Separ - Kedy? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Separ - Kedy?

Moja cesta začala niekedy v roku 2000,
My journey began sometime in 2000,
Nikto z nás netušil kam sa to dostane,
None of us had any idea how far it would go,
Ja vám ďakujem za to kde to je,
I thank you for where it is,
ďakujem sám sebe
I thank myself
Mal 13 rokov a sa mu dávno, dymilo z huby,
He was 13 years old and had long since been smoking,
Nevedel čo čakať od života, preto si nikdy nedával sľuby,
He didn't know what to expect from life, so he never made promises,
Ale vždy vedel jak nosiť náladu, dobrú náladu medzi ľudí,
But he always knew how to bring a good mood, a good mood to the people,
Mal to čaro, charizmu, iskru, jak letná záhrada plná ruží,
He had that charm, that charisma, that spark, like a summer garden full of roses,
Lmko, fontána do rána,
Lmko, a fountain in the morning,
To miesto kde sa zobudil
The place where he woke up
Dúbravka, hmla, tma
Dúbravka, fog, darkness
Zmizol jak Houdini z nuly
He disappeared like Houdini from zero
Na sto jak Veyron,
On the hundred like Veyron,
Jak Hurikán uniká mestom,
Like Hurricane escapes the city,
Ale cestou blúdi
But he wanders on the way
dni, keď svitá o niečo skôr a vnímaš život jak prúdi
There are days when it dawns a little earlier and you perceive how life flows
Cítim tlak, na hrudi, bežím nech mi neujde vlak
I feel pressure, on my chest, I run so I don't miss the train
Ten skurvený sup nad mestom krúži
That fucking vulture circles over the city
Kapucu polieva dážď
Rain is pouring on the hood
Nemám dáždnik je pre kokotov
I don't have an umbrella, it's for jerks
Tak dúfam že ho stihnem snáď
So I hope I can catch it maybe
To som ešte nevedel že lokomotívu budem jedného dňa navigovať sám
I didn't know then that one day I would navigate that locomotive myself
Opieram do koľají
I lean against the tracks
A podlahy sa míňajú
And the floors are running out
Jeden za druhým a to je kontinuita
One after the other and that is continuity
Svitá slnkom dorezaná tma
The darkness cut by the sun is dawning
Končí moja pohodlná anonymita
My comfortable anonymity ends
Zobral na seba rolu človeka
He took on the role of a man
Ktorého pozná celá rapová komunita
Known by the whole rap community
Nevedel kam to všetko vedie v slede
He didn't know where it was all going in sequence
Tak si na toto do dnes zvyká
So he gets used to this to this day

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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