Separ feat. Miso Biely - Čo Chcem! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Miso Biely - Čo Chcem!

Čo Chcem!
What I Want!
Môžem čo chcem a jak to chcem robiť,
I can do what I want and how I want to do it,
Bežať, tak rýchlo, že si zlomím nohy.
Run so fast that I break my legs.
Robiť hudbu, lebo mám na to vlohy,
Make music, because I have the talent for it,
Aj G-bod beaty šlapú jak drogy.
Even G-spot beats step like drugs.
Tak vitaj u nás, môžeš robiť čo chceš,
So welcome to our place, you can do what you want,
Nikto sa vás neopýta kto ste.
Nobody will ask you who you are.
Konaj všetko čo chceš, jak vo sne,
Do everything you want, like in a dream,
Buď mimo, byť mimo prospech.
Be out of it, being out of it has benefits.
Na hlavu mám reštart, choď preč,
I have a restart on my head, go away,
Neprajná sviňa tu si na odstrel.
Unkind pig, you're here for the shooting.
Kopce, po ktorých beháme my,
The hills we run on,
Samé haluze, nikto tu neráta dni.
Just branches, nobody counts the days here.
Sleduj vysmátych ľudí, ich bubliny,
Watch the smiling people, their bubbles,
Poď načerpaj si silu medicíny.
Come and draw strength from the medicine.
Utekaj preč z tej pavučiny,
Run away from that spider web,
Môžeš robiť čo chceš a ne čo ťa naučili.
You can do what you want and not what you were taught.
Neprestane, lebo iba začína,
It won't stop, because it's just beginning,
Naša potreba tu žiť a ne len prežívať.
Our need to live here and not just survive.
Dennodenne stále dopredu, ne prvýkrát,
Day after day, always moving forward, not for the first time,
Poďte s nami!
Come with us!
Je to naša viera a náš Vatikán,
It is our faith and our Vatican,
Preto sa v nej cítim ako starý veterán.
That's why I feel like an old veteran in it.
Pokora a myseľ otvorená dokorán,
Humility and a mind wide open,
Poďte s nami!
Come with us!
V našom svete môžeš hocikedy všetko,
In our world you can do anything anytime,
Pred prahom odlož si stres aj s depkou.
Leave your stress and depression at the doorstep.
Bo toto mesto je jak veľký festival,
Because this city is like a big festival,
Vlajka s lebkou, furt pirát maximal.
Flag with a skull, always a maximal pirate.
Žúr, dve mačky, jeden kocúr,
Party, two cats, one tomcat,
Zábrany padajú jak Berlínsky múr.
Barriers are falling like the Berlin Wall.
Je tu teplo, topíš sa jak cencúľ,
It's warm here, you're melting like an icicle,
Poď, rozbi sa, keď nepiješ, tak húl.
Come on, break yourself, if you don't drink, then smoke.
Šišky chlpaté jak riť tarantúl,
Hairy cones like a tarantula's ass,
Všetci si robia všetko jak chcú.
Everyone does whatever they want.
Tu voľní, ne jak v robote drú
They are free here, not like they are working in a robot
A majú náladu dobrú, ne zlú.
And they are in a good mood, not a bad one.
Je to tak more, bežím jak Forrest,
That's how it is, sea, I run like Forrest,
Rozbíjam škrupiny, nebuď jak orech.
I break shells, don't be like a nut.
Rob to, čo chceš, nezáleží na názore
Do what you want, no matter what the opinion is
Nikoho, bav sa jak vo vlastnom dvore.
Nobody, have fun like in your own backyard.
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.
Môžeš všetko, hudba je brána,
You can do anything, music is the gate,
Underground, daj kryštál na pána.
Underground, put crystal on the lord.
A trap je novodobý podzemný rap,
And trap is modern underground rap,
Tak pirát je všetko, len ne kabaret.
So a pirate is everything, but not a cabaret.
Furt je cítiť silu v jeho textoch
You can still feel the power in his lyrics
A furt kope za rap, aj keď by bol bez nôh.
And he still kicks for rap, even if he was without legs.
No môžem hocičo, tak jak aj ty,
Well, I can do anything, just like you,
Kukaj sa okolo, otvor oči.
Look around, open your eyes.
Je mocný pocit žiť podľa seba,
It's a powerful feeling to live according to yourself,
Hovoríš že sa nedá to? Tak ti treba.
You say it can't be done? Well, you need it.
Môžem čo chcem, nič nedá sa nedať,
I can do what I want, nothing can't be done,
Som predátor, svet je môj, tak sevas.
I am a predator, the world is mine, so sevas.
Neprestane, lebo iba začína,
It won't stop, because it's just beginning,
Naša potreba tu žiť, ne len prežívať.
Our need to live here, not just survive.
Dennodenne stále dopredu a ne prvýkrát,
Day after day, always moving forward and not for the first time,
Poďte s nami!
Come with us!
Je to naša viera a náš Vatikán,
It is our faith and our Vatican,
Preto sa v nej cítim ako starý veterán.
That's why I feel like an old veteran in it.
Pokora a myseľ otvorená dokorán,
Humility and a mind wide open,
Poďte s nami!
Come with us!
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.
Lebo máme svoj flow, lebo hráme svoju šou,
Because we have our flow, because we play our show,
Lebo máme, hráme, tebe dáme.
Because we have, we play, we give to you.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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