Separ feat. P.A.T. & Rytmus - Gojira - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. P.A.T. & Rytmus - Gojira

Okerované ruky, je to vyjebané zvíra,
Blackened hands, it's a fucking beast,
Všetci vedia... POZOR!!! Tento čávo není nímand.
Everyone knows... Look out!!! This Chava is not a nimand.
Na očiach Dity, prešpekulovaný výraz,
In Dita's eyes, a speculative expression,
Všade zlato, jak Faraón, to si nevidel, kde býva.
Everywhere gold, like Pharaoh, you have not seen where he dwells.
Oh, ale toto není všetko,
Oh, but that's not all,
Byť GOJIRA, znamená nechovať sa jak jebko.
Being a GOYIRA means not being a fuck-up.
Zamakať na sebe, je na tebe, není to misa pre dvoch,
Work on yourself, it's up to you, it's not a bowl for two,
Psychika sa odráža na obkúsaných nechtoch.
The psyche is reflected on the ingrown nails.
Vtedy je úspech len vyjebaná fáma,
Success is just a fucking rumor.,
Aby som skapal do rána...
To die in the morning...
Skurvené decko, čo sa nevie správať,
A child who can't behave.,
Klame, kade chodí, môžeš cítiť ten zápach.
He's lying, where he goes, you can smell it.
Oh, dám dole okná na tom báve.
Oh, I'm gonna take the windows off on that Bava.
Toto není PlayStation. Na čo sa tu hráme?!
This is not a PlayStation. What are we playing at here?!
Všetci vedia, kto je kto, a kto gádže.
Everyone knows who is Who, and who are the gadzhas.
GODZILA je v meste, nerob unáhlený záver.
GODZILA is in town. don't jump to conclusions.
Preplnená budova a zase je to naše.
Crowded building, and it's ours again.
Dusíme scénu jak čierny kašeľ.
We're choking the scene like whooping cough.
Vyjeb sa na Buldozér, nevrátim sa v čase.
Fuck The Bulldozer, I'm not going back in time.
GODZILA, hitmaker, vyjebaný PANCIER!!!
Godzilla, hitmaker, fucking armor!!!
Yeu, aby ťa trafil šľak,
Yeu to hit you with shit,
Je to tlak, na otlak,
It's the pressure, the pressure,
Nemám strach, nerumazgaj ty fejker!!!
I'm not scared, don't you Faker!!!
Strieľam tak, jako prak,
I shoot like a slingshot.,
Rýchly hák, jako had,
Quick hook, like a snake,
Pôjdeš srať, my nehráme žiadny playback!!!
You go fuck yourself, we don't play back!!!
Yeah, ja som ta vyjebaná GODZILAAAu,
Yeah, I'm the fucking Godzilla,
Trase sa mesto, ide GODZILAAAu,
Route sa city, ide GODZILAAAu,
Nežartuj more, ide GODZILAAAu,
Don't joke more, it's GODZILAAAu,
Rakle ma nenávidia od začiatku kariéry,
Rakle has hated me since the beginning of my career,
Púšťam do nich stotisíc vatov a bomby na ich bradu.
I throw a hundred thousand cotton balls at them and bombs on their chin.
Prešťal som všetky vaše vyjebané bariéry,
I broke down all your fucking barriers.,
Franto stojí na pódiu s top rapermi SK rapu.
Franto stands on stage with the top rappers of SK rap.
To, čo moji hejteri zarobia za mesác,
What my haters earn per month,
Ja mám za jeden koncert, nech ti nejebe, povedz,
I got a gig for one, don't fuck with me, tell me,
Týmto nechcem uraziť nikoho robotu,
I don't want to offend anyone.,
Chcem len upozorniť na to, že keď hejtuješ,
I just want to point out that when you hover,
Nečakaj lásku...
Don't expect love...
Krik zmizol a ostal len ligot,
The Scream was gone, and there was only light.,
A povstal z čiernych vôd,
Rise from the black waters,
A nechal im len šrot, pamätám.
And left them only scrap, I remember.
Bol som hosť a dneska mám ich dom.
I was a guest and today I have their house.
Tie mestá, všetkým som to dnes dal.
Those cities, I gave it to everyone today.
That fucking Gypsy!!!
V rape som vyjebaná GODZILA ja,
I'm the fucking Godzilla in rap.,
A zatváram ti dvere rovno pred nosom.
And I'm closing the door in your face.
V rape som vyjebaná GODZILA ja,
I'm the fucking Godzilla in rap.,
O desať levelov viac, ako pred rokom.
Ten levels more than a year ago.
Yeuuu, aby ťa trafil šľak,
Yay for the shit.,
Je to tlak, na otlak,
It's the pressure, the pressure,
Nemám strach, nerumazgaj ty fejker!!!
I'm not scared, don't you Faker!!!
Strieľam tak, jako prak,
I shoot like a slingshot.,
Rýchly hák, jako had,
Quick hook, like a snake,
Pôjdeš srať, my nehráme žiadny playback!!!
You go fuck yourself, we don't play back!!!
Yeah, ja som ta vyjebaná GODZILAAAu,
Yeah, I'm the fucking Godzilla,
Trase sa mesto, ide GODZILAAAu,
Route sa city, ide GODZILAAAu,
Nežartuj more, ide GODZILAAAu,
Don't joke more, it's GODZILAAAu,
V Hant Aréne bolo na mňa brácho päťtisíc,
There was five thousand on me in the Hant Arena, bro.,
Smutnučký ostal z toho nie jeden kokotek.
It's not just one Dick left.
Za sebou tri dekády rekordov a nejsom sítý,
Three decades of records in a row and I'm not netted,
Som Michael Jordan SK rapu, tak to pochopte!!!
I'm Michael Jordan SK rap, so understand!!!
Chceli ma zosmiešňovať, spálili sa, dnes v piči,
They wanted to mock me, they burned themselves, today they are in the pussy,
vyschyzovaní a smutní. Ja som v pohode.
They are dry and sad. I'm fine.
Nemajú energiu bojovať, počujem vzdychy,
They have no energy to fight, I hear sighs,
zešľahaní jako po dvanástke v robote.
They're like twelve at work.
Yeu, dvetísici koncert si dávam, yeeeah
Yeah, I'm giving a concert for two thousand, yeeeah
Nehrám divadlo, ja nič nesíliiim,
I don't play theater, I don't carry anything,
Ja si v tom prirodzene plávam, oh,
I swim in it naturally, oh,
Zežral som scénu jako segedín.
I ate the scene like Szeged.
Nekompromisne to drtím, šírim sa jak láva,
Uncompromisingly I crush it, I spread like lava,
Popri tom si užívam život milionára.
I am enjoying the life of a millionaire.
Nevymažeš ulicu zo starého stokára.
You can't erase the street from the old sewer.
Utvorte koridor, lebo GODZILA prichádza.
Form a corridor, for GODZILA is coming.
Yeu, aby ťa trafil šľak,
Yeu to hit you with shit,
Je to tlak, na otlak,
It's the pressure, the pressure,
Nemám strach, nerumazgaj ty fejker!!!
I'm not scared, don't you Faker!!!
Strieľam tak, jako prak,
I shoot like a slingshot.,
Rýchly hák, jako had,
Quick hook, like a snake,
Pôjdeš srať, my nehráme žiadny playback!!!
You go fuck yourself, we don't play back!!!
Armor is fucking GODZILAAAu,
European nigger is GODZILAAAu,
RYTMUS je vyjebaná GODZILAAAu,
Rhythm is fucking GODZILAAAu,

Writer(s): František Farkaš, Michael Kmeť, Patrik Vrbovsky

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