Knowing this feeling is the ultimate high, forever,
Sme len tu a teraz tak všetko ide nabok.
We're only here and now, so let everything else slide.
Separ a Botló je dvojka jak oči,
Separ and Botló are like two eyes,
A je nám to jedno, skúste to pochopiť,
And we don't care, try to understand,
Nemôžeš ma vytočiť lebo mam svoj svet,
You can't make me mad because I have my own world,
Svetlá, pódiá, bordel a potlesk.
Lights, stages, chaos, and applause.
Je mi jedno, jaký máš názor na mňa,
I don't care what you think of me,
Keď si zaseknutý jak z nafúkania,
If you're stuck like a balloon,
Necítiš hudbu a nevidíš princíp,
You don't feel the music and you don't see the point,
Len meleš s tú hubu si laik, zmizni.
Just running your mouth like an amateur, get lost.
More G-funk muzika ležérny tanec,
More G-funk music, laid-back dancing,
Jak keď sa v lete opre vánok do holých vajec,
Like a summer breeze caressing bare balls,
Ty to necítiš, si mimo lebo vonku neni marec
You don't feel it, you're out of it because it's not March outside
Husiu kožu z pocitu neojebeš ty pojebanec.
You can't fool goosebumps with a feeling, you asshole.
Nechýba mi nič keď sa so Separom v klube potácam (potácam). Ruka hore, palec hore, drinky dáme dole, čas nestrácaj. Nestarám sa o to keď ma ona zvádza,
I don't miss anything when I hang out with Separ at the club (hang out). Hand up, thumb up, drinks down, no time to waste. I don't care if she's seducing me,
Je mi to jedno som sám sebe vládca. Jé mí jéédnó-oóu!
I don't care, I'm my own master. I don't care-oh!
- na ty rečí nemám čas lebo sa na-trá-sam,
I don't have time for your nonsense because I'm having fun,
A koľko som o sebe počul ani ne-rá-tam.
And I don't even count how much I've heard about myself.
Kľud bavím sa v nálade potápam
Chill, I'm having fun, I'm having a blast
A patkane sypú reči jak zrno kuratám.
And the rats are spewing words like feeding hens.
Tu a tam
- to decentne preženiem s rumom,
Here and there, I overdo it with the rum,
Hop-čip čibi-rip sa valím jak sumo-u.
Hop-chip, chib-rip, I'm rolling like a sumo wrestler.
Ten kto ma hecuje sa stretáva s pumou,
Whoever messes with me meets a bomb,
Aj tak nový deň všetko zmaže jak gumou.
Anyway, a new day will erase everything like an eraser.
Nechýba mi nič keď sa zo Separom v klube potácam, ruka hore, palec hore, drinky dáme dole, čas nestrácaj. Nestarám sa o to keď ma ona zvádza,
I don't miss anything when I hang out with Separ at the club, hand up, thumb up, drinks down, no time to waste. I don't care if she's seducing me,
Je mi to jedno som sám sebe vládca. Jé mí jéédnó-oóu!
I don't care, I'm my own master. I don't care-oh!
Yeah, aha.
Yeah, aha.
RAZ! Plný dom horí strecha.
ONE! The whole house is on fire, the roof is burning.
DVA! G-funk štýl mega.
TWO! Massive G-funk style.
TRI! som vyobliekaný, vyvolený hýriť s vami do rána.
THREE! I'm dressed up, chosen to party with you all night long.
Ja už dobre viem blíži sa to ráno, je mi jedno lebo takto baví má tó.
I know it well, the morning is coming. I don't care because this is how I enjoy it.
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