Separ - Outro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Outro - Separtraduction en anglais

Ak si sa dostal, dostala sem,
Dear baby girl, if you've made it this far,
A máš doma originál dojdi na koncert nech ti ho podpíšem,
And you have an original at home, come to the concert so I can sign it for you,
Je tu druhý sólo album mena čo znamená flow,
Here is the second solo album of a name that means flow,
život, krv, pot, pod očami stovky monoklov.
Life, blood, sweat, hundreds of black eyes under my eyes.
Nejsom akože a vieš to, preto to ceníš,
I'm not a poser and you know it, that's why you appreciate it,
Stále jebem do papule rap jemný jak semiš,
I still spit in the face of rap as soft as suede,
Môj ťa dokáže postaviť na nohy preto mi veríš,
Mine can get you on your feet, that's why you believe me,
Som hrdý, sebavedomý a to nezmeníš.
I'm proud, self-confident, and you can't change that.
Plné kluby naše koncerty hystéria,
Full clubs, our concerts are hysteria,
DJ Miko, Pirát, zlato, žiadna bižutéria,
DJ Miko, Pirate, gold, no costume jewelry,
Nič mi neni, som top a to neni málo,
Nothing's wrong with me, I'm the best and that's not little,
No mám nohy na zemi, aby ma to nepolámalo.
But I have my feet on the ground so I don't break.
Pirát, tirák, cigáň, slimák, primát,
Pirate, gunner, gypsy, snail, primate,
Zajebem ťa do zeme jak zemák, džihád,
I'll bury you underground like potatoes, jihad,
Kopem jak chuť vypálených slivák,
I kick like the taste of burnt plums,
Píšem iba to čo vidím lebo som divák.
I write only what I see because I'm a spectator.
Cítim podporu, kým tu bude, tak tu budem,
I feel the support, as long as it's there, I'll be here,
Kým je komu volať, kým je rum v sude,
As long as there's someone to call, as long as there's rum in the barrel,
Byť diktátor vyjebaný je môj údel,
To be a fucking dictator is my destiny,
Monsignor Pirát, tak to je a tak to bude.
Monsignor Pirate, that's what it is and that's what it will be.
Díky moc.
Thank you very much.

Writer(s): Rufus Johnson, Obie Trice, Ondre Moore, Marshall Mathers, Steven King, Deshaun Holton, Luis Resto, Von Carlisle

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