Separ feat. Tomáš Botló - Jemiedno! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ feat. Tomáš Botló - Jemiedno!

Nevidím problémy okolo mňa nejsú nikde,
I don't see problems anywhere around me,
Všade kam kuknem sa tancujú mindže,
Everywhere I look, minds are dancing,
Neriešim čo - bude zajtra som inde,
I don't care what tomorrow brings, I'm elsewhere,
Strácam sa rád som sám v labyrinte.
I love getting lost in this labyrinth alone.
Kde neni starosť, pocit je len mladosť,
Where there's no worry, only a feeling of youth,
Vystihuje to len slovo dokonalosť,
A word that perfectly describes it: perfection,
Znalosť - toho pocitu je top natrvalo,
Knowing this feeling is the ultimate high, forever,
Sme len tu a teraz tak všetko ide nabok.
We're only here and now, so let everything else slide.
Separ a Botló je dvojka jak oči,
Separ and Botló are like two eyes,
A je nám to jedno, skúste to pochopiť,
And we don't care, try to understand,
Nemôžeš ma vytočiť lebo mam svoj svet,
You can't make me mad because I have my own world,
Svetlá, pódiá, bordel a potlesk.
Lights, stages, chaos, and applause.
Je mi jedno, jaký máš názor na mňa,
I don't care what you think of me,
Keď si zaseknutý jak z nafúkania,
If you're stuck like a balloon,
Necítiš hudbu a nevidíš princíp,
You don't feel the music and you don't see the point,
Len meleš s hubu si laik, zmizni.
Just running your mouth like an amateur, get lost.
More G-funk muzika ležérny tanec,
More G-funk music, laid-back dancing,
Jak keď sa v lete opre vánok do holých vajec,
Like a summer breeze caressing bare balls,
Ty to necítiš, si mimo lebo vonku neni marec
You don't feel it, you're out of it because it's not March outside
Husiu kožu z pocitu neojebeš ty pojebanec.
You can't fool goosebumps with a feeling, you asshole.
Nechýba mi nič keď sa so Separom v klube potácam (potácam). Ruka hore, palec hore, drinky dáme dole, čas nestrácaj. Nestarám sa o to keď ma ona zvádza,
I don't miss anything when I hang out with Separ at the club (hang out). Hand up, thumb up, drinks down, no time to waste. I don't care if she's seducing me,
Je mi to jedno som sám sebe vládca. jéédnó-oóu!
I don't care, I'm my own master. I don't care-oh!
Ja - na ty rečí nemám čas lebo sa na-trá-sam,
I don't have time for your nonsense because I'm having fun,
A koľko som o sebe počul ani ne-rá-tam.
And I don't even count how much I've heard about myself.
Kľud bavím sa v nálade potápam
Chill, I'm having fun, I'm having a blast
A patkane sypú reči jak zrno kuratám.
And the rats are spewing words like feeding hens.
Tu a tam - to decentne preženiem s rumom,
Here and there, I overdo it with the rum,
Hop-čip čibi-rip sa valím jak sumo-u.
Hop-chip, chib-rip, I'm rolling like a sumo wrestler.
Ten kto ma hecuje sa stretáva s pumou,
Whoever messes with me meets a bomb,
Aj tak nový deň všetko zmaže jak gumou.
Anyway, a new day will erase everything like an eraser.
Nechýba mi nič keď sa zo Separom v klube potácam, ruka hore, palec hore, drinky dáme dole, čas nestrácaj. Nestarám sa o to keď ma ona zvádza,
I don't miss anything when I hang out with Separ at the club, hand up, thumb up, drinks down, no time to waste. I don't care if she's seducing me,
Je mi to jedno som sám sebe vládca. jéédnó-oóu!
I don't care, I'm my own master. I don't care-oh!
Yeah, aha.
Yeah, aha.
RAZ! Plný dom horí strecha.
ONE! The whole house is on fire, the roof is burning.
DVA! G-funk štýl mega.
TWO! Massive G-funk style.
TRI! som vyobliekaný, vyvolený hýriť s vami do rána.
THREE! I'm dressed up, chosen to party with you all night long.
Ja dobre viem blíži sa to ráno, je mi jedno lebo takto baví tó.
I know it well, the morning is coming. I don't care because this is how I enjoy it.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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