Separ - Pirát Army - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Separ - Pirát Army

Pirát Army
Pirate Army
Nikdy to neboli handry, lebo to nejsú len handry
They were never just clothes, because they are not just clothes
Máš všetky tie veci na sebe a chodíš na koncerty lebo si skalný
You have all those things on you and go to concerts because you are loyal
Keď si moj pirát si Army, neni si jediný z bandy
When you are my pirate you are Army, you are not the only one in the gang
Toto posvetné veci, spojené so mnou a to nejsú srandy
These are worldly things, connected to me, and they are no joke
Nesnaž sa mi to tu zbúrať, lebo ťa neminie úraz
Don't try to tear this down because you are going to get hurt
V piatok a sobotu spájame sily a letíme nocou jak múra
On Friday and Saturday we gather our strengths and fly the night like a wall
Žerem klub jak zrúda, mazaj na miesto - búda
I eat a club like a monster, hurry up to the place - a booth
Všade naokolo pirátske vlajky, no ty si tu jediná trúba
Pirate flags all around, but you are the only fool here
Nééé, nemóže sa stať
Nooo, it can't happen
Nééé, vóbec neni jak
Nooo, it's not happening at all
Nééé, nemóže to prestať mať hype že?
Nooo, it can't stop being hype, can it?
Nééé, neprichádza pád
Nooo, the fall is not coming
Nééé, nejsi lepší jak my
Nooo, you are not better than us
Malý dilinko, vráť sa naspäť
Little booger, go back
Pevne nohami na zem, kto si ty? Jebe ti? Zalez
Stand firmly on the ground, who are you? Screw you! Fuck off
Takých jak ty naserem kýbel za minútu - naplním bazén
I can piss a bucket of people like you in a minute - I will fill a pool
V mene hudby - Amen
In the name of music - Amen
V mene rapu - Amen
In the name of rap - Amen
Pálim ich albumy, sledujem s radosťou to
I burn their albums, I watch it with joy
Jak žere ich plameň
As their flame eats
A je to vyjebaný kult, skurvený piráti - Capitan Hook
And it is a fucking cult, fucking pirates - Capitan Hook
Capitan Morgan cez ten hood
Capitan Morgan through that hood
Letím jak Batman, hashtag mood
I fly like Batman, hashtag mood
Chcem len rešpekt - kríže z rúk
I just want respect - crosses from hands
Nestoj v ceste - chceš ten zvuk
Don't stand in the way - you want that sound
Nemóžeš prejsť cez ten prúd
You can't go through that stream
Vlci - netvor - cez deň kľud
Wolves - monster - calm during the day
Štyrikrát do roka drop
Four drops a year
Všetky tie veci hrot
All those things are hot
Dizajny čo ti pojebú hlavu
Designs that will mess with your head
Jak skurvený ostnatý drôt
Like a fucking barbed wire
Hejterom kopeme hrob
We dig a grave for haters
Hejterom do huby glock
We put a glock in the haters' mouth
K.O. 500 percentný nárast predaja
K.O. 500 percent increase in sales
Len za posledný rok
In the last year alone
Sme všade jak smog... a zase mám bod
We are everywhere like smog... and I have a point again
Luckyboy selí tie veci za hranice z domu jak balíky - drop
Luckyboy sells those things abroad from home like packages - drop
Chceš sa pretekať? Poď... sorry zatiaľ nič moc
Want to race? Come on... sorry, not much going on yet
Nabehni do Ruky Hore a pozri tie sklady
Come to Ruky Hore and look at those warehouses
Našupu ti odpadne nos
You will lose your nose
Je toho dosť, čo tam je na výber
There is enough to choose from
Choď na a urobte svojím radosť
Go to and make yourself happy
Je to márne, sme na vrchole stále
It's in vain, we're still on top
JBMNT, Spirit, Pirát Army tri krále
JBMNT, Spirit, Pirát Army are three kings
Dezert a Detektor idú stále jako blázen
Dezert and Detektor are still going crazy
Zdravá Rivalita - my sa tu nepretekáme
Healthy rivalry - we do not compete here
Merch je viac jak oblečenie, zastupuje žáner
Merch is more than clothes, it represents the genre
Zastupuješ interpreta, na nič sa nehráme
You represent the artist, we are not pretending to be anything
Všetci jeden zámer ale sa nepodobáme
We all have one goal but we are different
Rap je viac jak hudba - je to jediné čo máme
Rap is more than music - it's all we have

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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