Separ feat. Tina - Bublina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Tina - Bublina

Mne to nevadí, že roky vyhľadávaš moju tvár,
I don't mind that you've been searching for my face for years,
Vlastne ma to baví, však som presne na to stavaná.
Actually, I enjoy it, I was built for this, you see.
Mám chlapa, ten mi kryje chrbát vždy, keď sa to pýta,
I have a man, he always has my back when needed,
Zbytočne hľadáte cestu k nám, vchod neotvoríš.
You're searching for a way to us in vain, the entrance won't open for you.
Chcete nás vidieť na kolenách ale to nejde,
You want to see us on our knees, but that's not happening,
Pád nadol je niečo čo sa nikdy neudeje,
Falling down is something that will never occur,
Sme príliš inde ako vy a preto zrejme,
We're too far beyond where you are, and that's probably why,
A preto zrejme - preto preto zrejme... preto preto zrejme.
And that's probably why - that's that's probably why... that's that's probably why.
Neviete sa preniesť cez to, že sme úspešní a mladí,
You can't get over the fact that we're successful and young,
úplne chápem, že máte žiarlivostné stavy.
I totally understand that you have jealous fits.
Ale vravím si, že keby som sa vymenila s vami,
But I tell myself that if I were in your shoes,
Asi sa tiež trápim drbnutými poznámkami.
I'd probably also be tormented by stupid remarks.
Keď napíšem že posielam syna do Botswany
When I write that I'm sending my son to Botswana,
Robím to len pre to, že náš tupý humor baví davy.
I'm doing it just because our dumb humor amuses the crowds.
Proste nám to ladí, nechcem byť vo vašej koži,
We just click, I wouldn't want to be in your skin,
Zjavne nepoznáte zákon karmy - Gašparovičovú zdravím.
Apparently you don't know the law of karma - greetings to Gašparovičová.
Do našej bubliny nepatria pravidlá robené vami, zažité vami,
In our bubble, the rules you made and live by don't belong,
čo robíme doma za zatvorenými dverami vieme len sami.
what we do at home behind closed doors is only known to us.
Máme seba, hudbu, lásku, sex,
We have each other, music, love, sex,
Lea, túžbu vidieť svet.
Lea, the desire to see the world.
Spolu sme silnejší, ako tie reči čo máte,
Together we are stronger than the words you have,
Tak jebeme na váš hejt.
So we don't give a damn about your hate.
Neskúšaj sa nanominovať, lebo je naša,
Don't try to nominate yourself, because it's ours,
čo vypúšťame von je top vo vnútri neni vata.
what we release is top-notch, there's no cotton inside.
Podstata je môžeš robiť, čo chceš, aj tak tomu nebudeš chápať,
The essence is, you can do whatever you want, you still won't understand it,
K nám nechceme nikoho z vás, máte papule plné blata.
We don't want any of you near us, your mouths are full of mud.
Sme tak mimo, že by nám od interpolu mali vybaviť na hlavy zatykač,
We're so out there that Interpol should issue arrest warrants for us,
Pirát je top a Tina je top ne preto, že doma slávika.
Pirát is top and Tina is top, not because she has a nightingale at home.
Sme vysoký pár, dve esá hovná sa musia pred nami zamykať,
We're a high pair, two aces, shit has to lock itself away from us,
Chcete to riešiť, no nemáte jak, ste mimo-skurvená klasika.
You want to deal with it, but you have no way, you're a fucked-up classic.
Média ovláda geriatria a babky kúšu jak zmyja,
The media is controlled by geriatrics and grannies biting like dishrags,
No nemajú zuby tak týmto pádom ich pokusy museli zlyhať.
But they have no teeth, so their attempts had to fail.
Že je nám popiči, skúste to kurvy dopiče nejako prijať,
That we're crazy, try to fucking accept it somehow you bitches,
Nepokúšaj osudy, dilino novinar, Separ je chorý maniak.
Don't tempt fate, dumbass journalist, Separ is a sick maniac.
Nebudeme robiť, čo chcete, žijeme v bubline, vy nás motivujete,
We won't do what you want, we live in a bubble, you motivate us,
Svet okolo je umelý a chorý, p
The world around is artificial and sick, p
Od nechet si jebnite ihlu, nech sa preberete.
Stick a needle under your fingernails, maybe you'll wake up.
Nemôžem vidieť a nemôžem riešiť tie veci čo sa dejú okolo,
I can't see and I can't deal with the things happening around,
Mám svoju ženu, hudbu a parťákov, ostatné ľahlo popolom.
I have my wife, music and friends, the rest turned to ashes.
Všetko je naopak, choré je popiči a zdravé nevieme čo bolo,
Everything is upside down, sick is the new cool, and we don't know what healthy was anymore,
Hudba za drobné a ľudia bez duše sa bežne stávajú idolom.
Music for pennies and soulless people are commonly becoming idols.
Dám to na ex jak pikolo a za chvíľu odchádzam dopiče preč,
I'll down it like a shot and I'm fucking leaving soon,
Keď nechápeš čo ti tým chceme dať, sa prosím ťa hneď teraz lieč.
If you don't understand what we're trying to give you, please get treatment now.
V našej žijeme my, urob si svoju stráž ju jak pes,
We live in ours, make your own and guard it like a dog,
Mám piči, čo si kto myslí, jebeme do huby celý svet.
I don't give a shit what anyone thinks, we're giving the whole world the finger.

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