,
No je taká šupa, že sa kukneš a neviš čo od dobroty.
But she's such a bombshell that you look and you don't know what to do with yourself from the goodness.
Dáme sa do rečí, sťažuje sa mi na frajera,
We start talking, she complains to me about her boyfriend,
že su spolu mrte dlho, že to dobre nevyzerá.
that they've been together for a long time, that it doesn't look good.
No ja vidím iba cecky iné na mňa nezaberá,
But I only see tits, nothing else is registering,
V hlave iba semeno jak skenerom ju rozoberám.
In my head only semen as I scan her with a scanner.
Nečakaj, že sa ti ráta ej,
Don't expect it to count, hey,
Keď dáš do úst všetko, čo ťa láka,
When you put everything that tempts you in your mouth,
Nekaz nám to naše skóre je-e-ej
Don't ruin our score, yeah-yeah
Daj radšej hlavu hore ty dáma.
Better raise your head, lady.
Motám ju na obrovské pi*oviny, hovorí že taká neni,
I'm wrapping her up in huge bullshit, she says she's not like that,
že nechce piť aby sa tu nevalala po zemi.
that she doesn't want to drink anymore so she doesn't roll around on the ground here.
Sama nevie jak sa postavila, že vraj ide domov,
She doesn't know how she got up, she says she's going home,
Cítim sa jak ko*ot dvesto mínusových bodov.
I feel like a dick, two hundred negative points.
Asi bola na moj stav príliš velké sústo,
She was probably too big a bite for my condition,
Cítim sa jak školák, stojím sám v roji chrústov.
I feel like a schoolboy, standing alone in a swarm of beetles.
Mám iba tupý pohlad, vysoké promile,
I only have a dull look, a high blood alcohol level,
No že som neska na sucho bola len chvíla pomyle.
But it was just a moment of delusion that I'm dry tonight.
Ona sa fakt vrátila, more čo ti j*be?
She really came back, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Vraj sa bola iba prejsť, a furt neví de je sever.
She said she just went for a walk, and she still doesn't know where north is.
Tak si to bere pod palec bere ma za ruku preč,
So she takes control, takes my hand and goes,
Hovorím jej "čajočka, mi nikam neuteč".
I tell her "honey, don't run away from me anymore".
Zobrala ma na breh Dunaja kam nikdo nechodí,
She took me to the bank of the Danube where nobody goes,
Ja som strašne dúfal, že ma aspoň vyhoní.
I was really hoping that she would at least jerk me off.
Som sa skonsolidoval, vedel som, že je správna chvíla,
I pulled myself together, I knew it was the right time,
Ona bola taká zlatá, že ma tam vyfajčila.
She was so golden that she blew me there.
Vychutnala semeno jak náplň šlahačkovú,
She savored the semen like whipped cream filling,
Opustila miesto činu, seansu lavičkovú.
She left the scene of the crime, the bench session.
Došiel frajer a napriek tomu, že Audinu osmičkovú,
The boyfriend arrived and despite having an Audi eight,
Malá mu hneď z mojho kára dala jazyčkovú.
The little one immediately gave him a blowjob from my car.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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